Give me a quick rundown on this guy.

you won't get a rundown that's worth your time on Sup Forums
you'll only get le niggger xddd

>quick rundown
stop-and-frisk you mean xD

yo hol up

I want to creampie him

Made money giving high production quality style reviews early on. Started mailing it in when he got popular.

tech nigger is best nigger

he hasn't tanked harder than other reviewers tho

Any review from before the google pixel came out is legitimately good. He has nice effects and good quality on his footage. He knows what he's talking about.

The biggest problem is le DBrand Skin that he constantly shills, but they sponsor him, so whatever.

All in all, 7/10. Not the best tech reviewer, but I like him more than Linus.

niglinus with phones



he doesn't have knowledge or inisght
he's just another label reader
he's one level under unboxfaggot when it comes to shilling

Seems like I was too late for the quick rundown.

what is the meaning of his shirt?

Intelligent, smart (no those two things are not the same), well spoken, educated, fairly thorough in his opinions (they're not reviews), covers the bases as expected, does a great job overall, is very successful, and yes he's considered to be "Black."

In other words, he's hated by probably 99% of you fucking punks for every one of those reasons and more that I just don't give a fuck about going into.

Deal with it.

He's a nigger

He says nigger with a hard r.

He is alright, good android reviews IMO and quality footage + background music.



Literally talks about dope all the time

White guy soul inside of a rare high level genetics nigger body


dope dope yo dawg dope end.
Every video

Doesn't really say anything bad about a product that would make you not buy it.


it's a way to market himself. Not really any other reviewers do that, a sort of trademark, not the best, but it stands out.

The only reason I still occasionally watch his videos is because he has very high quality, crispy af cinematography

his videos are gorgeous honestly and are a really good way to look at phones

does he offer any insight that can't be found by just reading the first news article that pops up about the phone, no, but his videos are a good way to lean or get an overview about some phone if you don't wanna read news articles

Reading articles about different phones? No need, just go buy the previous gen iphone.

yo man I got a new phone here this shit is dope
its got amoled
its got a battery
its got snapdragon
I'm gonna upload this video to youtube in 8k, so crispy

i hope you get