So what's actually wrong with her?

So what's actually wrong with her?

No bullshit conspiracy theories, childish misogyny or drama about shit that happened 30 years ago thanks

Other urls found in this thread:


Not today Bruce.

She don't have a stove in front of her and an apron on her.

It's fairly obvious that she doesn't believe in the stuff she's saying
She's copied Sander's platform
She's coasting off of PC voters
She's an avid supporter of big business which is inclined to get rid of Unions
Most of her campaign is financed by a few individuals who think their interests are more important than the nation's

And I'm disinclined to support such a terrible former Secretary of State

She's a salty old cunt.

She is a neocon puppet.

She's a cunt.

She will get votes based on the very fact that she has a cunt.

She's a cunt.

she wont make america great again

She's a lying, psychopathic warmonger who says you should vote her because she has a vagina

>do you choose voices to what hear

It's really difficult for some people to not be misogynistic. Kind of strange

fugg off

>Tumblr is that way

>Nignogs enslave their own people for hundreds of years


>Europeans buy said slaves from nignogs

*incoherent geheto rage*

>burn down the very place they live

she looks sick in the head
possibly insane, though all women are, but her levels look alarming

>Lincoln wanted to send these people back to Africa
>Butthurt southerner killed him before he could

Nice baitpost, jerk. I'll bite tho.

Hillary, Bill, and the Clinton Foundation are likely the most powerful entities in U.S. politics today, as exemplified in their roles as both public and private policy makers. Through favors, bribes, intimidation, and charm, this 'family' has wormed its way into possessing an outrageous amount of influence in the government, the media, private corporations, and religious institutions. These people are purely motivated by monetary profit and have often espoused the most politically expedient 'opinions' to sway voters and fool pundits who are infatuated with the powerful.

Hillary Clinton represents a culture of political elitism which is fundamentally divorced from the reality of a disenfranchised working class who need its policy-makers to work for them, not for extravagantly wealthy private donors.

>Hillary Clinton represents a culture of political elitism which is fundamentally divorced from the reality of a disenfranchised working class who need its policy-makers to work for them, not for extravagantly wealthy private donors.

Is there a presidential candidate that doesn't do the exact same thing?

Yes: Mickey Mouse and his running mate, Bernie Sanders.

She's a pretty bad liar.

Trump is self funded and Bernie is running on money that cucks donate to him.

Pretty much this. She stands for nothing.

She hasn't done jack shit besides be a clinton and a democrat...she maybe a little more qualifies than failbama but that's not saying much.

Trump's campaign is not self-funded. He made a $17 million loan to his campaign and will be getting paid back off of the donations he receives.
>ad hominem about cucks and Sanders voters

>what's wrong with her just don't give me facts m'kay

Holy shit. I knew about the 'boys on the tracks' but, wow.

>So what's actually wrong with her?
That nothing changes. Everything will be just as it is now.

With Trump or Bernie, it could be either or. Complete and utter shit, or a major improvement. OR the same as with Shillary, absolutely nothing changes, and the plebs feel betrayed (again). :^)
People are quite optimistic by thinking that cheap populism will make things automatically better.

Trump is better

Honestly? She's not much worse than most politicians.

But she's had a few high-profile scandals concerning integrity, but that's mostly due to her degree of scrutiny.

I personally don't like her but I find her more trustworthy and qualified than Trump.

Because I like Trump.

>Trump is better

Get the fuck outta here, Brazil. No one wants to get deformed babies from your silly Olympics.

>Identifies as feminist
>Gets the backing of SJWs
>Flip-flopped HARD on homosexuality, from stating prior to Obama's election that she believes marriage is between a man and a woman to now pushing gay acceptance as one of her selling points
>Still riding off Bill's popularity

The above shows that she's a two-faced opportunist who will do everything to stay in power. Combine this with the fact that her supporters are the very same people who want "safe spaces" in universities and what do you think will happen?

And here's the real kicker:
>Considers Merkel an example to be emulated


For what it's worth every politician changes their positions to garner support

Rubio was for a pathway to citizenship until the moment Trump made it uncool, and Trump himself was a democrat until recently

Obama also flip flopped on homosexuality.

This is America!!

