Post yfw everything is now programmed in javascript

With hardware getting better everything will soon be programmed in JavaScript. JavaScript back ends are already there, next is JavaScript OS, JavaScript kernel, JavaScript machine code

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I guess we'll be reverting to the 1940s then

Embedded JavaScript is already around OP, get with the times.

Honestly, I think stuff like Arduino's Process and Galileo and so on are a good thing because they lower the bar for doing DIY electronics and microcontrollers. Who doesn't do something fun with their Raspberry Pis for example.

dumb frogposter

>mfw there are people on Sup Forums who are wasting their time learning Java and C#instead of the language of the future , javascript

>you can't learn more than one language


Why did it have to be Javascript? Why couldn't it have been literally any other scripting language?

At least the Java in JavaScript doesn't mean Java...

cause they basically didn't exist, javascript will die when webassembly comes around BUT webassembly will be awful and much more dangerous.

what the hell is this crap
>The wasm stack machine is designed to be encoded in a size- and load-time-efficient binary format.
Is it like a JVM or what?

>yfw wasm will kill js and make all the leddit code artisans unemployed

yeah its like a bytecode level VM in a browser. You can compile target to wasm and then bytecode blob will run.

>Why couldn't it have been literally any other scripting language?

Polite reminder Javascript's only serious competition was VBScript. Be careful what you wish for.

>much more dangerous.

What are you basing this on? What do you think a wasm vm will do that js engines don't already?

So I suppose the idea is that you can compile various languages to wasm so we can do away with messy transcompilers.
If so, that seems like a breath of fresh air.

Javascript is actually one of the best embedded programming languages in existence. It's only real competitor is Lua. It makes sense that it's showing up everywhere. That's what it was made for.

Remember, huge amounts of money and highly skilled people are being applied to the problem of making Javascript good in every way. Forget node -- think V8. Those guys are making Javascript fast and fully featured.

Lua is a simple enough language to implement and has already got a state of the art compiler that's among the fastest dynamic language implementations ever.

Honestly if you're still shitposting about Javascript you're the real pajeet

javascript is already harmful as fuck but wasm won't be as easily introspectable. Also, perl.

Yeah, its also sort of a google counter to asm.js which turned a subset of javascript itself into an assembly interpreter you could target. Pretty fucking horrifying.

>think v8
>low performance JS engine on the backend
not even comparable to LuaJIT.

Because the best paradigm for embedded & extensible programming languages is prototypes. Javascript has objects with prototypal inheritance, Lua has tables.

That single feature is responsible for the unprecedented freedom those languages give you when it comes to extending the host system they are embedded to.

Javascript is a much more complex language than Lua. It makes sense that it'd be harder to implement.

>google counter to asm.js

wasm isn't a google project, it's cross-vendor; moreover asm.js was only ever intended (very cleverly) as a catalyst to force browser vendors to develop an optimized transpiling target language. It was designed for obsolescence from the start and its developers willingly conceded as soon as there was broad interest in WebAssembly

I might be wrong but I'm guessing V8 had a lot to do with the explosive adaptation of js. Would like to hear from someone that uses js extensively though.

its also nondeterministic as fuck, any language that would be usable and fast will be unrecognizable as javascript.

Right, but most of that broad interest was from google pressure/money. They were already losing in the JS engine performance race anyway.

>Javascript is actually one of the best embedded programming languages in existence.

unsubstantiated opinion

>It's only real competitor is Lua. It makes sense that it's showing up everywhere. That's what it was made for.


>Remember, huge amounts of money and highly skilled people are being applied to the problem of making Javascript good in every way. Forget node -- think V8. Those guys are making Javascript fast and fully featured.

appeal to popularity and authority

>Lua is a simple enough language to implement and has already got a state of the art compiler that's among the fastest dynamic language implementations ever.


>Honestly if you're still shitposting about Javascript you're the real pajeet

old meme

Feels good. Programming a tool, not some philosophical exercise. Being able to work in one language for everything makes shit just werk.

lmao, man, just like everything, it will be done it shit tier NPM or other then moved to C

Chrome has a majority marketshare, there aren't many other places money and interest are going to come from within the space of browser vendors, though incidentally those other entities were on board, too.

It sounds like you're posing this as google's nefarious pet project when in the long-term it was largely foisted on everyone by Mozilla and no one happened to be less than enthusiastic about it anyhow.

Battery technology does not go along with Moore's law. This is the bottleneck now for things like embedded JS/Ruby/Python to be relevant. You simply cannot afford losing 1 hour of runtime because of running a shitty VM as backbone of your application.

Nah, it was always inevitable. It's a shame that nowadays nothing can progress without google's help though.

let fuckyou = {};
best freaking OOP outthere

first O in OOP means Object, not Class

JavaScript is pure degeneracy. See It's like one of those esoteric programming languages except it is used in "production" environments.

