Ruby - Programming

What are your thoughts on Ruby? No rails just plain old Ruby, although if you want to include an opinion on rails you can just clarify that its about rails.

I think it's pretty rad

I've tried it over a few days for a programming contest. It's surprisingly good. Going back to Java and C from it was actually painful for a bit. Since its interpreted, it'll probably never match native speeds.

it's a bit girly

impossible to refactor, and has the java problem of not being preinstalled like js transpilers

ruby is that hot fling from college: the language

I love Ruby. It has the ease of python, without the cripplingly retarded syntax. Scoping is kinda meh, but it's not terrible.

also dart is bestlang

It's really easy to learn at first, but the minute you get into any more complex task the syntax turns it into a fucking mess.

>impossible to refactor
Basically the biggest problem with it.
Rails solves a lot of that but writing plain ruby in anything past a 50 line script is a mistake.

Fuck it.

Probably the best popular dynamic language. Dynamic typing is a mistake though.

better than python, but I still prefer js over it

Unless you use it through mruby as a macro language, just wait for Crystal.

Why is that?

It solves parts of and and if you show some discipline.
It leans less towards magic stuff.

who is this qt?

It's a comfy OOP language. It actually has nice features that other OOP languages lack which removes a lot of boiler plate.

>who is this qt?
who is this qt?

>name is in the pic

Oh, I see. Thanks.

The syntax is a disgusting clusterfuck. It suffers from hardcore feature overload.

do you hate lua too then?

Former Rubyist here. Ask specific questions. I have way too many thoughts to put it into just one post. What do you actually want to know?

what do you think of how OO is handled vs another lang like java? i work with java right now but use ruby on the side. I like how ruby handles OO better (everything is an object, no primitives! woo!) etc. just curious if thats how you feel too.

Why did you leave it?
What are you using now?

>what do you think of how OO is handled vs another lang like java?

Java's OO is a fucking piece of shit. Ruby's OO comes straight out of Smalltalk. There's literally no contest.

Basically, the Object class is an instance of itself. Gets really fun once you wrap your head around that object model and start metaprogramming it.

>I like how ruby handles OO better

Everyone does! Java is an extremely limited language in nearly all aspects. It's apparent when compared to even its direct competitors such as C#, but it really can't compete with any dynamic language. Only recently did it acquire bread and butter features such as lambda expressions. Not quite first class functions mind you... Just the syntax for them.

>everything is an object, no primitives! woo!

It's a neat concept but eventually you'll realize that there are things that fail just short of being objects. Blocks, for example. When you actually have to reify them, they somehow turn into a proc.

When you see "everything is an X", start looking for "language features" such as blocks. They're often the ones to slip through the cracks.

I've always been an infrastructure builder. I like making libraries. I've written tools like cmdline parsers in Ruby, but it's unmaintained now.

Well it's an advantage of being a hobbyist. I'm not obligated to maintain my projects if I don't feel like it... So at some point I just lost interest in my gems and stopped programming for a while.

When I came back, I started looking into Javascript and *gasp* actually fell in love with it! Who would have thought... It's similar to Ruby in many respects, and has the advantage of having ludicrous amounts of money, time and expertise being invested into its implementations. Not talking about Node; I mean V8.

Lua is really great too, is also an embedded scripting language for host applications, has a prototype-ish object model and a state of the art implementation. I don't think these are just coincidences...

thanks for the reply user. cheers.

I enjoy using it for random scripts. Lots of people would just use bash tho.

It's my go-to language for anything that doesn't have performance requirements. I love the flexibility of it, especially for string and array processing.

Bash sucks for anything interesting.

Bash sucks for anything that isn't just a string of commands really

Yep. And not everything should be a string of commands. Sure, you can use grep, sed, awk, and the like for processing strings, but why would you? It's a lot simpler with a language like Ruby.

Dying languague

I thought Ruby is dead

I use Ruby whenever I can. I mostly write systems scripts at work,but I end up using a lot of Python too. basically for anything where more than a single if statement is needed, ill use Ruby over bash. Whenever something is pretty critical and needs to be able to be supported by others in production, I'll use Python but only because a lot more people I work with are comfortable with Python than Ruby.

Languages don't really die.

besides rails, what else was or is it used for?

Latin didn't really die as well, what's your point?