Linux is free

>linux is free
>critical functionality requires a botnet account
Explain this.

Other urls found in this thread:

((((centralized)))) """software""" repository is already a dead giveaway
Its okay if just drivers and updates but centralizing everything is very doubtful

>using a product made by canonical
Run away from this company as much as you can.

There actually no other distribution that officially supports livepatch.

You're not obligated to use it, it's not a critical functionality but a special service provided by canonical. It's much better than for example microsoft who thinks encryption is a premium feature and in the future running win32 applications will be considered a premium feature.

>60 day free trial

>uptime is not critical

If HPC can live without so can you.


obtano unity is literally cancer

install MATE

There are other, free methods of live patching

Free as in freedom, yes

I don't see an issue here

Unless you run a server or something that really needs to be running all the time then no. If you need to do this pretty sure that company will prefer to pay for proper support support even if you can try to setup that by yourself.

Hurd will not have this problem.

>linux is free
Thats a meme, shilled by Open Source fags.

In fact, Linux hasn't been Free Software since 1996, when Mr Torvalds accepted the first pieces of non-Free Software in the distributions of Linux he has published since 1991.

Hurd doesn't have the functionality to have problems arise.

but OP, Linux is nonfree software
who told you that it's free?


These are probably the same people who complain about opt-out telemetry in Windows.

ksplice, amirite?

Also, Install NT + Windows 7®™©

There's business models based on open source, for example selling support or services like in this case. The advantage of being open source is that you can drink from the contribution of the community but at the same time you must accept the project can be used by others to make business without starting from scratch. Unless you make money by preaching how proud you're about how you wrote all your tools from scratch. Otherwise and unless you have a good reason going open source is probably the best compromise for most business. Hell, even microsoft is starting to play with the idea.

Adressing directly what you guys said: The existence of those blobs doesn't make less free most of the kernel which is free as in freedom, but yeah, it would be nice for those companies to open source those blobs.

doesn't every distribution support kexec ?

Ok, please tell me in what way an optional service clearly directed at enterprise compares to something pushed into their users throats in an environment where you cannot know if it can be completely disabled and with a TOS that basically tells you that you must accept anything they want to do with your computer?

It's designed for business, not consumers.

KSplice on Red Hat and variants.

>you cannot know if it can be completely disabled

>TOS that basically tells you that you must accept anything they want to do with your computer?
I couldn't find anything like that in here.

>inb4 quote from microsoft online services agreement
Bing, Hotmail, OneDrive and Office 365 are not Windows.

Can you show me please the code where data recollection is disabled? But seriously, if Microsoft had a good record on being an ethical company that plays fair and never abuses their users most probably no one would doubt on them. The problem is that they've burned their bridges multiple times in the past.

>Your privacy is important to us. Some of the software features send or receive information when using those features. Many of these features can be switched off in the user interface, or you can choose not to use them. By accepting this agreement and using the software you agree that Microsoft may collect, use, and disclose the information as described in the Microsoft Privacy Statement (, and as may be described in the user interface associated with the software features.
>Not all
Really makes you think.

>inb4 quote from microsoft online services agreement
his statement applies to the Microsoft products listed below, as well as other Microsoft products that display this statement. References to Microsoft products in this statement include Microsoft services, websites, apps, SOFTWARE and devices.

meant to bump.

Fuck, saged again by mistake.

Free as in freedom, not as in free money.

Just use Open Suse : ^ )

>Can you show me please the code where data recollection is disabled?
I haven't personally seen anything that would suggest otherwise. And I looked.

>>Not all
>Really makes you think.
Well you "can't" disable things like activation.

There's an entire section specifically for Windows.

>Well you "can't" disable things like activation.
Well, then as i proved is a matter of trust. They don't specify what are those parts that cannot be disabled.

>There's an entire section specifically for Windows.
True but the part i quoted is at the start of the text and the first part seems to refer to "Microsoft services, websites, apps, software and devices".
It is reasonable to think that the part before the section that refers to Windows involves all the mentioned categories at the start of the text?