I don't believe she'd dare to open up floodgates for Syrian refugees. It's too controversial. Actually kind of interesting that it's barely been a point of discussion in America

flip-flopping on social issues is in the very nature of leftist politicians

The whole e-mail affair was pretty bad.



Trump flip flopped on a lot of things too, everyone does


>For what it's worth every politician changes their positions to garner support

In all seriousness, Bernie Sanders' record is hugely consistent with a progressive, 'New Deal' Democrat perspective.


And rightist, if Trump is any indication

>voting for women

I dont really know much about american politics but even i know you people have to choose from shit candidates. Bernie seems like a reasonable dude but dont know what kind of faggotry he supports, Trump obviously knows his business shit but triggers the femnazis and SJW niggers.
But Hillary... JUST!!!!

Vote trump for dank memes and butthurt tbqh.

She's heavily influenced by corporate lobbyists, more so than most
Her popularity(even before God Emperor Trump) is mostly down to her being a woman
She bullied Bill's rape victims into silence(not a conspiracy theory, this actually happened)
Hillary and Bill do speaking engagements for hundreds of thousands of dollars and a few weeks later some legislation or regulation that is very beneficial to that company or organization is green lit seemingly out of the blue.

There are also concerns that she might have hurt herself more severely than she let on when she gave herself a concussion while working for the State Department and that might be impairing her judgement.

America was great while those things were happening. Nogs can get fucked

Basically she represents entrenched career politicians, which is increasingly unpopular. Many Americans are getting fed up with being courted during elections and then ignored (BY BOTH PARTIES so don't climb up my ass) the rest of the time. There's serious work to be done and Congress is basically just voting itself raises and putting on a show for the rubes back home so they can look like they put up a fight.

She's simply not to be trusted...
at all

only social-ish issue Trump flip-flopped on I can think of is war on drugs

Most of int is probably pro-Bernie in policy without realising it. If you really want to find out who aligns with your beliefs the most

Abortion, but that happened when one of his kids was born iirc. I think he was pro gay marriage for a while, but he flipped on that at some point


Abortion is a big one. He was vague on gay marriage for a while too

She knowingly broke the law by maintaining classified material on an unsecured private server.
She's in bed with every corporate sponsor that exists.
The Clinton Foundation is sketchy af, and basically functions like a slush fund.
She has few principles, and triangulates constantly.

The strange thing is that nobody even writes about bernie anywhere. Not neccesarily a bad thing since he doesn't raise a shitstorm everywhere he goes.

I think Bernie has some good ideas, but even if by some miracle he got elected, most of those ideas couldn't be implemented without being watered down to nothing by his opponents in congress.

That's what happens when 90% of the media is owned by six corporations. They tend to skew corporatist, imagine that.

try again

AaLtOjEn sUpErPoSiTiOpErIaAtTeEn mUkAiSeStI MyÖs tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlToJa vOiDaAn lAsKeA YhTeEn jA SaAdA JoTaKiN UuTtA

SyStEeMiÄ KuVaAvA AaLtOfUnKtIo. TiLoJeN LoMiTtUmInEn tAi kIeToUtUmInEn (EnGl. EnTaNgLeMeNt) TaRkOiTtAa sItÄ, eTtÄ YhDeN

HiUkKaSeN TiLa sIsÄlTäÄ InFoRmAaTiOtA MyÖs jOnKiN ToIsEn (MaHdOlLiSeStI HyViNkIn eTäIsEn) HiUkKaSeN TiLaStA; mOlEmPiA

HiUkKaSiA SiIs kUvAa yKsI, mUtTa aVaRuUdElLiSeStI JaKaUtUnUt, AaLtOfUnKtIo. LoMiTtUnUt tIlA/AaLtOfUnKtIo vOi sYnTyÄ

EsImErKiKsI KaHdEn hIuKkAsEn tÖrMäTeSsÄ TaI JoNkIn hIuKkAsEn hAjOtEsSa uUsIkSi hIuKkAsIkSi. KvAnTtImEkAnIiKaN ErIkOiSuUs

oN, eTtÄ EpÄtArKkUuSpErIaAtTeEn mUkAiSeStI YhDeN HiUkKaSeN TiLaN MiTtAaMiNeN VaIkUtTaA MyÖs tOiSeN LoMiTtUnEeN

