Can someone tell me of a non-cancerous place where I can read about programming?

Can someone tell me of a non-cancerous place where I can read about programming?

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I want to find a place where I can read about programming without getting SJW nonsense being shoved in my face.

read the sticky next time

But these are books. I am looking for a website where programmers share their thoughts/tips about programming.

>non-cancerous place where I can read about programming?

Maybe a mechanic workshop so there won't be any women not the mech shop because there are lots of women customers there.
Constuction sites maybe ?

>where can I read about programming
>b-but these are books

lobsters is better than hn but kinda slow
idno just avoid the comments section if it's in any way political

>where I can read about programming?

>But these are books

>But these are books.

>I am looking for a website where programmers share their thoughts/tips about programming.

Did you finish reading the post?

Did you finish writing the OP?

>where I can read about programming?
>But these are books

>where can I read about programming
>but these are books

Well-regarded books outclass some dipshit hipster's blog every time.

Quora is a good place.

Freenode IRC

there is no such place, for you ARE the cancer

>buy my app that locates non-gender specific bathrooms

>not cancerous
I got kicked out of fucking #emacs for stating that I'm sick of hearing about feminist / minority initiatives in tech. I had idled there for years

Maybe you should just accept that technology is for everybody

>that it's her turn. You're a ducking white male. Let someone else talk about real issues.

Nobody cares about you.

What's the matter, need a safe space you cuck snowflake? Just ignore it and move on to the next thread.

guy was using his son as a sex slave, got caught and hung himself in prison.

Kill yourself

unless you are trying to program something that is relevant.
protip: it's like reading a book. and it's not focused on programming, entry level course.

Stackoverflow and Reddit. Subreddits on specific topics like programming, a certain language, a certain programming topic are good places. It's the general and broad subreddits that are shit tier. If you go to Reddit for a highly specific topic like some obscure hobby you won't be exposed to the cancer.

>where I can read about programming
>but these are books

>books are now locations, not objects
Wew lad.

i do faggot

stack overflow, hacker news, freenode, other irc networks