Anyone else have an OS they love so much they just love spending time using it...

Anyone else have an OS they love so much they just love spending time using it? I suppose this is the difference between having a computer and having a DE you like?

Other urls found in this thread:](Rethorical



MacOS is really great.

such a JOY to actually USE

It just werks. Nothing can compete.

Don't you cunts have a loo to poo in?

??? ... we are talking about Operating Systems we love to use and since macOS is literally the "JUST USE IT" OS it obviously is the patricians choice in that category.

Go back to your babby gaymen windows.

macOS is the best OS for daily use and there isn't even a debate about it on Sup Forums lol. Sure Linux is great for muah autistic development environment but i can just boot into my Manjaro installation whenever i want to.

People who defend windows on this board are fucking scum of the earth and even worse that they are the ones trying to SPIN reality in such a way that every non windows user is an indian shill when in fact everyone fucking knows that Sup Forums is full with Visual Studio C# Poo In The Loo Windows 10 Education License Users.

I like windows more than macOS :)

>macOS is the best OS for daily use and there isn't even a debate about it on Sup Forums lol

nice argument you have there my friend!

The best daily use my Macbook Air ever gets is my wife watching shows, and my niece spelling "poop" with it. Aside from battery life a linux distro would be far more useful. That's right, linux.

so you are saying another Unix System would be better than the Unix System thats already on it. I see.

Well this isnt a discussion about the Apple Hardware walled garden here btw since you can use the OS outside of it aswell. This is an OS thread. If you want to complain about Apple hardware please transfer your shitposting to another thread and dont confuse the two here.

When I first installed openbsd on my laptop a week ago it was the greatest feeling ever.

Yeah. Ubuntu.

Name one thing you can do with Linux that you can't with macOS lol

>using an OS that's steadily being killed off by its own creators and the fact it only has 7% worldwide marketshare

Wow......You really need help

Oh and have fun with your Foxconn built faggot machine that only last 3 or so years before it becomes unsupported by its SJW cuckold faggot creators

Here's 4 off the top of my head:

>Run an operating system free from any binary blobs
>Change desktop environment
>recompile a usable kernel
>apply critical security patches without a FUCKING APPLE ID (seriously wtf)

This. I used to use Gentoo before I got my rMBP. Now I have a 5k iMac.

>Steam on a fucking Mac


Oh lawdy you Macfaggots are silly

What's wrong with using Steam on a Mac? Are you autistic? [](Rethorical question) by the way.

>posting anime
>calling anyone else autistic

I'm sorry that you're autistic user, but you don't need to project.

>>Run an operating system free from any binary blobs
Impossible if you want good hardware ( required for modern intel nvidia amd gpus )

>>Change desktop environment
Can do this, xorg works on darwin :^)

>>recompile a usable kernel
Can do this too

I'm gay, not autistic. Now are you going to bother explaining out what's so special about Steam on a Mac?
Are you so feeble minded that you can't think of one probable reason to use Steam on a Mac?

Why is that a problem? I use steam on Ubuntu. How many "HA"'s do I deserve?

>I'm gay
bost boibucci

>I'm gay, not autistic.

I bet you're about 15. Gay is not a mental disability. Don't be too quick to label yourself.

>Gay is not a mental disability.
Stop listening to Jews, it doesn't do you any good.

That's illegal on this board.

>Impossible if you want good hardware ( required for modern intel nvidia amd gpus)

You can still do it though, which OSX can't.

>Can do this, xorg works on darwin :^)

Will it running ontop of aqua? Or is it an actual replacement?

>Can do this too

Fair enough.

Even if point number 2 (concerning the desktop environment) turns out to be a true replacement, my first point (binary blobs) fullfills your original request in to name one thing. So I win this argument.

It's a biological disability anyway.

But Ubuntu can be installed on proper hardware that's actually capable of playing Vidya gaemes.......Unlike shitty Mac hardware where they give you some shitty AyyMD card and an i7 without proper cooling that sits at 100°C all fucking day long


user, I hate to break it to you.....But ya dun goofed big time

>The only reason to ever use Steam is because vidya
I thought people outside /r9k/ had friends.

This. For normalfags Macs used to be good, but now it's just a shitshow. My gf's mac keeps getting a virus that randomly redirects her to I saw it in the history one day and she had no idea how it got there. WTF apple, I thought these Unix machines were hardened.


I really like Arch, I know it gets a lot of shit here, but I have been using it since 2010 and never really had that many issues.
Arch +AwesomeWM + Ruby = The OS I just like to use.

>5k iMac

Jesus Christ you could have built a very very nice machine for what you paid for that piece of shit

Also I hope you're enjoying your 70% Adobe RGB or whatever shit score that thing got......I'm sure you'll tell me that's perfectly normal and it's a "feature"

I've been using the same Arch install since 2013 and I love it.

Mac OS, thread is over.

>twf when you've completed a new rice and everything works as you planned it.

I'm happy with Gentoo.


>Jesus Christ you could have built a very very nice machine for what you paid for that piece of shit
Actually no, when I bought this it would have cost more to build my own computer with a 5k display than it would have cost to just buy this.

>Also I hope you're enjoying your 70% Adobe RGB or whatever shit score that thing got......I'm sure you'll tell me that's perfectly normal and it's a "feature"
MacOS is color managed well. Every application I use takes advantage of my factory calibration profile. DCI-P8 is more relevant than Adobe RGB anyway, even if you're a photographer.