HiUkKaSeN TiLaAn, Ja tÄmÄ TiLaN MuUtOs tApAhTuU VäLiTtÖmÄsTi.
KvAnTtImEkAnIiKaN MuKaAn sChRöDiNgErIn yHtÄlÖä nOuDaTtAvIiN AiNeHiUkKaSiIn lIiTeTäÄn aAlToFuNkTiO, jOnKa aVuLlA VoIdAaN

EnNuStAa eRiLaIsTeN MiTtAuStEn tOdEnNäKöIsYyKsIä. EsImErKiKsI ElEkTrOnIeN KaKsOiSrAkOkOkEeSsA HaVaItTu

iNtErFeReNsSiKuViO VoIdAaN SeLiTtÄä tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlToJeN KeSkInÄiSeN VuOrOvAiKuTuKsEn aVuLlA, eIkÄ ElEkTrOnIn sItEn

nÄhDä kUlKeVaN KlAsSiSeStI VaIn tOiSeN RaOn kAuTtA. hIuKkAsTa kUvAaVa tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlTo vOi sIiS MuOdOsTuA UsEaMmAn

aAlLoN SuMmAnA, sUpErPoSiTiOnA. kUn hIuKkAsEn tIlAa mItAtAaN, nIiN LoPpUtUlOkSeEn vAiKuTtAvA ErI TiLoJeN SuPeRpOsItIo

hÄvIäÄ VäLiTtÖmÄsTi jA HiUkKaNeN AsEtTuU HaVaItUlLe tIlAlLe. TäMä iLmIö oN KoKeIsSa hAvAiTtU PiEnIlLe - kVaNtTiMeKaAnIsIlLe -

hIuKkAsIlLe, MuTtA MiTä tApAhTuU JoS HiUkKaSeT SuUrEnEvAt mAkRoSkOoPpIsEeN MiTtAkAaVaAn sAaKkA? mAkRoSkOoPpIsIlLa

hIuKkAsIlLa oN TuNnEtUsTi kOkO AjAn tÄsMäLlInEn tIlA, jOtEn kVaNtTiMeKaAnIsEn ePäMäÄrÄiSyYdEn tUlEe aRkIjÄrJeN MuKaAn

jOsSaIn vAiHeEsSa hÄvItÄ, kUn sIiRrYtÄäN AtOmItAsOlTa mAkRoSkOoPpIsIiN KlAsSiSeN FySiIkAn kApPaLeIsIiN.
sChRöDiNgErIn kIsSa -TiLoIkSi kUtSuTaAn nIiTä tIlOjA/AaLtOfUnKtIoTa, JoIsSa tArKaStElLaAn pUhTaAsTi kVaN

Polish posters are hardly representative of int. You're all right wing religious nutjobs

And you're a gommie cunt

Australian posters are hardly representative of int. You're all left wing homosexual nutjobs

America is pretty fucked up in many ways tbqh.
We got our own problems too but nothing like this shit. Cant even imagine living in a country that big and diverse with 300million people.

Just look at her and tell me she hasn't bad intentions...

>So what's actually wrong with her?
>You're not allowed to mention the things that are wrong with her though lol

looks like a fucking sneaky reptilian to me

1. She's solidly establishment (even worse than normal), bought and sold.

2. She will push petty social issues like "muh wage gap" and BLM to maintain division and fear.

3. She has a terrible foreign policy record as secretary. Starting from Benghazi, also Libya, to Russia taking Crimea and encroaching on eastern europe, to China encroaching on the south sea, and finally to ISIS, our enemies are bolder and more dangerous thanks to our ineffectivity. Her as Commander in Chief is a nightmare scenario.

4. Her felonies and willing disregard for their severity. This kind of irresponsibility and belief of being above the law and standards isn't something you want in the most powerful office.

She gloats about getting anything she wants and shuts down her opposition as "sexist" or some other social pejorative. Categorically terrible candidate.

