Get macbook

>get macbook
>it's actually an awesome machine
>can't find a single thing wrong with it
Why did Sup Forums lie to me?

Other urls found in this thread:

Take a picture of your macbook with a timestamp and post it in this thread.


Fuck off

>Why did Sup Forums lie to me?

because its full of mouth breathing windows lifetime customers who never used any other OS than windows or some random linux distribution (cause they were able to get it for free)

MBPs are fucking awesome and macOS is the best OS in the world.

I'm too busy masturbating sorry maybe later

Base model for 13 inch touch bar version is like 2000 euros. What the fuck.

Step 1: get a well paying job
Step 2: stop giving a shit

Apple is the whitest company in Silicon Valley, of course their products are superior to Micropoo and Poogle.

Sup Forums always complains about the consumers of mac, and price of hardware. I've never seen a valid argument against how it actually works/functions.

I do like my MacBook Air, but it does cook when i try to do anything intensive.

Hopefully the newer cooling and chips reduce this problem?


>doesn't even have a proper delete key


>what is fn+delete

>MBPs are fucking awesome and macOS is the best OS in the world.
It's pretty OK for the neo-Sup Forums because the neo-Sup Forums actually consists of pajeets and gaymers, the generation grown up on iPads and other monkey-tier toys. There're no more nerd-tier memes like the "install Gentoo" meme, because it's too hard for a neo-Sup Forums habitue to use it in the daily basis.

Apple is a company that still makes one-button mice.
Just let that sink in for a moment.
I've said it for years, any company that makes mice with only one button, ESPECIALLY in 2017, is a company run by retards.

it just werkz!

Daily reminder that Apple made computers what they are today.

>can't even use a mouse+charge at the same time without a usb hub

>Hopefully the newer cooling and chips reduce this problem?
user ..

(it's been a problem since forever, they aren't fixing shit and will just make it thinner again)

But that's wrong, you dumb faggot.

>go to tech store
>find Mac
>press right side of mouse
>shit pants

Better pic

>bringing normies into informatics

Macbooks are not really all that awesome.

>what is wireless


>what is moving huge files between separate drives

>implying op has any money left to buy a camera and/or a smartphone

>what is future of USB
90s called they want their shitty standards back

>what is this magical thing called a network

>trackpad impossible to click near upper edge
>extremely loose near bottom edge
>overall flimsy diving board piece of shit
>even applel admitted it's shit and went back to solid non-click touchpads
>still has no real buttons
>relies on pressure sensitive gimmick bullshit
>if you press too lightly or too hard it does something completely different than what you intended
>shit tier 1mm travel chiclet kb
>OSX is a steaming pile of shit with horrendous battery management
>applel's solution is to cram in a massive heavy 95WHr battery to make up for it
>even XXXTREME GAMER cancer like razer blade with 4X the CPU/GPU power and 70WHr battery matches it in battery life in same tasks
>gets BTFO by 55WHr Yoga 2 in battery life in same tasks
>the battery takes up the space where a cooling system would've been in a laptop not designed by the world's thinnest and lightest gay hipsters
>overheats constantly from abysmal crippled cooling system
>throttles to 800mhz due to chronic overheating problems
>retina meme for "pros" have have gloss mirror coating impossible to use with overhead lighting
>blurry as shit retina meme scaling
>shitbook air even worse with glossy 1366x768 TN eye cancer
>systemic battery explosion problems for over a decade

>can't use any existing TB3 devices
>can't use USB and wifi at the same time
>ultra shit tier zero travel kb
>keyboard louder than WWII cricket
>memetouch emojibar
>no USB-A
>no escape
>soldered ram
>soldered SSD
>tamper tape on battery screws
>applel falls for their own thin meme and uses 54WH battery
>2 hour battery life
>it's 2017 and moving files around in finder will STILL cause massive data loss

>macshit is good
Can we finally put an end to this meme?


>yfw you can't refute any of these facts so you try your hardest to hold back the streams of tears
The truth hurts huh?

>2 hours of battery life
This is what Sup Forums actually believes

>implying that's a good thing

>I read battery life tests as literal results for real-world use
That shit is set on an automated task to clock in theoretical battery life under constant use, you dipshit.

Sadly it's true. Apple has been going downhill ever since that literal cock sucker has let jony out of his cage without a leash.


>macs have poor battery life
Oh Sup Forums you so funy

You are the meme, bro.

Funny how you both /thread but with totally opposite opinions

Go play a few youtube videos on chrome, see how that goes, cuck.

Yes user, there are many here who are envious by nature.

Vile creatures.

Just ignore them and enjoy your machine.

