Is this why they didn't release Windows 9 and jumped to 10 immediately?

Is this why they didn't release Windows 9 and jumped to 10 immediately?
OMG Microsoft are a bunch of pussies that are scared of a possible meme.
> tfw when you realize MS is secretely hitler and they got scared of it.

Other urls found in this thread:,startswith("windows 9"

Kek. This is actually very possible.

Apparently there is a LOT of software out there which just checks whether the wangblows version starts with a 9 (Win 95/98) instead of checking the complete version name, so calling it 9 would have probably fucked everything up even more

Don't be a sheep and believe what (((they))) tell you.

I dont buy this one, you could just have an internal name for that stuff, right?
Call it win9 or x9 or 8+1

thats what i read as well

Quality post

There's already 9..It's called 8.1

But that would mean 10 is 85 worse than 95.
and 95 is worse than running even linux.

pic related didn't stop apple from making iOS 9, and not a single one thought iOS 9 had anything to do with OS 9. windows users are probably not as intelligent as apple users, but they are not this stupid

Yeah the whole 7, 8, 8.1, 10 thing is retarded

Technologically, even 10 had a "10.1" already, at least one of the major updates a ~year back had to completely reboot your computer a few times and reinstall stuff which is exactly how 8.1 was deployed.
They just don't tell you the name.

And one this year.

Yeah and i prefer it like that, just get me the latest piss you will force on me - no need to call it rain

Windows 8.1 Embedded Industry Pro

something about pajeet code that would have got windows 9 mixed up with windows 95 98

I'm at least 85% sure nobody is trying to run software written for Mac OS 9 on their fucking iPhone

Well, instead of naming their operating system Mac OS 10 they named it Mac OS X. So it's not like Apple doesn't make stupid numbering conventions either.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they call it "Windows 10 anniversary edition" or something like that?

X is just the roman way of writing 10 retard, it's literally pronounced 10

This, it is a well known fact

X means 10.

There isn't 'alot' of software for macOS

Yes, but they didn't use roman numerals for their previous versions.

instead they made it 2 digits which fucks up even MORE programs

(you) must be at least



school to post on Sup Forums.

Please go away and don't come back unless you manage at least a GED.

Does your school teach you to count mixing arabic numerals and roman numerals?

Does your school teach you?

What is windows 8.1?

Yes they do teach me to count properly. Maybe you should come to my school.

And it's not unheard of for apple to do things a bit different from others.,startswith("windows 9"

I work in sales and pretty much everyone I work with calls it OSX (oh ess ecks)

>(oh ess ecks)
>(oh ess fork)


I have a friend that says stupid variations of words like that. It's annoying as shit and you should stop.

.. I don't get it

it was because of this and windows 95/98

>wild microsuck shill enters the thread

Lrn2read bucko.

Nobody thinks it's funny when you make up your own words.

we've know windows were nazis for a long time xD

Yes but it's like a "patch name" nowadays, quickly forgotten, 10 sticks on its own after the dust settles.

What is not 9?

>Amazon swindle

So fucking childish, sticks and stones and all that...


if (os.startsWith("Windows 9")) {
// Windows 95/98