Have you tried to stop using the internet and start reading books or watching movies or something else?...

Have you tried to stop using the internet and start reading books or watching movies or something else?? I am really tired of being a slave.

Much of my internet use is watching documentaries and listening to non-fiction podcasts, so there's a happy medium. For me the internet is mostly how I get at stuff rather than actually interacting with people.

I just finished state and revolution by Vladimir Lenin. I'm reading a lot of Marxist-leninist literature.

i also was 16

>I also was 16

I already do that but I still have too much free time left

Yeah OP. I try to read a bit every day, I really like reading so it tends to escalate from there. As long as I keep up the habit, otherwise I may regress to just shitposting all day.
I sometimes watch movies - I tend to arrange it as sorts of "theme months", like this month I'll watch 15 horror movies or 15 French new wave pictures or something.
Photography is good, it makes you go out and if you get into it, you can achieve a kind of "flow" state. I enjoy film photography as developing the photos yourself is an interesting process, it is fun to dick around with some chemicals and try out different methods.

Lately I've been trying to read some Julius Evola because all of a sudden everyone seems to know about him thanks to some "alt-right" idiots liking him. He was a fascist shithead and I hate his reading of Nietzsche, but he was an interesting person, for sure.

Funny, my marxist-leninist phase was actually when I was 16. Nowadays I'm still an honest communist but in a more ambiguous way, I like Zizek and Badiou.

Nice. Read Rosa Luxemburg next.

Yes. Unfortunately books don't cut it and all my hobbies require occasional internet access.

I'm not a Marxist-Leninist but I'm reading some of their stuff.

jesus, are you prepping for a debate with a commie or something?

No. I am a commie.


I can't even stop obsessively following the news. i still read books though.


Whether you read books, browse the internet, watch movies etc, you are still consuming media and are a slave.

How are you supposed to read books and watch movies without the internet? I've been trying to cut back on imageboards and watching twitch. These are the biggest most unproductive sites that I use. I always seem to go back to them though.

>I am really tired of being a slave.
what did he mean by this?

What should i do to stop being a slave?

Stop being a wage slave.

Create something, play an instrument, even programming.

>get up
>go to work
>go home
>go to bed

>get up
>shitpost on Sup Forums
>go to bed

Get yourself banned from Sup Forums then realize that capitalism enforces wage slavery and theirs really nothing you can do about but read marx and wait for the ineviable proletariat revolution.

>playing an instrument is less slavery than learning about the world
I mean like I understand if by "books" you mean Harry Potter but otherwise just no. Reading classic fiction will give one insight into human culture and reading non-fiction can give information about anything, broaden horizons etc.

Nothing wrong with creation btw, learning is simply very important to even make creating anything worthwhile.

if I made a figure from my poop, would it mean I am not a slave anymore?

>Being a communist/socialist

>Le capitalism is bad meme
Yeah, compare how many capitalist states versus communist states there are and you'll see that the writings of a 19th century armchair philosopher are not only impractical but illogical compared to advances in modern day human evolutionary psychology and biology compared to Darwinism, which at least has been proven to true

Sort yourself out

*compared to Darwinism
due to the study of Darwinism