>not using the superior browser


> Pretending Chrome doesn't kill battery life on any system
> Pretending there aren't better alternatives
> 2017

> Using the cuck meme
> Thinks he's legit

I have a early 2015 retina mabook pro and i like it

It's really expensive so i don't know if will buy one again but i don't regret this one

>4 massive cucks immediately become butt devastated and even attempt to defend the horseshit that is safari

>safari is bad
>chrome is good

tbMBP owner here, my results:
>can't use existing tb3 devices
Other than external GPUs, this is false. Still Applel should've has that functionality on release
>Can't use USB and Wi-Fi at same time
Total crap
>Zero travel KB
Does not bother me, may bother you. I say Neutral.
>Loud Keyboard
If you hit the keys like an orangutan, sure. Neutral.
>Memetouch Emojibar
It's nice when selecting colors or using it as a volume slider, but it's 90% useless, I'll cede this point.
USB-C is the future anyway. But I'll call it neutral.
>No escape
Always there on my TB, didn't realize how little I actually used it until I got this thing. I'll still cede the point though since there's a shitton of people who DO use it.
>Soldered Ram
With you on this, it's bad. But iirc the cpu can't really handle more RAM anyway (which IS Intel's fault, since they don't have any low-power CPUs that handle 32gb) Supposedly coming in the mid-2017 refresh. I think you're right though.
>Soldered SSD
Pisses me off too, but I found a USB-C external 2.5-inch drive hub and cannabalized a HDD from an old dell laptop. I plug it in when I need it, unplug it when I don't. Poster is right though.
>tamper tape on battery screws
Used to void warranties, which, opening up any laptop voids the warranty. Not really that big of an issue.
>2 hour battery life
I get 5 with mine, still not good though. Apple really dropped the ball here.

user's Opinion:
Apple should've taken more time to work out the bugs, and wait for Intel's next gen low-power CPUs so they could offer 32gb of ram.

Part of the power draw issue, I've found is that macOS scales the amount of RAM it uses based on how much ram you have. "Empty ram is wasted ram" apparently.

The touch bar was added as a quick and dirty way to add touch-id to the system, without making new drivers for the trackpad (they can just port the work from iOS over to the MBP, see: The merging of the macOS and iOS teams)

Look out, it's cuck-boy again.

Whatever will we do?

Uses less battery and ram than Chrome, that's why I use it.
Is it perfect? Hell no. It's pretty fuckin' flawed.
Is it deal-breakingly bad? Not really.

I know I'm loving my MBP, it tackles the shit that I throw at it with flying colors, and I intend on using it until it dies.

Storage? I just offload unused files to my old Mac Pro at home, which I can expand with shittons of HDD space.

Ram? Haven't run out yet, even using the 3D shit in PS or Illustrator. Though I have a buddy who says that 16gb is becoming obsolete for music production, and I believe him. Apple needs to get the fuck on that.

>battery life?
It's poor, I expected better out of the guy who makes himself out to be an "environmentalist", at least the fucker charges fast.

Buy it if you want, don't buy it if you don't. I dun care, I'm loving mine.

> Being this butthurt over a system you apparently don't even have

top kek

I've been thinking about buying a macbook for a while now. No way i could afford a new one so i gotta buy used.
How many generations can i go back, and still get a good machine?

Just one. 2015, 2014 would do you good, iirc they have replaceable internals, so you can go hog-wild on the ram and storage.

I think it's better to buy a new windows laptop if you don't have the money for a new macbook.

If you really want one take a macbook pro early 2015 (i have one and it's fine)

Addendum: The CPU/GPU's not replaceable, so you're stuck with whatever you get. Imo, not much of a problem with the CPU since processing speed hasn't made huge jumps like it used to, but the GPU might be a deal breaker since modern GPUs are much better than they were even a couple years ago.

If raw GPU power is what you really need, go with this user's advice. Otherwise, I'd recommend the old MBP.


Yeah by stealing from XEROX

fuck off stupid little apple child

Do you have any idea how much xerox machines costed at the time? Apparently not.

You're doing gods work user

Keep it up and we can cleanse this board of the applel scum

Doesn't change the fact that Steve Jobs FUCKING STOLE from another company.

do you faggots just hear/read whatever the fuck you want and ignore the rest?

Oh duh, of course you do because you're a Macfag

I don't you understand the idea of progress at all.

Daily reminder that macfags are the most retarded userbase ever for the computer world.

Why don't you want your products to be culturally enriched?

>normies use it
>so it must be bad
Does it ever hurt to be so stupid? I wonder.

>I'm a fucking Mactard who doesn't know how to greentext or understand how big of a fucking lying cheating asshole Steve Jobs was

Just remember, when your tech Jesus found out he had cancer, he decided to go do yoga and other faggy bullshit instead of getting real medical treatment. maybe your company wouldn't be such utter shit if he was still alive today

How do you use apps that need function keys?

You should join like a rage support group or something. You seem to have a problem.