Just because hardware is getting faster we don't need to compensate for that with a slow as hell scripting language.

Daily reminder: If you refuse to use a certain programming language you're a shitty programmer.

>yfw once WASM has DOM access and GC support and completely destroys JS

RAM performance also has not been improving as fast as CPUs have. Many applications may be bottlenecked by an inability to properly use cache because of being written in JavaScript.

I will refuse to use COBOL, and will not take any jobs that involve COBOL programming.

>he thinks i couldn't learn JavaScript in 20 minutes

You could learn enough javascript to be harmful, but not enough to get hired. Buzzword frameworks need to be relearned every few months anyway.


>someone makes a huge industry
>the city its in prospers and attracts people
>hey guys its a good idea to go there and see what it's all about
>I mean that's where the money and people are




Yeah, that would be really disrespectful towards Java

>missing out on all that money and guaranteed employment at absurdly comfy institutions


You're the cancer that's making present day software more and more restrictive. Kill yourself.

Basically. Unlike JVM the bytecode was designed to be easily verifyable, but that isn't a trivial thing to do.
I expect a couple of hotfixes, similar how Silverlight got a couple of holes fixed.

The other downside is of course that debugging and inspecting the source will be less practical, but thanks to minified js that was a moot point before.

It's not about hardware getting better. It's about programmers getting shittier and that utter clusterfuck we call the Web being what draws most new ones into the field.

I'm old enough to remember late 90's when JS was a new thing. Literally _everyone_ with any kind of programming experience (and these were pre """webdev""" days) was treating JS like typographers treat Comic Sans: as a retarded redhead stepchild. Two decades later an 95% of "programmers" are webdev fucking artisans trying to convince you JS is cool and hip and "actually LISP with C syntax" (even though they've never used either). I guess once you put in the effort to learn all of JS's pitfalls, inconsistencies, and bad design decisions, you have a hard time accepting it shouldn't (and wasn't meant to) be used for anything other than simple DOM manipulation.

the various minifyings and packings and other less useful obfuscations were always around but it was all done clientside, you could modify the DOM API itself to make it easy for debugging.

>objects are literal key-value store
>can annotate random objects with your own data
>most extensible language ever
>will eventually gain rich metaprogramming capabilities
>free spec, open standards, free software implementations



Javascript is an absolute trainwreck, have fun with all those () and {} bracket clusterfucks

>language syntax identical to any other
>this is the reason javascript is bad

>not using non-minified js for debugging during development


>reading js library code

js is like radiation exposure, you definitely do not want to go into the reactor to "see why it isn't working".

limit your yearly exposure

This. Complete clusterfuck. Requires looking at some python for eye bleach.

>what is async/await

Part of the latest spec.
It took years for JS to fix itself.

what about muh lisp

I don't mind JS

You can have sourcemaps for WebASM sources, too.


Yes, but it's better now.

js syntax really disgusting

>Who doesn't do something fun with their Raspberry Pis for example.

90% of Sup Forums who bought one and gave up on their projects

That is not an argument.

>Better now
>IE6 still a release target
Legacy will never let that be true.

It is when half the running browsers still don't implement said feature.
Even node only took it off harmony last year.

That's on the browsers and implementations, not on javascript.

>supporting IE6

Certainly not me. I'm submissive in bed but I'm not that much of a cuck

>trying to counter after getting destroyed this hard
You lost this one, sorry senpai



>language syntax identical to any other
u wot m8

javascript syntax ultimately descends from C, all C-like languages have he same obsession with brackets and braces

Except Classes are inherently objects.
You can have an empty class, it doesn't mean it's not an object.

>Rust and Python have the same syntax because they're ultimately based on C design principles
Do you realize how retarded you sound right now?

You mean the language which is most notable for ditching braces and using whitespace instead?
Thanks for demonstrating your autistic retardation.

VBScript would have been better

Nobody would ever have liked it so it would be used sparingly.

Do people actually think javascript is good?

Is this just a joke that's gone too far?

Maybe it's some form of masochism?

Personally I do use javascript regularly. It's just so easy and fun to write, even though I know it's terrible and messy. I have some cognitive dissonance but it feels so good. Kind of like fucking a fat chick.

What is spark? Ada?

That sounds exactly like what a pajeet would like tho

Can't be used for real time applications, regardless of how powerful your hardware is.

Sounds like crippled Lisp to me.

Neither Python nor Ruby belong to "C-like" family of languages (which includes C++, Objective-C, C#, D, Perl, PHP, Java, JavaScript and at least a dozen lesser known ones). Python was actually designed as a successor to ABC laguage, from which it took meaningful whitespace. In the case of JavaScript, it was Netscape's deliberate "marketing" decision to make the syntax Java-like (and give it its stupid fucking name later on) because Java was considered the shit back in 95.

t. pajeet