You can buy favours from her:

Even if you are a foreign power:

She fucked up Ukraine, believe she can ust yell "Reset" and other actors would return to their former positions and let her try again:

She is owned by Wall Street:

She sucks Israeli cock:

Can someone explain why the big banks on Wall Street donates to Hillary? I mean, I thought they would favour republican policies like tax breaks and deregulation? What policies make Hillary attractive to Wall street?

Trump is better, he's more idiot than Bush but at least we have who to laugh at. Clinton has her "things" to do...

>I thought they would favour republican policies like tax breaks and deregulation?
Republican policies fuck with corporations moreso than Democrat policies. You can dodge tax hikes, you can't dodge competition taking a portion of your market share

>What policies make Hillary attractive to Wall Street
She can be bought. Buying a politician is almost always a sound investment for a corporation

>epublican policies like tax breaks and deregulation?
You mean Democrat policies. The deregulation that lead to the crisis of 2007-2008 was done under Clinton. Obama protected the banks from any political backlash.

Hillary is simply a known quantity, a solid right wing warmonger who will protect Wall Street.

Bernie is a class enemy, Trump is an unknown who speaks against banks.

I hate Clinton as much as the next guy but 99% of those deaths had nothing to do with her.

AaLtOjEn sUpErPoSiTiOpErIaAtTeEn mUkAiSeStI MyÖs tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlToJa vOiDaAn lAsKeA YhTeEn jA SaAdA JoTaKiN UuTtA SyStEeMiÄ KuVaAvA AaLtOfUnKtIo. TiLoJeN LoMiTtUmInEn tAi kIeToUtUmInEn (EnGl. EnTaNgLeMeNt) TaRkOiTtAa sItÄ, eTtÄ YhDeN HiUkKaSeN TiLa sIsÄlTäÄ InFoRmAaTiOtA MyÖs jOnKiN ToIsEn (MaHdOlLiSeStI HyViNkIn eTäIsEn) HiUkKaSeN TiLaStA; mOlEmPiA HiUkKaSiA SiIs kUvAa yKsI, mUtTa aVaRuUdElLiSeStI JaKaUtUnUt, AaLtOfUnKtIo. LoMiTtUnUt tIlA/AaLtOfUnKtIo vOi sYnTyÄ EsImErKiKsI KaHdEn hIuKkAsEn tÖrMäTeSsÄ TaI JoNkIn hIuKkAsEn hAjOtEsSa uUsIkSi hIuKkAsIkSi. KvAnTtImEkAnIiKaN ErIkOiSuUs oN, eTtÄ EpÄtArKkUuSpErIaAtTeEn mUkAiSeStI YhDeN HiUkKaSeN TiLaN MiTtAaMiNeN VaIkUtTaA MyÖs tOiSeN LoMiTtUnEeN HiUkKaSeN TiLaAn, Ja tÄmÄ TiLaN MuUtOs tApAhTuU VäLiTtÖmÄsTi.
KvAnTtImEkAnIiKaN MuKaAn sChRöDiNgErIn yHtÄlÖä nOuDaTtAvIiN AiNeHiUkKaSiIn lIiTeTäÄn aAlToFuNkTiO, jOnKa aVuLlA VoIdAaN EnNuStAa eRiLaIsTeN MiTtAuStEn tOdEnNäKöIsYyKsIä. EsImErKiKsI ElEkTrOnIeN KaKsOiSrAkOkOkEeSsA HaVaItTu iNtErFeReNsSiKuViO VoIdAaN SeLiTtÄä tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlToJeN KeSkInÄiSeN VuOrOvAiKuTuKsEn aVuLlA, eIkÄ ElEkTrOnIn sItEn nÄhDä kUlKeVaN KlAsSiSeStI VaIn tOiSeN RaOn kAuTtA. hIuKkAsTa kUvAaVa tOdEnNäKöIsYySaAlTo vOi sIiS MuOdOsTuA UsEaMmAn aAlLoN SuMmAnA, sUpErPoSiTiOnA. kUn hIuKkAsEn tIlAa mItAtAaN, nIiN LoPpUtUlOkSeEn vAiKuTtAvA ErI TiLoJeN SuPeRpOsItIo hÄvIäÄ VäLiTtÖmÄsTi jA HiUkKaNeN AsEtTuU HaVaItUlLe tIlAlLe. TäMä iLmIö oN KoKeIsSa hAvAiTtU PiEnIlLe - kVaNtTiMeKaAnIsIlLe - hIuKkAsIlLe, MuTtA MiTä tApAhTuU JoS HiUkKaSeT SuUrEnEvAt mAkRoSkOoPpIsEeN MiTtAkAaVaAn sAaKkA? mAkRoSkOoPpIsIlLa hIuKkAsIlLa oN TuNnEtUsTi kOkO AjAn tÄsMäLlInEn tIlA, jOtEn kVaNtTiMeKaAnIsEn ePäMäÄrÄiSyYdEn tUlEe aRkIjÄrJeN MuKaAn jOsSaIn vAiHeEsSa hÄvItÄ, kUn sIiRrYtÄäN AtOmItAsOlTa mAkRoSkOoPpIsIiN KlAsSiSeN FySiIkAn kApPaLeIsIiN.
sChRöDiNgErIn kIsSa -TiLoIkSi kUtSuTaAn nIiTä tIlOjA/AaLtOfUnKtIoTa, JoIsSa tArKaStElLaAn pUhTaAsTi kVaNtTiMeKaAnIsEeN SyStEeMiIn

