what went wrong?
>no real competition in 10 years
>tech industry is quickly moving away from x86
>nobody wants powerful hardware except for gamer manchildren
>ULV laptop binned pentiums are more than enough for 99% of tasks
>even 10 year old core2duos are functionally indistinguishable from a modern i5
Personal computers are a mature technology.
no it is their business model see how everything converges back to x86
lack of cool names for their processors...
most killer apps these days don't even run on x86
desktop applications programming is almost entirely extinct
anyone who wants exposure for their application now has to write it as a web app because every platform has a web browser
you don't need an x86 processor to run webapps.
If you put them in a light that doesn't include AMD, they are legitimately incompetent one trick ponies
>be intel
>spend billions of R&D dollars and effort trying to break into the mobile market
>get BTFO by qualcomm & to a lesser extent mediatek
>finally give up on mobile market
holy shit does anybody remember how the only phones that they could get to use their garbage chip was asus kek. let's keep going
>be intel
>spend billions of R&D dollars and effort focusing on mobile processing for "ultrabooks"
>qualcomm taking more and more marketshare every in the mobile computing space every single day with chromebooks
lol, chromebooks are the fastest selling laptops. and their chips are leagues ahead of any intel atoms
They are slowly going to get killed by ARM, and it will be glorious. The only thing they'll have left is desktop computing and servers, which only gaymers are interested in in 2017, and the latter which is being eaten by Qualcomm, IBM, and AMD.
And then there's the fact that they haven't released a new architecture in fucking forever. They're still basing everything off of their Core architecture.
Based chinks at Qualcomm will literally eat their marketshare until they have nothing left but the dying desktop market
>killer apps
>you don't need an x86 processor to run webapps.
you definitely need a cpu and even tablets are becoming x86
fucking delete this
those x86 tablets are basically this generation's netbooks
x86 is OVER
pretty cool how Intel is still king of the mountain no matter how much AMD and their shills try to convert everyone here. I still use windows. i still use Intel, and i still use Nvidia because im not poor. haha
>even tablets are becoming x86
ahahah try again. intel tablets are the windows phones of tablet computing
apple has their own proprietary chips and the rest of them use either a qualcomm or samsung soc
>nobody wants powerful hardware except for gamer manchildren
>what are render farms
>what is the entire media industry
this lol x86 is trash outside of PCs and ps4/xbone
>Gondola with a (jew) nose
That's like, cursing in a church
niche and professional markets
desktop computing will go back to being a professional tool out of the reach of hobbyists within 20 years
surface pro is the best tablet tho
That not Gondola, its a jew Spurdo
>desktop computing will go back to being a professional tool out of the reach of hobbyists within 20 years
this is why quallcomm, mediatek, and samsung stock is already ahead of intel stock
intel tried & failed miserably to get into mobile and tablet computing and now that the writing is on the wall for x86 they are basically fucked unless they do something like buy quallcomm
I didn't read the post through and haven't noticed that you have been referring to personal computing. In that case, yes, that statement is right for the most part.
That said, render farms are hardly niche considering the amount of money that circulates thanks to the movie industry.
I don't understand why they didn't just license ARM like everyone else?
Why should anybody license ARM to Intel?
their whole business relies on getting people to use x86. if they use ARM like everyone else they have almost no competitive advantage
intel also can't jew the chinks who are not bound by western standards, companies like meditatek and rockchip make ARM chips at low low prices and intel cannot compete in a market where they can't charge $1000 for a product that's worth $400
Shit, i fucked up you're right
Remember when Intel sold their ARM stuff about a decade back to focus on x86?
You forgot to mention:
>trying to make phone modems
>trying to turn into a foundry service like GloFo/Samsung/TSMC
Intel hasn't done any real R&D in years, beyond node shrinkages.
ayy tablets will replace desktops meme
but they are mostly shit and good ones use intel cpus
desktops already died after cheap high end laptops
and laptops will be replaced by tablets but not the shitty ones with shitty arm cpus
only kids use them to play their shitty games
When are we getting actual ARM laptops, and not that gimped chromebook trash?
I wouldn't even care about x86 dying if it didn't mean that laptops and ultrabooks will die as well.
Why hello there; we just got the processor you need to make your render farm faster.
>windows 10 ARM
This kills the Intel
and kills the windows more
>Personal computers are a mature technology.
Pretty much. It's hilarious watching nerds throw a shit fit that because their naive outlook on technology dictates that everything must be 10x faster and radically different from a previous generation that it's some kind of physical law that will never be broken.
These levels of advancement couldn't be sustained forever.
It's also hilarious watching how stuck these nerds are in their consumer bubble, projecting their basic bitch use cases on everyone else because they know nothing else, all while unironically cheering on ultra-proprietary garbage like ARM and the toy software it runs.
