Post your town city flag

post your town city flag

this is mine

it has berries on it








Mine has its name on it.




Mine has




Interesting. What do the berries mean?

Why are they on an iceberg? What does the blue signify? Why is the southern cross upsidedown? What does the two waves mean? Why are there 12 berries? Why are there 8 ice peaks? What's the significance of having the stars on the right side rather than the left? Why is there so much empty space on the flag? Have they not taken account of positive vs negative space? Why does one berry NOT have a shine?

It has a swan on it to show our support for monogamy and constant battle against cuckoldry.

This is an animeposting thread fuck off

Gay as fuck desu

My city doesn't have a flag so I'm posting the flag of my region

God damn it

It's absolute garbage


looks like some starwars logo.


good flags
Would be top tier flag without the cacti desu

Buenos Aires master race

what the fuck is this shit...


