Monkeyzilian here

Monkeyzilian here

Hell, I knew the 3rd world is shit, but seeing it with your own eyes, it really hurts

it makes you wonder what could have been, you realize that your life has been a lie, that you live in absolute shit

hell, there's not a single aspect that Brazil wins, even the food and the girls here are much superior


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could be worse i suppose at least you were born into a good age

yeah it could, I could've been born in africa or something but it's still shit

Please go around Europe and hold lectures about how awful multiculturalism (i.e. Brazil) is.

no way, I want to get in this shit too

wait 6 months and you will miss home, specially in Switzerland which is boring as fuck


Switzerland is full you bastard


Too true - get to Italy!

what about lithuania? Oh no forget it, lithuania hahaha
i'm not in your cold ugly desert thank god


lol , I've been many times in switzerland. not all you see is gold m8. after 2 months you want to commit suicide. I speak for myself but I would't be able to live in a country without prostitution ,,rapes and these kind of things.
enjoy your journey tho.

perfection drives people to suicide? lol you guys

also, thinking about going there to smoke le weed and ride the boats

>hell, there's not a single aspect that Brazil win
I agree. I'll leave this godless land as soon as I can.

>perfection drives people to suicide?
why do you think first world people kill themselves?

There's only one thing I miss here, the fucking ass shower

Toilet paper is horrible, my ass is smelling like literal shit
which first world people?

>South Korea

do you have bidets in brazil? in the hotels i was there these shitty bidets that were too awkward to clean my ass

I came here less than a month ago from argentina and I agree

If I ever had to go back I'd probably just kill myself

some homes do, but most have this thing, it really cleans your ass
I think I'll be depressed for the rest of my life when I go back and try to come back some away

I'm sincerely sorry you have to

I think it's all in the diet - stuff yourself with enough baked goods and your poop comes out in one clean solid lump. But I dunno, I never tried an ass shower - how do you avoid splashing water other clothes

Thankfully I have portuguese/italian heritage so I can try something in portugal (which is miles away better than brazil, I stayed for 3 days in O Porto and wtf, it's so much better, cleaner and organized than brazil too (although it doesn't come close to Switzerland) I really thought I would find complete shit there, I really believed that it was borderline 3rd world, but it's great
Sometimes my shit goes out clean, but sometimes it doesn't, you just stay seated on the toilet and put the shower behind you, then the water doesn't splash too much

some jets are so strong that they enter your ass and you end up shitting the water

This country sucks really hard, but leaving your homecountry and family to become a split subhuman in any 1st world country don't worth it.

what do you exactly mean?

He means he's jealous.

Did you immigrate with your family? will you ever get a decent job in the new country? do you know how the new country works as much as your native country?
Dunno what is your case, but in my opinion, if the answers of these 3 questions are "no", then a comfy life in a 1st world country doesn't worth it.

You thought Switzerland is 3rd world country?

Why are Hungarians killing themselves?

People who dont move because "muh family" are retards.

Not poor enough to be 3rd world, not rich enough to be first. You work at some shit job with shit pay, have loans, don't have lot of free time and future doesnt look good

Yeah, leaving them to wash bathrooms is a great deal.

>the girls here are much superior
come to finland only place in europe with the hand bidets

I have one of these here and I never thought of using it. Cold water in the ass doesn't sound so appealing.

You can all wash bathrooms together.


I...d-dont know...I just don't want to go on anymore

Finally. I got a (You) from Denmark.

Akshully Hungarian, but no problem my berimbao compadre

Parabéns pela conquista, irmão. Espero que você esteja vivendo bem.

he's talking about portugal

I get what you're saying, but unskilled workers here end up earning more money than graduated people in brazil and live a better, more comfortable life

illegal immigrants in the USA buy new cars after 3 months of work

Also, no country works worse than brazil so it's fine

things in 1st world are made to work properly and fast
what's funny?
>come to finland only place in europe with the hand bidets
I really considered going there, but it doesn't look like there's shit to do other than tasting mämmi
I'm only travelling, kek

Chupar um pau

Don't come if you're a dumb uneducated monkey, but feel free to come if you aren't.

This is what everyone here thinks about this but doesn't want to say.

aren't people there completely used to BRs yet? It's basically a brazilian colony at this point

No, we aren't, and no, it isn't.

There are 2 or 3 white brasilians in my uni that are nice and completely integrated but I have personally never spoken to the (few) apezilians that look like they just came out of a favela, no one does.

lol how do they act? they're like favela pardos?