Choose one

It does involve all categories, but in the sense that it summarizes everything not that it applies to everything.
Using Windows obviously doesn't collect your phone number, gender and payment information.

>he thinks Microsoft would ever allow anyone to fully opt-out of Windows telemetry

True but there neither says that doesn't applies to windows.
If you gonna put an specific section for every product what is the purpose of putting a general section before? None of those says "this doesn't applies to windows", it only states the obvious: that not all the services necessarily recollects all the listed kind of data and that they recollect different kinds of data depending on what they do.

>opensuse is the only distro with working thumbnail view in file picker
>opensuse now also supports live patching
why didn't you switch to opensuse Sup Forums?

>critical functionality
That's where you're wrong, fucko. I use Ubuntu as my daily driver, and have never used or needed this service.

If you are a business and you have a product, then you are going to support some sort of horizontal scaling behind load balancers. You could take hosts out 1 or N at a time based on your fleet size, patch, and reintroduce behind the vip. This is a non-essential feature, but if you are so inclined you could implement it yourself as others have mentioned.

it's a kernel feature, and there are not one, but at least two mechanisms, you fucking retard

go back to 14.04


found your problem

Actually it does collect your gender. You can very easily make a reasonable guess at someone's gender based on any number of other data sets.

Solus doesn't have this issue.


if you mainly visit facebook and Sup Forums, you're a man. if you mainly visit facebook and pinterest, you're a woman

>load balancer running linux
>i need to reboot the load balancer to update the kernel

>implying XFCE doesn't have file picker thumbnails

It doesn't.

Same with Solus

How does trolling benefit you?

Thanks for confirming that you're a lying, paid shill.

>unironically using kevinOS

Same thing on Solus.

I love how you forgot to edit out the program that's currently opened.


Average Windows user everyone.

Who do you think I am?


Forgot screenshot lmao

Ok, Pajeet.

Nice thumbnails for ants, retards. Enjoy having to check all your images one by one anyways.

>I am retarded and I can't read the documentation
Sometimes I wonder how you people end up on Sup Forums

Actually this feature/lack of feature is related to the libraries the program is created with. The file picker that doesn't have an icon view is the one from gtk2 and gtk3. There's a patch for adding this on gtk2 but i haven't been able to found a similar one for gtk3.

Regarding the gtk3 file picker afaik they haven't ruled out completely the posibility of having a proper icon view, it's listed under "Niceties that we don't have" in this page:
However i don't think someone it's working on this right now.

Regarding what was mentioned about opensuse that file picker comes with plasma 5, so any distro that ships plasma can have that file picker but the program needs to call that file picker. Chrome/ium does this for example. The default Qt file picker is pretty bad and lacks almost any feature (notice it's not the same the kde file picker than the default qt file picker). However afaik making a qt5 program to detect the environment and load the appropriate file picker (for example on windows it loads the windows file picker, on plasma it loads the plasma file picker and on gnome it loads the gtk file picker) it's easy. In fact i remember to read that since qt5 it's automatic if you want but correct me if i'm wrong.

In short, this depends on the libraries the program uses, not on a specific distros. Also a distro could ship a patched version of the gtk2 file picker or a patched version of firefox to use the plasma's file picker but i doubt most packagers would want to do that.

>Live patching

>run haproxy
>move the fucking vip
>reboot the host that used to have the vip

you see komred
linux is only kernel
open source, always free
ubuntu ≠ linux

You can just do it yourself? Some faggot probably already wrote a script for it. You don't need to pay another sysadmin to do it for you, faggot.

You are NOT a business.

duh its free, bait... is always free child.

ubanto gnome is all u neet desu

>You can just do it yourself
>Some faggot probably already wrote a script for it
You have no idea what you're talking about.
If that was the case then arch would already support it and there would be a wiki entry about it.

Literally Jeremy Irons wymyn edition.


>his uptime depends on single servers.



First of all, it should be opt-in. Secondly,
>implying you actually can opt-out

Do it goy, you won't feel a thing.

Hahaha so funny video xD
