Why can't macbooks get a similar build quality like HP laptops?

Why can't macbooks get a similar build quality like HP laptops?

Why do they charge more for an inferior quality product with no upgradability?

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HP makes good quality laptops regardless what an idiot like you wants to believe

Thanks for your input Carly

Your point is valid for literally any other brand

HP makes the worst shit laptops

the dv9000 was the worst thing to fucking exist ever.

>HP quality
holy shit thanks for keks

allow me to interrupt both of you, HP makes good Business/Metal laptops, if you buy their cheapo plastic messes you'll get fuckt

Exactly. My ZBook flies and it's absurdly repairable. I installed an SSD *waiting for fast food*.

I want to buy a zbook but the color bugs me. I hate black plastic like the one they are using because it gets oily and i'm autistic about dings. Should I just get a stinkpad in silver?
>some old ass computer is an accurate representative of a company's modern iterations
ok user

Worked in a repair shop for a few months
HP is a godsend when it comes to repairs and cleaning. old Dells too

this, when i first got my elitebook I had to replace the fan and the battery. Took me less than 5 minutes to dismount the old fan and slide the new one in. god bless that tool-less entry

Meh, my stream 11 is great for the price and is pretty good build quality too.

I know, but I can't tell you personally that's a good computer and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who doesn't take care of their shit. Do the stream series still have everything soldered on?

>Why can't macbooks get a similar build quality like HP laptops?
Because aluminum is flexible and shitty. I have no idea why it's being used for home computers, and it's the one thing I hate about my Mac. Someone needs to sell 3D printed housings for these things that I can swap all the internals into.

>Why do they charge more for an inferior quality product with no upgradability?
Because a lot of work goes into a custom EFI that does BIOS emulation so that hybrid MBR can be used to dual boot Windows. They also have a custom OS (Mac OS X) that's a lot of work to maintain. They're still overpriced by a couple hundred dollars though.

Also older MacBooks are fully upgradeable (aside from the BGA soldered CPU). I have pic related. It's a 2011 Pro 15". It's still working great.

I wouldn't know, I've never needed to open mind up for repair.

Considering the class of laptop it's in though I'd assume that yes it is soldered together.

My previous laptop was a touchsmart tx2 with an AMD processor. Ran a little hotter and louder than I would have liked, but other than that it was the perfect laptop for me. That and the battery life being mediocre by today's standards.

Such a well built laptop though, survived my GFs dad spilling wine on it too even.

nice user! HP laptops are pretty thirsty I guess, my stepdad spilled (an entire mug) coffee on my elitebook and it survived with a few stains

HP uses a magnesium alloy last I checked.

Now that's a healthy amount of ventilation. How come only gaming laptops get good airflow/cooling these days?

>aluminum is flexible
So what would you prefer?

Huh, last time I checked HP was shit, but I guess that goes for consumer grade, which I guess is just all laptops

Use a ZBook for work and can confirm it rocks, esp if you have a dock

not that goy but magnesium. doesnt stress fracture

>HP uses a magnesium alloy last I checked.
Lenovo laptops use them too. I have several Thinkpads and all of them have a magnesium frame inside them. Still, I'm more concerned about the outside. An aluminum casing is crap on laptops because it gets dented and scratched too easily, and when you go to buy replacement parts they're more expensive.

Really tough plastic like Thinkpads or magnesium like said, but that will drive the price way up.

Not really. Consumer HP laptops are pretty good too. You've been memed if you think a few select bad models like define an entire brand.

The only consumer HP laptop worth buying is the spectre. Everything else is toy-grade unupgradeable shitboxes.

You're an idiot.

Magnesium is some of the most flexible shit around, it's just light enough to overbuild with
Aluminum is light and stiff

Because they charge the fuck they want, and you buy the fuck you want.


I got a cheap plastic one, died 3 times in the first year of ownership. Brother got the same one, his died twice. That being said, it still works today

That's why you use a magnesium alloy that's tougher.
Like HP.

>build quality
>HP laptops
Unless you've got a decent ProBook, HP and quality never go together.

HPE on the other hand is okay but I don't think they even make workstations anymore.

>>Because aluminum is flexible and shitty

Magnesium is softer and more flexible than aluminum. 0

If you're going to shill against Apple, at least use a better company than fucking HP.

>hp is suddenly a bad company
famalama, they're the only ones pushing business laptops out without turning to shit like Lenovo or Dell.

>they're the only ones pushing business laptops out without turning to shit like Lenovo or Dell.
Yeah, because they're already shit from the start. At least their lids are indestructible on the Elitebook series, which is all unrepairable Ultrabook garbage.
If you want a portable workstation, the P50/P70 and Precisions absolutely fuck over the Zbook.

because it just works

Good enterprise.

Literal housefires when it comes to anything else.
Good build quality though.
>DV and G line
Poor fools who bought those.

The fuckers classify everything as a user problem and want to chargw you voiding your warranty.

Literally worst warranty ever.

>he doesn't understand what an Alloy is

Just bought an elitebook 2170p, here's hoping it's going to turn out great. My previous laptop was HP too and it served me well.

I've been buying mostly HP laptops for almost 10 years now, and I've never had one die on me.

Also, Sony don't do laptops anymore, how old is that graph?

Because macbooks focus more on aesthetics than functionality.

what the heck is a 'business' laptop


thinking of buying a spectre 13. How will Sup Forums talk me out of it and convince me to get a dell xps 13.

Doesn't get much more portable than that if you still want decent performance.

u mean the xps 13 right.


a laptop that's black

Nah, they are just underage.
They think comparing Android and iPhone must be done with a chink 50$ phone vs. the latest iPhone 7 Plus.

Similarly, they compare the Apple MacBook Pro to a 200$ HP laptop.

Pretty sure all cheap and shit laptops break. They are built super fucking awful no matter the brand.
I don't even know why they bother with the brand.

>using raw magnesium
enjoy your fireworks.

What do you expect from chinks