>lol how do they act?
Idk, I have never interacted with them, but they look like favela pardos.

Ops. kek De qualquer maneira, viagem já é uma conqui$ta grandíssima considerando a $ituação atual do país.

But you have seen them act from a distance, right?

Too bad 4 @ U.

I love this shithole.

Not even joking.

No, I have seen them from a distance, usually in the process of going from one place to another looking, hardly any time to observe anything interesting.

Did you ever go to 1st world?

Yep, half of europe desu.
From spain to germany, them italy then back home.

Awesome trip, I will re do it in the future. BUt there is a difference between going there as a tourist and living there.
Berlin for example, was awful.

Its a city where everybody feels lonely togheter.

Yeah I can't understand you, I think you just found reasons for self-denial, because the country in painfully shit right now

I mean, at least Brazil was a cute 3rd world 15 years ago, but now it's totally shit, there's no reason to like it at this moment and in the next few years

Also "where everybody feels lonely togheter" what does that shit even mean rofl

The same applies to Portugal tbqh, at the first opportunity of a temp job abroad somewhere like Switzerland I'm taking at least a break from this shithole.

Let me guess. Are you a gommie?

If yes, why are you ruining another countries?

Portugal is no shithole, believe me, it's great

Sei lá. Não foi a Alemanha em si mas em Berlim, parece que todo mundo está em constante estado de depressão.
Não gostei mesmo. Os planos era de ficar lá por 3 dias, mas saímos de lá no segundo.

E sobre a Huelândia, bom, já era de se esperar depois de 15 anos de esquerdismo no poder.
E apesar da nossa situação horrível hoje, pelo menos agora temos uma possibilidade de recomeço e com isso, eu tenho uma esperança quer nunca tive antes.

By the way, if you go to Basel, please, send my regards to Novartis.

Ritalin is the shit!

>are you a gommie
why would you reach that conclusion? wtf?


Fuck off

I've been to Brasil so I know what I'm comparing to, it's great if your definition of greatness is >muh sunshine and >muh weather when people a couple of countries over earn 3 times more for the same work and everything works.

Nothing here works properly which you'd know if you lived here, though the country is obviously made so that tourists don't realize this.

And yet he say he is not a gommie.

>ass shower
quit proxying gringo
i am yet to see a ass shower in brazil, are you from fucking northeast?


I'm mad now. If I move to a first world country I would never go to Europe.

kangz n shiet

>ass shower

My sides, confirmed for a Paraiba or Carioca with proxy.

Que merda, eu odeio esquerdismo e ele está tomando de conta da Europa. Quero um lugar livre de esquerdismo, a Europa não é um deles.

>Sei lá. Não foi a Alemanha em si mas em Berlim, parece que todo mundo está em constante estado de depressão.
>Não gostei mesmo. Os planos era de ficar lá por 3 dias, mas saímos de lá no segundo.
"Porque parece que todo mundo está em estado de depressão" é motivo que faz o Bostil ser melhor que a Alemanha? PQP cara
>E sobre a Huelândia, bom, já era de se esperar depois de 15 anos de esquerdismo no poder.
>E apesar da nossa situação horrível hoje, pelo menos agora temos uma possibilidade de recomeço e com isso, eu tenho uma esperança quer nunca tive antes.
E se eu fizesse este post no meio do ano passado, quando nem havia sinal de Impeachment?
I don't give a shit about this, I want my quality of life that I would have regardless of a handful of muslims doing shit
it worked more than BR

>I want my quality of life

Well, in 30 or 40 years all of this will become shit due to marxism.

No thanks, I prefer Australia.

>it worked more than BR
But much, much less than other EU cunts, even spain. You didn't notice it because things are made so that tourists don't experience these situations

Eu não disse nem impliquei que o Brasil é melhor que Alemanha. Só disse que não gostaria de morar em outro lugar.
Metade de morar em outro lugar é a geografia, e nisso eles nos ganham, óbvio. Mas a outra metade é o povo, e puta merda. não gostei mesmo.

E no ano passado já havia sinais de impeachment quando o pessoal do MBL estavam nas ruas. Sei porque estava lá.

A thread like this TODAY.

Let me guess, just another butthurt gommie.

Cry more, faggot, and keep dreaming getting schengen visa.

>A thread like this TODAY.
>Let me guess, just another butthurt gommie.

It's so fucking obvious. Also it's a proxy.

Tens sítios na Europa como a Itália central (à volta de Roma) que dão 50 - 0 ao Brasil em termos de qualidade de vida e têm o "povo" que tu não tinhas em Berlim

De que adianta falar de qualidade de vida se é um continente cheio de gente velha e tudo isso vai virar um grande califado? Eu gosto de pensar em longo prazo.