Here's some greentext for you
>enjoying my mac
>random Sup Forums tard gets envious because i can afford a superior machine than he can
>don't give a shit and start masturbating to hentai instead

here's why every apple user is a fucking retard:
>sees apple ads in TV about how user friendly macs are ("computers for the rest of us", aka for idiots)
>friends recommend apple products because they are apple uses themselves
>"minimalistic" design appeals to the retard, he can't predict that the materials used are designed to be so flimsy to break, also ignores how other products are more ergonomic to use since those aren't just slabs of aluminium
>compares $2000 applel product to the only other laptops he's ever used: $300 walmart trash and is amazed how ""premium"" apple is
>begins to use mac OS and since it's a bit more user friendly he believes it's the greatest thing ever
>now stuck in the apple ecosystem, has to buy a new model every 3 years because some of the hardware broke (planned obsolescence)
>likely a dumb poorfag so he has to take a loan just to buy the fucking computers
>even recommends apple to friends and tries to justify his position with unrealistic claims ("muh special functions only apple has", "I have a higher status in society if people see my computer", "it just werks", "muh special application NEEDS mac OS")

>worst of all, he doesn't even notice how much he has been cucked

tl;dr macfags are fucking retarded

That glossy screen is why I'll never buy a Macbook. Well, that and the odd keybooard. F-keys are secondary function of the top row. Power button is part of keyboard etc.
On an unrelated note: What is that weird keyboard layout? French or something?

Was it at least good hentai like neptunia butts

If you think that's actually true, you must be pretty dumb. Macs are great. Overpriced, sure. Still great.

>hurr durr i can't afford a mac
Get a job, you bum

Glossy ? The sreen is great in my opinion and the keyboard is odd at first but you get use to it after a while.

Yeah i'm french so my keyboard layout is AZERTY

do they still vent through the keyboard? that is really the only issue i have with them

>be Macfag
>sucking cock like the faggot I am
>someone tries to educate me on how much of a faggot I am
>come up with non witty and extremely faggy response
>go back to sucking my precious Nigger cocks

Are you a poet or something ?

Try harder

Get a room you fags.

I actually use macOS the most of any OS prefer Linux. The idea that people disagree with you is frightening, I know.

Cannot add repositories to App Store, meaning you have to use homebrew and have to have duplicates installed, deal with links and have double the places to update from.

Not a delete key.

It's one thing to disagree, it's another thing to go on a flaming rampage against all apple users and engage in holy wars over shit you shouldn't even care about. Who the fuck cares what someone else uses?

Sup Forums is useless when it comes to tech advice.

Yes, Apple uses glossy because high dpi has distortion on matte. Is this the first time you've noticed your screen is glossy?
>you get used to it
You faggots say this shit about any flaw. I've been using the keyboars for 6 months, I even hate it more now.

>It's one thing to disagree, it's another thing to go on a flaming rampage against all apple users and engage in holy wars over shit you shouldn't even care about.
I shouldn't care about computers on a tech board?
Also if there's any holy war it's from macfags, we have the same bullshit "oh wow I just bought a mac and it's great, why did you say otherwise" every single day, why aren't you winning about it? The thread is literally about a supposed person angry that other people don't like something.
>Who the fuck cares what someone else uses?
OP apparently. And why are you angry that people are disussing tech on a tech board?

>Sup Forums is useless when it comes to tech advice.

>Is this the first time you've noticed your screen is glossy?
Yes, no, maybe, i don"t know. I had a shitty 200$ laptop before so for me the screen is amazing but i understand it can be an issue

>You faggots say this shit about any flaw
I honestly don't think the keyboard is a flaw. It's efficient and you can change the setting you don't like. But again i never had any high end laptop before so maybe a normal layout is better

The screen is amazing - that's why they use glossy instead of matte, so their calibrated high-dpi screen doesn't have aberrations. In exchange it reflects sunlight more, which sucks, but oh well.
As for the keyboard the layout is irrelevant, it just sucks in terms of travel.

I have a 2015 model, it's nice. It's hard to justify 30% less battery life for +$700 though, so I can't imagine buying one of the new ones. I did have a chance to try out the touch bar and it's actually really cool, although I'm not sure about the longevity of OLED—allegedly OLED displays lose 50% brightness after just three years... does anyone know if this is true?

>Cannot add repositories to App Store, meaning you have to use homebrew and have to have duplicates installed, deal with links and have double the places to update from.

brew update
click app store -> click update
wow so hard muh 2 places

and if this is really so difficult for you, perhaps this would help:

and just alias the two together

>F-keys are secondary function of the top row.
you never use them

I never said it was so hard, I said it was inferior. Even if you alias it doesn't solve the problem that everything brew installs is used through symlinks, and that updating xcode breaks a lot of those links.

>imagine all of this shit to rationalize the fact that you're stuck with a dumpster-dived thinkpad

>no counter-points

>I shouldn't care about computers on a tech board?
You shouldn't poke your nose into other people's business. It's bad manners. If you have an opinion, fine. Just don't stick it into everyone's nose and pretend you're somehow more entitled to have an opinion than they are.

>Also if there's any holy war it's from macfags, we have the same bullshit
Same argument as above. I'm not saying "macfags" are entitled either.

>OP apparently. And why are you angry that people are disussing tech on a tech board?
Discussion is one thing. Acting enraged for the sake of being enraged is another. I don't care for the latter, no matter who it comes from or why. I don't consider immature people to be worth discussing with.

Dude what are you talking about? Who did those things?

Read the thread?

The most vocal people on Sup Forums are the same as that middle-aged loser you worked with while you were in college working an IT support job part-time to make some extra money. They're loud-mouth losers that don't know what they're talking about.

>prove my claim!
You did not address my question either, how is OP not the one doing exactly what you're talking about?