Bernie is a European style socialist and Islam apologist, so "no"

kReIkKaLaInEn kIrJaLlIsUuS Ja kUlTtUuRi kOkI KoVaN KoLaUkSeN, kUn aLeKsAnDrIaN KiRjAsTo pOlTeTtIiN Ja rOoMaN VaLtAkUnTa mIeHiTtI KrEiKaN. tIeTeEn jA FySiIkAn kEhItYs kEsKeYtYi oLeElLiSeLlA TaVaLlA VaRhAiSkEsKiAiKaNa, MuTtA AlKoI HiLjAlLeEn eLpYä sYdÄnKeSkIaJaLtA LäHtIeN. aRaBiEn aNsIoStA PaLjOn tIeToA On sÄiLyNyT AnTiIkIn kReIkAsTa. ArAbEiLlE SuUnNiStAmInEn jA LaSkEmInEn oLiVaT TäRkEiTä, JoTeN TiEtEeT OlIvAt oLeNnAiNeN OsA ArAbIyHtEiSkUnTaA. uSkOnTo sUhTaUtUi mYöS TiEtEeSeEn sUoPeAsTi, AiNaKiN AlUkSi. 800-LuVuLlA ArAbIeN TiEdEkEsKuKsEkSi kEhItTyI BaGdAd, JoNnE PeRuStEtTiIn vIiSaUdEn tAlOkSi kUtSuTtU KoRkEaKoUlU.[11] kOrKeAkOuLuSsA KäÄnNeTtIiN KrEiKkAlAiStEn tEkStEjÄ ArAbIaKsI Ja hArJoItEtTiIn oMaA TuTkImUsTa. ArAbIeN NyKyIsEeN EsPaNjAaN PeRuStAmAt lAaJaT KiRjAsToT OlIvAt oLeNnAiNeN OsA KuN EuRoOpPaLaIsEt aLkOiVaT KäÄnTäÄ AnTiIkIn lÄhTeItÄ ArAbIaStA LaTiNaKsI.

1600-lUvUlLe aStI TiEtEeSsÄ VaLlInNeEt kÄsItYkSeT OlIvAt eTuPäÄsSä pErÄiSiN RaAmAtUsTa sEkÄ ArIsToTeLeEn jA MuIdEn aNtIiKiN FiLoSoFiEn oPeIsTa. LoPuLtA KiRkOn vAlLaN RaPiStUmInEn sEkÄ MaAiLmAnKuVaN MuUtTuMiNeN Ja uUdEt iNnOvAaTiOt aLoItTiVaT TiEtEeLlIsEn vAlLaNkUmOuKsEn, JoNkA KaTsOtAaN AlKaNeEkSi vUoNnA 1543, JoLlOiN NiKoLaUs kOpErNiKuS JuLkAiSi dE ReVoLuTiOnIbUs oRbIuM CoElEsTiUm -TeOkSeN. kOpErNiKuS KuOlI PiAn jUlKaIsEmIsEn jÄlKeEn. KaToLiSeN KiRkOn vAlLaN MuReNeMiSeEn vAiKuTtIvAt kIrJaPaInOn kEhItTäMiNeN Ja kIrKoN SiSäIsEt oNgElMaT.