I'm fucking 22 do you think I fucking care about me at 60 years old

also, they will not let this situation go on for much longer

and Australia is shit tier
Já entendi tudo, descoladinho de boteco que qué zuá mt com os amigo e comê as mulé tudo da facul xdd
Oh I see why they're saying I'm a commie now rofl funny shit

Não gosto de sírios, mas obrigado por me avisar.


Bons memes, mas visto que já viajei por meia Europa e já fui ao Brasil, sei bem do que falo, e vocês também pelas imbecilidades que responderam.

magyarország rohadás


A época dos memes terminou com os ataques terroristas de Paris e da Bélgica, Manuel. Daqui pra frente, pelo nível de marxismo do seu continente, nada vai melhorar.

Quem dera mano.
Minha vida sexual está tão parada que meu pau já está com teia de aranha.

E novamente, eu estava falando do pessoal de Berlim em si. Eu gostei da Itália e da Espanha (por incrível que pareça).

Volte sempre. Traga Euros :D

>Portugal is no shithole, believe me, it's great

lol g8 b8 m8

>Yeah I can't understand you

The reason people like Brazil is because 99% of the population is borderline retarded, so even someone dumb with an engineering degree can get a job in some shitty company who will pay him a decent money and he will work very little.

In Europe he can only be a street cleaner because most people are more intelligent and qualified.

Tem gente que ainda duvida que isso é um samefag? Todo mundo sabe que o OP é um comuna de proxy. Por que morderiam?

Cara, você não pode decidir que gosta mais do brasil só por causa do povo
hahahaahahahahhaha he can meme people! look ah him!
He's saying that because he's a descolado who likes to scream in bars

Por que o Sup Forums é cheio de comunista? Chamar o povo daqui de retardado logo hoje? Dilmanta óbvio.

Cala a boca, coxinha.

>22 years

Ok, proxy. Somente "descolados" vão pra Europa.

Claro que posso.
Na real, os padrões que cada pessoa usa pra gostar de qualquer coisa são pessoais.

Por mais imbecis que meus motivos pareçam ser pra você, eles são o que são.

Não é só por ser brasileiro, mas é um pouco de nacionalismo também. Eu não consigo me ver "fugindo" do Brasil pra outro lugar pro exemplo por causa da corrupção e da violência.

Me parece melhor ficar aqui e tentar arrumar.

Que o int é cheio das crianças da dilmãe ele é mesmo, mas por que tão falando que o OP é esquerdista?

yep, d-don't come here, we're awful and poor

>Claro que posso.
>Na real, os padrões que cada pessoa usa pra gostar de qualquer coisa são pessoais.

>Por mais imbecis que meus motivos pareçam ser pra você, eles são o que são.
Poder pode, mas é errado e irracional, eu não gosto de fazer coisas erradas SABENDO que estão erradas

>Me parece melhor ficar aqui e tentar arrumar.
Mas você nunca vai arrumar nada no BR, é um ninguém

based Alberto Barbosa gibe moni pls

Pode até ser, mas acho difícil mudar.
Mesmo que ganhasse sozinho na Mega Sena, provavelmente me mudaria apenas pra outro estado, mas não outro país.

E sim, sou um ninguém. Fazer o que....

Tens mais hipóteses de morrer por motivo alheio no Brasil do que por uma bomba aqui.

>Daqui pra frente, pelo nível de marxismo do seu continente, nada vai melhorar.
Mesmo que estagne durante 500 anos continua a ser melhor do que o Brasil, vais estar morto e enterrado antes de veres convergência entre as duas regiões do mundo.

E com sítios como a Itália central não tens desculpas do estilo >muh povo e cultura

The Swiss only have hot chocolate and meatballs and their women suffer from diminished gluteal syndrome. They're neutral for fuck sake. You're food are better than this and so are your women. Hold your head up. Hold your head up. Hold your head up. Hold your head high.

>Mesmo que estagne durante 500 anos continua a ser melhor do que o Brasil

Baseando-se em quê? Meu amigo, Brasil é um país gigante, não faço parte de trafico de drogas nem vivo em metrópole.

Taxa de fertilidade é algo que precisa ser reposto muito rápido, vão fazer o que? Em apenas uma ou duas décadas já vai ter país daí com maioria muçulmana.

Sua mente é terrível pra pensar em longo prazo. Seu continente vai ser entregado de mão beijada pra califados.