>Justifies his shitty purchase by shifting focus to the shitty display

>Burdens himself with shitty hardware because "muh display"

>Ignores the fact his "magical" display is sub Adobe RGB and is a piece of shit

How does it feel when you get 20 fps when just doing random shit on your desktop?

>Justifies his shitty purchase by shifting focus to the shitty display
Shifting focus? The entire point of building a new computer was because I wanted a high PPI 27" monitor.

>Burdens himself with shitty hardware because "muh display"
What's shitty about the hardware? Give specifics. In before you mention how it uses a mobile GPU even though earlier you implied Macs weren't for games.

>Ignores the fact his "magical" display is sub Adobe RGB and is a piece of shit
It's sub 100% AdobeRGB because it's 100% DCI-P3. DCI-P3 and Adobe RGB are two different colorspaces that are both much wider than sRGB.
The fact you seem think wider is automatically better also tells me you know absolutely nothing about colors when it comes to computer displays.

>How does it feel when you get 20 fps when just doing random shit on your desktop?
Even a GPU from 5 years ago have enough "horsepower" to render a 5k MacOS desktop.

>What's shitty about the hardware?

KEK Okay......I'm done.

It really is true that Macfags know the absolute square root of jack shit about computers.

Have fun justifying your shitty purchases, having a machine that gets abandoned by its maker in just a few years, and most of all, have fun sucking that ol' Applel cock.

But seriously it was fun debating with you user. Have a good night

>KEK Okay......I'm done.
Getting into arguments you know you can't win is usually wise.

>It really is true that Macfags know the absolute square root of jack shit about computers.
That's a pretty general statement. Good thing I probably know more about computers than you do.

>Have fun justifying your shitty purchases, having a machine that gets abandoned by its maker in just a few years, and most of all, have fun sucking that ol' Applel cock.
If you actually know what to look for on Macs you'll quickly realize the majority being used today are from 2010-2012. Heck, my boyfriends rMBP is from 2012 and it runs fine. Macs from 2009 can run the latest OS as well.

Gee whiz how impressive. Meanwhile, Windows 10 will have extended support until 2026

Honestly, this

Thanks to the way drivers work on *nix OSes machines from 2009 will be supported indefinitely.
And who cares about Microsoft's support dates? Those are for people who deal with office computers. There are still retards using XP in 2017.


What the actual fuck are you talking about??? Seriously please explain this shit to me. If I buy a Mac running Mac OS Sierra.....Then 5 or so years down the road when the next release of Mac OS comes out, I'll be fucked over by Applel and not be able to run it on my hardware even though it could run it because "lol planned obsolescence" right?

macOS obviously..
Anyone saying otherwise never used it or is a paid windows shill

>Seriously please explain this shit to me.
Drivers are an extension of the kernel on MacOS. As long as the kernel runs on your hardware your hardware will work fine. It's a big part of why linux is used everywhere, since it does the exact same thing.
Every time Apple has dropped support for Macs it was because of hardware limitations. The first was 32-bit CPUs being dropped, then there were a number of new Intel instructions that old CPUs didn't have, which bumped the lower limit from 2007 to 2009.

>If I buy a Mac running Mac OS Sierra.....Then 5 or so years down the road when the next release of Mac OS comes out, I'll be fucked over by Applel and not be able to run it on my hardware even though it could run it because "lol planned obsolescence" right?
No. Everything I wrote above explains why.

yes, gnu. i've spent countless days installing and playing with different distros in VMs and also distrohopping. just can't get tired of it

So why can't a Mac from 2007 run Sierra?

>[](Rethorical question)

Is this nigger for real?

It's not biological, it's psychological. Twins aren't both gay.

using apple products /w no money is like buying a racecar and filling it with basic gas. if you dont have apple care youre doin it wrong.

c u c k

>Gay is not a mental disability

Applecare has nothing to do with that wtf

I asked why a fucking Mac from 2007 can't run the latest version of OSX

I like Windows 10 and just about every flavor of Linux

>made up shit
>thinking a 'small' marketshare means it's bad
I'll let you know my rMBP is over 4 years old now and it still get the latest updates just like computers that are three years older than it.

Archlinux but I really don't care about it since I use Emacs also Emacs as a window manager.

Security updates do not require an AppleID and are applied automatically by default.

Windows 8.1 with a ton of OS tweaks (using Yamicsoft Windows 8 Manager) + Penumbra 8 + Rainmeter + AHK + Actual Multiple Monitors

Loonix can only dream of such comfyness.

Yeah windows.

3.1 2000/xp vistasp3/7sp1 and 10.1 are my favorites every other one not meantioned is a literal abortion with the worst one

The worst so far was Windows 8 Vanilla and Windows 8.1 just both fucking aweful abysmal failiures that tried to copy ios and android but failed miserably.

It has hands down the WORST user interface ive ever seen and i grew up at the tail end of windows 3.x and used 95-ME for a long time

If you're doing this it is a 100% chance you have fallen for nostalgia and also a 100% chance you are a loser. nobody cares about what the os looks like or does, the only reason anyone uses an os is because they need apps that only work on it. You are no better than your grandparents complaining that they wouldn't use a keyboard over a typewriter even though it has the same layout because the enter key doesn't say return and they don't have to manually move it over every time.