"do you have a charging cable I can use?"

>"do you have a charging cable I can use?"

Why do iToddlers ALWAYS ask around for a charging cable? Is the iPhone battery that shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


They get a lot of mileage out of their devices because Apple products are a pleasure to use and people who use them have healthy social lives, therefore they need to charge more often.

psst, if you go to Sup Forums you'll have more success shill-chan

Sure here you go

I always make a point to lol at wallhuggers.

>using logic this flawed


They actually have friends to contact and go outside so their phone actually gets used.

>OP leads with "iToddler"
>m-muh logic

Yes, 1980 mAh vs 2500-3000 mAh in most android phones.

he's right tho

You need to understand that iPhones are optimized and only use on average half that of an Android phone.

So in reality that's 4000mAh vs Androids 2500

everyone does this with any phone. they're all dense as fuck and never put their devices away.

not me, Windows Phone Battery Saver is lit af

I always have mine above 80% due the fact that always plug it in while driving so I can use CarPlay over the manufacturers shitty dashboard OS.

iOS doesn't even show SoT lol

My chink phone is already one and half year old
It has 3ah
Unplugged at 4:10 am
Now it's 7:15 pm
48% of battery with 3 hours of screen on time
Find me an iPhone that can last this much

Except that is a straight up lie. My iPhone's battery is dead after 4 days of now use, while my chink shit with 4Ah (the battery "capacity" you advertised for the iPhone) lasts about 3.5 days of medium use and about 2 days of full almost permanent use.

And it's shit versus the flagships with 2Ah batteries too: cdn.bgr.com/2016/09/iphone-7-vs-htc-10-vs-galaxy-s7-vs-lg-g5-battery-life-test-which.jpg?quality=98&strip=all&strip=all

Also keep in mind that the iPhone is my work phone and has minimal apps on it, while my chink shit has, off the top of my head: drupe, discord, plebbit, clover, snapchat, facebook messenger, whatsapp, hangouts, steam to drain it's battery.

People who preach iPhone besides ease of use compared to Android are retarded.


>> Muh chink/google botnet
Doesn't matter almost certain someone has your data, you just decide who. Staying private would be too much of an inconvenience for me

>> Muh build quality
My chink phone doesn't shit itself if it's too cold, my fingerprint scanner works and I don't have to clean it like I have OCD on my chink shit, and best of all, an app crash doesn't freeze the whole thing

>> Muh status symbol
My chi... You got me there Goldstein well played.

t. Chinkshit owner who hates his iPhone 6S

Sorry, forgot something:
Seems like you need it badly

How can it be a pleasure if it doesn't even lasts an hour ?

they're not shit its just that iphone users are retards and buy $2 charging cables that blow the charge ic chip on their phones and fuck them up


I don't need to carry a charger

>i gladly accept less because i don't need it

Has any company ever controlled such a small segment of the market, yet caused so much asshurt? Apple has like less than 7% of the computer market, and a minority of the smartphone market. Seriously, why do you gets get so bent out of shape by something a small minority of people own? Why do we need five threads in the catalog at all times about Apple?

Prove me wrong you spergs.

>t. iToddler


No, iOS is shit. I have installed TempleOS Mobile on my iPhone and i don`t have problems with energy anymore.

What the fuck do you NEETs do that requires 100 hours of SoT on a single charge? Phones charge from 0-100 in less than an hour with quick charge, do you live out in the forest where you can't plug it into a wall?

I usually go to other states on business, around 2-3 nights.
Its nice not having to even think about charging a phone.
Just pack clothing and go.

Doesn't change the fact that they sacrifice battery life for pointless "thinness" while a better battery could easily have been used.


Nah, don't simply look at the marketshare. Pajeetland and third world shitholes in general ruin the marketshare statistics with their 10$ brickphones running Android 2.0.

When only looking at america for example apple has like 40% of the market.

Because iToddlers are cancerous and do not spend a minute OFF the phone.

In transit
>browsing facebook
>watching youtube

Having lunch
>taking picture for instagram and/or snapchat
>proceed to ignore their family just to text their friends while at the table

Taking a piss
>browse facebook for 10 minutes
>spend another taking selfies in a messy bathroom

In bed
>browsing facebook
>browsing 9gag

They are glued to their phones and that's why they are out of juice all the time. Also hasn't anyone heard of powerbanks?

