Be me

>be me
>have literally no problems
feels good

>be me
>ram dies
>replace ram
>literally no problems after
feels good

owo desktop thread?

may i please have your wallpaper

Ubuntu+Gnome is the superior choice for those who sort of care about their privacy, and want to do work.



lmaoing at your life senpai

I hope you'll like Mir.

>Babies first senran

That brush and paint icon is a problem.

>uses chrome

What subreddits do you use?

/r/askreddit mostly, i like to read the stories


Emphasis on the word somewhat.

you didn't say somewhat

I'm a fucking idiot, apologies.

You really are

shame on you.

This might be a bit late, but I forgive you user. You may die in peace now, see you on the other side.

>be me
>have shitload of problems
>can't remember some of my problems
>don't know if they really happened
maybe I'm in a virtual machine and none of this matters in my real life

You said sort of. You meant the same thing, don't listen to the tissies.

>OP is a weeb faggot
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

The problem of having problems, doesn't disappear. It's futile to try to solve all your problems, because you will only create more.


But you're an ugly weeaboo virgin in his twenties.

anime website

just because you have a safe space on the internet doesn't mean being a fucking loser is okay

you're just mad that you'll never have plump. juicy thighs like haruka-chan

Post wallpaper please

>be me
>do nothing
>have no problems
acrually it's good until I want to live


>anime wallpaper
>no problems
I disagree