YhTeNä sUuRiMpAnA FyYsIkKoNa pIdEtTy gAlIlEo gAlIlEi vAsTuStI NäYtTäVäStI KiRkOn oPpEjA. gAlIlEi lOi pOhJaN KlAsSiSeLlE FySiIkAlLe jA HäNtÄ KuTsUtAaN UsEiN KlAsSiSeN FySiIkAn iSäKsI. gAlIlEi tEkI PaLjOn lIiKkEeSeEn lIiTtYvIä tUtKiMuKsIa. YkSi kUuLuIsImMiStA TaRiNoIsTa oN, eTtÄ GaLiLeI PuDoTtElI ErI PaInOiSiA KaPpAlEiTa pIsAn kAlTeVaStA ToRnIsTa. GaLiLeI HuOmAsI MiTtAuStEnSa jA ArIsToTeLeEn oPpIeN VäLiLlÄ RiStIrIiDaN: kApPaLeIdEn pUtOaMiSaIkA Ei rIiPu kApPaLeIdEn mAsSaStA. gAlIlEi kEhItTi mYöS NyKyIsEn tIeTeElLiSeN MeNeTeLmÄn, JoNkA MuKaAn tEoRiAn jA KoKeIdEn pItÄä oLlA SoPuSoInNuSsA. mUiTa gAlIlEiN AiKaLaIsIa oLiVaT ChRiStIaAn hUyGeNs, JoHaNnEs kEpLeR Ja bLaIsE PaScAl. SaMaLlA VuOsIsAdAlLa tErMoDyNaMiIkKa aLkOi kEhItTyÄ NoPeAsTi. Jo gAlIlEi eSiTtI LäMpÖmItTaRiN ToImInTaPeRiAaTtEeN, mUtTa vArSiNaIsEsTi tErMoDyNaMiIkAn iSäNä vOiDaAn pItÄä oTtO VoN GuErIcKeA, jOkA KeHiTtI 1650-lUvUlLa eNsImMäIsEn tYhJiÖpUmPuN.[12] tErMoDyNaMiIkKaA KeHiTtIvÄt vOn gUeRiCkEn jÄlKeEn mUuN MuAsSa tHoMaS YoUnG Ja rObErT BoYlE.

TiEtEeN VaLlAnKuMoUs kUlMiNoItUi vUoTeEn 1687, jOlLoIn iSaAc nEwToN JuLkAiSi tEoKsEnSa pHiLoSoPhIaE NaTuRaLiS PrInCiPiA MaThEmAtIcA. tEoKsEsSaAn nEwToN EsItTeLeE LiIkElAkInSa, JoHoN KlAsSiNeN MeKaNiIkKa pErUsTuU. pRiNcIpIaSsAaN NeWtOn eSiTtElEe pAiNoVoImAlAkInSa sEkÄ MuUtAmAn tEoRiAn kOsKiEn vIrTaUsDyNaMiIkKaA. mYöHeMmIn kLaSsIsTa mEkAnIiKkAa mUoKkAsIvAt jA LaAjEnSiVaT ErItYiSeStI LeOnHaRd eUlEr, JoSePh-lOuIs lAgRaNgE, wIlLiAm rOwAn hAmIlToN Ja mOnEt mUuT, jOtKa tEkIvÄt uUsIa lÖyTöJä tEoReEtTiSeN FySiIkAn aLaLlA.

VuOnNa 1738 DaNiEl bErNoUlLi jUlKaIsI TeOkSeNsA HyDrOdYnAmIcA, jOkA KäSiTtElI StAtIiKaN TeOrIaA Ja nEsTeIdEn lIiKkEiTä. SaMaLlA TeOs lOi pOhJaN KiNeEtTiSeLlE KaAsUtEoRiAlLe. KuUsIkYmMeNtÄ VuOtTa mYöHeMmIn bEnJaMiN ThOmPsOn hAvAiNnOlLiStI, kUiNkA MeKaAnIsEeN TyÖhÖn kÄyTeTtY EnErGiA MuUtTuU LoPuLtA LäMmÖkSi, Ja vUoNnA 1847 jAmEs jOuLe sAi mItAtUkSi, MiKä mÄäRä mEkAaNiStA EnErGiAa vAsTaA MiTäKiN LäMpÖmÄäRäÄ. tÄmÄn pErUsTeElLa hErMaNn vOn hElMhOlTz eSiTtI YlEiSeN EnErGiAn sÄiLyMiSlAiN.