>every moment of your life revolving around others is healthy

I just got an iPhone 7 and I'm getting 3 days out of a single charge.

I think it's whores and their constant attention whoring and received attention draining their batteries.

I have an iPhone 6 and the battery is fucking terrible. So bad in fact that I carry a power brick and I'm considering switching back to a Nexus 5. iOS is also an all around terrible experience. How are people able to stand this tap to unlock dogshit? It's little crap like that which makes the phone harder to use.

>Apple products are a pleasure to use
Everything is fun when you don't know any better.

>iPhones are optimized
Really? My iPhone stutters when trying to open apps or load web pages. The battery lasts like 2 hours if you're using mobile data and the screen brightness is at 75%. Android is shit but it'll never be this bad.

>7% market share
>40% of Sup Forums threads are about iToys
Something doesn't add up here. I smell paid shilling.

But most of those are clearly people baiting for (you)s or anti Apple threads. Everything even remotely related to Apple gets shitposted to death because you guys can't handle the fact that a minority of consumers like what you don't like.

Still, it does not justify the mountains of asshurt on Sup Forums.

Social lives are just a distraction preventing you from spending more time outdoors. As if I need a social life when I have a wife and a dog.

We hate these threads because curry niggers like you have ruined Sup Forums. This is not a board for shitty Facebook machines. iPhones are literally Facebook machines because they're so locked down that they're useless for anything else. Fuck off.

I don't own any Apple products. I'm just tired of people over reacting to the small minority of people who like what we don't like.

>I don't own any Apple products.
Shill confirmed. Poo in the loo, Pajeet.

Yes. Mine shut off at 20%

As an ex-6+ owner who got touch disease, YES. iphone battery life is fucking dogshit and very few can go through the day without recharging them.

This would be a typical day for me when I had my 6+:

07:00 unplug 6+ from charger [100%]
07:00 - 12:00 make a few phone calls and check a few texts [70%]
13:00 Take my lunch break and do about half an hour of web browsing [30%]
15:00 Desperately look for a charger as it randomly tanked to 20% [charging]
15:15 Unplug my charger because someone's iphone died completely

The reason we change charger cable all the time is so we can be smug to friends when they offer help.
>p1: Do anyone have a charger cable
>p2: Yes, I have one right here, happy to lend it to you.
>p1: Oh sorry, this is the old charger, I don't use that on my phone, you are a bad friend because you aren't as wasteful as I am. I laugh at you for failing to assist me.

Had a sensible chuckle 8/8

My note 5 has a battery life of 5 hours and needs a special charger to charge fully in an hour.


My next phone will be a caterpillar S60 or kyocera XD. Fuck all of this bullshit.

>every phone has adopted Micro USB as their connector
>apple somehow gets away with using their proprietary shit

Stay delusional iToddler

Here you go

This, try texting all day fucking neet faggot

No problem cutie

>Not carrying a spare battery for your phone

4 year old iPhone 5S still with original 1440 mAh battery. Eat shit

She's trying to start a conversation.

No she ain't cuckboi. She just wants to step all over you like a welcome matt with her dogshit covered high heels.

>chink phone at 48% bat, with 3hrs of SOT already and around 15 hrs standby

>iphone 5 at 12%, 4hrs SOT and 30hrs standby

okay user, whats your point again?

I never understood that issue myself, I use my iPhone 6s quite a bit, I've worried about killing the battery within a day, unless I needed to use GPS for an hour or more...then I'd prefer to plug it in. All my co-workers seem to bitch about their phones though, whether it's an iPhone, Galaxy, that one phone looks like an iPhone, but it isn't, etc...

I want to pretend like it sucks not having wireless charging, or fast charging, but it honestly wouldn't affect my daily life in anyway if I did. My battery life would have to get to several days to have any real benefit to me.

>Find me an iPhone that can last this much
The point is exactly the same as in first post. Normalise to battery capacity to understand differences. I'll spare you the effort and tell you that you get pretty much the same battery life index (iPhone=0.0000181 vs chink=0.0000186) when you compare numbers from both phones and that's with a run down 4 year old battery but I'll give user the benefit of disregarding that factor because battery in user's "chink phone" was quite likely of worse quality.
Battery life index would be even more accurate if we had data on current capacity of each phone's battery.