Which programming language/technology should I learn if i want to get a job?


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there are plenty of jobs that do not require you to learn any programming language or technology

Learn Go-go, I guess.

I was thinking a Sup Forums job





I'll back this.



Rust XD

What manga is this grill from?

Python ^_^

If you want an actually serious answer, learn Java and/or JavaScript if you want to have it as easy as possible to find work.

Pic related, chart of the amount of times a language was mentioned in a job listing.

looks like all the faggots got a hardon for node.js so go for lame Javascript

Anything but Python if you prefer a culturally diverse environment

Python if you want to work with the most intelligent people in the world.

Whatever you do, don't learn Javascript. It's a total meme.

Sup Forums is getting subtle these days

Do you want to learn a common language with lots of jobs but even more people aiming for these jobs offers?
Then chose in the languages of and be very at the language you chose.

Do you want to know an uncommon language with very few offers but even fewer contestants?
Then chose Fortran / COBOL / … (old languages still in use in the industry), and when they ask you how much you’d like to be paid, ask them how much they can pay you at best and compare with your other job offers. But be aware that this is risky and one day no one might not need you anymore, and you’ll need to learn something new if you don’t want to stay unemployed.

And if you want to have a good salary and you are not afraid of using your brain, learn cyber security, in my country companies struggle having good cyber security engineers because they always leave as they received a better offer (even public companies)

Somersault, that’s a three chapter hentai (and a quite good vanilla)

Typically Java/C#. Check your local job market but generally Java/C# is the default enterprise language.

For some reason C# is extremely prevalent in my area though, only a few shops still using Java. Guessing it's a Microshit enterprise package though

javascript is the only real answer

>Somersault, that’s a three chapter hentai (and a quite good vanilla)
That's literally [spoiler]cp[/spoiler]
What the fuck


Awful languages, but you'll have to make do if you want a job.

jk btw