VuOnNa 1808 JoHn dAlToN EsItTi ePäSuOrAsTi mAlLiN, jOkA ViItTaSi aToMiEn oLeMaSsAoLoOn.[13]

fYsIiKaN SuUrImPiIn tUtKiMuSaLuEiSiIn kUuLuI 1800-lUvUlLa sÄhKö. RoBeRt bOyLeN, sTePhEn gRaYn jA BeNjAmIn fRaNkLiNiN 1600- Ja 1700-LuVuLlA TeHdYt tUtKiMuKsEt kOsKiEn sÄhKöÄ AnToIvAt eDeLlYtYkSeT SäHkÖn tUtKiMiSeLlE. nÄmÄ TuTkImUkSeT JoHtIvAt sÄhKöViRrAn jA JäNnItTeEn hAvAiTsEmIsEeN. eNgLaNtIlAiNeN FyYsIkKo mIcHaEl fArAdAy eSiTtElI NäKeMyStÄ MaGnEtIsMiN Ja sÄhKöN YhDiStÄmIsElLe. TäTä hÄn hAvAiNnOlLiStI LiIkUtTeLeMaLlA MaGnEeTtIa jOhTiMeN YmPäRiLlÄ SiTeN, eTtÄ JoHtImEeN InDuSoItUi jÄnNiTe.[14]

sKoTlAnTiLaInEn jAmEs cLeRk mAxWeLl eSiTtElI 1800-lUvUlLa yHtÄlÖnSä, JoIsSa hÄn kUvAa sÄhKö- Ja mAgNeEtTiKeNtTiÄ SeKä nIiDeN VuOrOvAiKuTuStA. nE JoHtIvAt mYöS PäÄtElMäÄn, EtTä vAlOkIn oN SäHkÖmAgNeEtTiStA AaLtOlIiKeTtÄ. 1800-LuVuN LoPuLlA SaKsAlAiNeN WiLhElM RöNtGeN LöYsI RöNtGeNsÄtEiLyN Ja sAi hAvAiNnOsTaAn eNsImMäIsEn nObElIn fYsIiKaNpAlKiNnOn.

iHmIsEn uSkO FySiIkKaAn jA MuIhIn tIeTeIsIiN KoHoSi nOpEaStI HuIpPuUnSa. 1800-lUvUlLa tEhDyT VaLtAvAt lÖyDöT SaIvAt iHmIsEt uSkOmAaN TiEtEeSeEn jA SiIhEn, EtTä tIeDe rAtKoO KaIkKi iHmIsTeN OnGeLmAt tUlEvAiSuUdEsSa.


>says that she admires Angela Merkel more than any other politician
>praised Dilma Roussef as the global standard for government transparency

And what's truly horrifying is that people will vote for her BECAUSE OF these things

>says that she admires Angela Merkel more than any other politician
americans please... just dont vote for her

She's not enough of a jewish cuck to appeal to millenials.

>Jewish cuck

Sanders would be the most anti-Israel president in America's history.



>The deregulation that lead to the crisis of 2007-2008 was done under Clinton

The deregulation of financial markets had been happening since the 80's, and it was just one of the many factors that caused last decade's crisis.

Isn't that the shit flashplayer tries to trick you to install everytime theres a new update?
Fuck that shit program.

>Bernie supporters
people who want free shit and make a great living flipping burgers.
None of his policies even work if you actually get down to numbers on who would pay for it

he resigned and left the company in 1994

Bernie is slightly better than her.

I still hate him

I threw up a little


Bernie himself seems like an okay guy honestly.
I disagree with his policies but I wouldn't mind hanging out with him.

occupy democrats