>and the latter which is being eaten by ... IBM
God I love it when people who know fuck all about what they're talking about demonstrate it so beautifully as they try to hype up POWER as an "x86 killer" because they skimmed a meme thread on Sup Forums about it once.
It's not a direct competitor to x86 outside of very high-end systems, and it never will be as it's not marketed to be. Even when it was in a better position back in the '90s when it ran Windows and had desktop offerings, nobody cared about it because migrating architectures for no reason is retarded and pointless.
>throw a shit fit that because their naive outlook on technology...that everything must be 10x faster and radically different
ironically this is the same mindset intel had in 2005 and it's why they have 0 marketshare in the growing mobile marketplace today
intel are a bunch of dinosaurs who thought mobile computing was a meme and paid the price for it
irony: the post
a little more self awareness next time, sweetie!
>Based chinks at Qualcomm
Qualcomm is American
Yep. Their attempts at mobile were retarded.
Not an argument, my shill friend.
It is a steady decline as you can see from the graph
>being this delusional
It looks like it works the same way NT4's Alpha/MIPS/PowerPC ports did.
Which means it's more than likely going to be a steaming pile of shit with an anemic base of native software that runs everything else through slow, shitty emulation.
maybe because you could dual-boot with android and if android or chromeOS or something works fine and if it has the software you need you might rather use that instead.
There are no noticeable trends up or down in either of these, do you not know how stocks work?
not a problem for open source software
you can just recompile all your packages for arm and offer an arm branch in your repositories
the only loser here are people stuck on closed-source software
Intel, if they weren't retarded, would have invested in GPU for that sweet machine learning cash Nvidia is raking in right now, instead of playing catch up in mobile SoC market which is crowded and already heading for the bottom.
Instead, Intel spent billions on Atom SoC and retarded Xeon Phi, which took so fucking long to get released, it's far, far behind Nvidia Tesla while costing about the same.
It's the consequence of having not a single person who understands underlying technology on the executive board and having the company run solely by glorified beancounters.
They know how to squeeze their employees, partners, and customers dry for more profit, but they have fuck all technical vision to guide the company into the future.
that is the point intel only has a slow rise but steady while qualcomm is falling slightly and less stable
it doesn't seem like intel is losing market and/or qualcomm taking over.
Qualcomm is only down because of some recent lawsuit, buy the dip
Moving the goalposts. People who buy Windows products, especially locked-down ARM tablets and laptops, are going to be intending to run proprietary software on them, that's the entire reason for using Windows.
Delete this!
>tfw still running Core i7 2600K with no reason to upgrade for the foreseeable future
>The only thing they'll have left is desktop computing and servers
As soon as somebody makes a really good ARM blade server Intel is finished in the datacenter except for HPC.
>business trys to make money
neck yourself son
Honestly either SoC or GPU or both.
The problem is they don't stick to it for long enough to get proper results.
If they would just fucking iterate, iterate, iterate from the first time they started they'd have compelling products in both those markets.
Weren't you in jail?
>>qualcomm taking more and more marketshare every in the mobile computing space every single day with chromebooks
No, Intel dominates in Chromebooks. The only half decent ARM Chromebook is the Samsung Chromebook Plus. And even that has worse price/performance ratio than Intel Chromebooks.
It's doubtful, but feel free to tell us why.
At this point, there isn't a single ARM option in servers that isn't overpriced to shit or pure vaporware. No large OEM with clout in the industry has even bothered experimenting with it, and isn't going to in the foreseeable future, so where does this bullshit come from again?
Maybe I could see a place for specialized ARM chips with good I/O performance, but replacing mainline systems is a pipe dream, and the only people wishing for this are obviously not the ones making or influencing the decisions, rather the bystanders whose experience in servers and enterprise gear in general probably sums up to playing pretend sysadmin with a shitbinned dual-socket rackmount in the closet.
sure thing bud
I own a Samsung Chromebook Plus. I'm not biased against it, I quite like it actually. But it get's an octane score of around 10,000, while you can get cheaper Intel Chromebooks that have a higher Octane score (c740 goes for less than the CB+ and has a higher Octane score). The price/performance of other ARM Chromebooks is even worse, there's no reason at all to buy Samsung's older ARM based Chromebooks when cheaper Intel offerings outperform them by an even greater margin. My previous Chromebook cost ~$180 (less than half of the CB+), and has an Octane score of 8,300. I obviously didn't upgrade for the processor.
Pretty much this, I'm still using an i7 from 2011.
all the jews bought up all the amd stock, it's owned by the goldmans now.
It's simple, power consumption.