Why do Americans put corn on their pizzas? Do they think seriously freedom is acting like a dumb retard?

Why do Americans put corn on their pizzas? Do they think seriously freedom is acting like a dumb retard?

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Mama mia!

Authentico pizza Italniano!

>eating vegetables

we put corn on pizza?


corn sucks desu desu

what the fuck?

Lies.. Its all LIES!

What's bad about putting corn on pizza?


Americorns love corn.

You can't put corn on a pizza.

I put corn on pizza, bite me,.

>hasta la pizza

èèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè dio cane

not until theres corn on you


>You can't put corn on a pizza.
I need a logical explanation behind this.

>eating frozen pizza

who the fuck puts corn on a pizza

literally have never seen that before, not sure why it's getting sold as "Pizza Americana"

here's the topping options at my local pizza place which is pretty characteristic of most options

we have pizza al pastor

I really like corn potage, but corn a shit vegetable desu.


I've only seen this in Europe. As with lots of other shit, euroqueens like to think they know everything because they see some dumb shit in lidl and make there opinion based of that.

No one puts corn on their pizza on this continent

This looks amazing desu

Ban Europe from making pizza, now!!

I hate corn, and especially those stupid americorns who think they can put whatever they want on a pizza !

It's because corn is native to the Americas. It started as wild maize, and native Americans cultivated it.


Who cares? Just eat it, not a hard thing to do

Corn on pizza sounds like something scandis would do

My German dr. prescribed me this

you probably live in some deserted flyover town in the middle of nowhere.

Real americans on the coasts eat corn pizza

>pizza !
do you put a space before a question mark in italian too ?



Real pizza does not exist outside New York in the US

But, you can. Hawai pizza with pineapples and a lot of hot sweet caramel.

Yes. Hm. I'm in love again.

I hate to tell you this Giuseppe, but that frozen pizza in the OP was made in Italy.

kek no, I did it only to triggers ameribigs.
Putting a space before question or exclamation marks is a think only retards and french do...so yeah, only retards do.

what the fuck, corn on pizza tastes great

Is there sweet pizza in your country?


get out of my country, amerifat expat

i'm not American, I live in California, I immigrated from Mexico

Source on that gif please. On another note, does the CR have some connection with vampires? I watched this movie called Valerie and Her Week of Wonders and that had vamps in it too.

lol i was born in Rome you finocchio

This is a lie from hell. Go to a pizza party here and you will find

>ask americans why they put corn in pizza
>immediately post european made "pizza americana" with corn on it
>the box even has EURO price

I'm glad our soldiers raped your Italian women, cousin.

America is a country made up of immigrants. You are american



Yeah, it's called a tart.

I'm not a citizen, just living here for a year

vete a la verga guey

TV Show True Blood. Not as far as I know, just a coincidence.

Why is fennel an insult in Italian?

That looks disgusting. To each their own though.

Clearly not an American product.

That actually looks good.

Authentic pizza to Italians is their mothers making it.

>an Italian product based on an American product based on an Italian product

it's one of our ways of saying "fag"

what the fuck is this?

never seen pizza with corn on it.


This is the sort of thing that a stoner would think of when he was hungry as shit but too lazy to leave the house. And if you were high enough it might not even be half bad, honestly.

Never actually seen it done though.

Corn on pizza is not a thing on this continent. But literally every pizza place has Hawaiian. (ham and pineapple)

w-we put corn on some kinds of pizza too

mexicana for example, one of my favorites and it has corn

Corn actually doesn't taste bad on pizza desu.

You can put almost anything on pizza and it will taste good.

Hey. Corn on pizza is a brazilian thing. It's not seeen on mass produced frozen pizzas, let alone pizzarias. But most popular (as in poorfag) supermarket chains have locally made pizza with corn and other cheap toppings on them, probably so that people don't complain about a lack of topping.

fucking SHUT the FUCK up

Only the Japanese do that.


pic related is one of the first google image search for "pizza de supermercado" (supermarket pizza)

dont EVER fucking reply to me again

American from the North East here. I have never seen anyone eat corn on pizza. This is not unheard of; things are often marketed in Europe as 'American' but are completely non-existent in the United States. I assure you, corn on pizza is more popular in Europe than in the United States, purely because it was a European invention that is pretending to be American.

Why not just have a corn meal crust instead?

Sorry Italy but America makes much better pizza than your country, we have a wide variety and most of it is superior to your basic pizza.

>not enjoying meme pizzas


You never tried authentic corn


no,truely,americans put pizza on their corns !





Every one of them manages to be worse than the previous one.

So authentic Italian pizza = my dick wet?

What about Caramel pizza with apples, chopped nuts and vanilla. Am I the only one who would kill for this?

sounds good, but I wouldn't pass up salty and greasy meat for it

That's not a pizza anymore. It's just a fucking cake.

This is the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen

nice banter south italia

we invented it, we'll put whatever we want on it

We don't put corn on our pizza

Why do Italians love getting butthurt over us? It's a little pathetic 2bh. Lmao

Pretty sure that is unique to the Midwest, bro.

even we don't put corn on pizza

I had no idea gypsies ate pizza. Come to think of it, what the fuck do gypsies eat? Other than pizza, apparently.