5 hours and counting trying to get bluetooth + pulseaudio working on gentoo, living the meme

5 hours and counting trying to get bluetooth + pulseaudio working on gentoo, living the meme

also gentoo thread, who out here

Nice blog. Retard.

Why wouldn't you instead use an OS that just works?

Windows 10 doesn't have this problem.

Does that 5 hours include compile time?

>not having -pulseaudio in your USE flags

What, thats the easiest shit too. I mean the first time sure you take your time learning how it all works but then its simple.
>Oh it was some spontaneous hardware rfkill the whole time

Also this. Compile time is like a vacation from trying.

oh yeah my bad, thanks for the bump though :^)
yes, I'm not quite that stupid

its a dBus.accessDenied error between pulseaudio/bluez, I'm currently emerging --newuse everything with "dbus bluez pulseaudio" just to see if thats it. I'm pretty sure either dbus or pulse doesn't have the correct permissions but I can't figure out where they are set incorrectly, so like you said, kind of just compiling for a break lol

also USE="jpeg" because I'm retarded and didn't before, that was a fun one to solve



who is this C man daemon

>using linux
>not stupid

Pick one.

I pick not stupid
I run GNU/Linux :^)

bluetooth is the real meme

Just reformatted, thanks for the wallpaper user-kun

Eugenia Cooney

Confirmed for literally retarded. Kill yourself, shit for brains.


Did you have a bad day at school today, Jimmy?

alsa is kill ://

One time I had to search and replace function names in the source for a kernel driver module to map to the updates in a major kernel update to get a WiFi stick working.

Sometimes you are being tested by the vagaries of the bazaar, bro. Pass or fail. Read the source.

But she's got nice bones

If she would just gain even fucking 10 pounds she would look so much better. I feel like she knows she is only popular because of her condition and purposefully keeps herself looking like that

Mrs skeltal

sos still haven't gotten it, why the fuck can't pulseaudio talk to bluez except as root

And after 8 hours, it just magically worked for no apparent reason

Use debian like everyone else.
Fuck the MEMEs!
They are only trolling you no one is running arch or other CMD only distross for their video/music/web browsing.

Welcome to the magical world of linux.
Did have the same audio magic on Mandriva in 2005.

Install sabayon

Did you set up alsa first?

install windows 10

Retina Display doesn't have this problem