Finally. I worked very hard in the past 2-2.5 years, and now I can say I am ready to move to Finland...

finally. I worked very hard in the past 2-2.5 years, and now I can say I am ready to move to Finland. almost no one helped me, I was fucking alone; still, made a great progression based on my only dream to move somewhere on the north. today I am beginning to apply to several job openings there.

>I don't want to discuss it desu, just posting

ayy lmao bump

>I was fucking alone; still
You are a loser. Even if you find a girl, you wil always be a loser.

Summer is good time to come here, then you can fuck off in 2 months when you realise the grass isn't greener here just before the winter comes!
Stop mystifying Nordic countries, they used to be good because people were homogenous who made willing sacrifices (high taxation, high social security) to establish very stable and fair society. However that kind of society doesn't work as well in a modern globalised world.

>I am ready to move to Finland
But why.

Because It's one of the fewer countries that still work...
Magyar bro take me with you :D




Have fun OP

>countries that still work


Quite the opposite, the work ethics have died decades ago

>choosing Finland over Sweden

Why? Swedes have better music, their language sounds nicer, and they're much more tolerant than Finns who are frankly quite xenophobic.

If he's choosing between Stockholm and Helsinki it doesn't really make much difference, both really liberal

>t. Pönde


the amount of shitskins and niggers in stockholm is over 20x that of Helsinki


ayy lmao

also don't come here. for your own good. I'm leaving as soon as I get my FREE degree next year


Good luck, hope it works out.

Doesn't Finland have serious economic problems? I don't get this 'i want to move to finland' meme. It's not like they're living in prosperity either.

What city do you move.

Why? As someone who moved away from Finland I don't get it. The language is damn difficult to learn and it's ugly anyway. No jobs, 500k unemployed Finns. Even harder to score a job if you don't speak Finnish.

People in the North are awful, inbred xenophopiacs. They are not well educated, the architecture is ugly and there's nothing to do. They don't know culture, and the only past time activity is to get drink alcohol and fuck reindeers and marry your cousin cause everyone is related to you anyway.

Helsinki and Turku are the only habitable places. Well okay, Hämeenlinna and Kotka are nice smaller cities as well.

Yeah. :DD

Hungarybro, if you really want to move to Finland, pick the god-tier part.
The north and east are really shit places even though their natural beauty is often overwhelming.

Fuck off subhuman German. I am greek

Well at least I can't blame you for moving here with negative attitude.

>finland has a higher blonde population than sweden
>sweden is still more successful despite being shitskin migrant: the country


maybe you will meet Tania and she falls madly in love with you?

Yeah, this is exactly what I meant.

The beutiful nature you see in Lapland is only in the rural parts, the cities were the rare jobs are located are ugly as sin. Very depressing and people use a lot of drugs in Northern Finland cause there's nothing else to do. Oulu is the crack capital of Finland. Or was it Rovaniemi?

You may wanna watch a document called Reindeerspotting, there's some Northern Finnish reality for you.

only the coast of finland has ever been civilized. the vast wilderness has always been and still is a mysterious wasteland not fit for modern humans

only coastal cities + lappeenranta are habitable, rest are utter shit

Finland has had a civil war and it took part to ww2 battling with Russians where as Sweden has been peaceful for hundreds of years. Swedes have had time to buit their wealth and success, Finland was a 3rd world country shithole less than 100 years ago, but built it's success from scratch in a very short period of time, recovering from the war. Also Finland is the only country in history paying every cent of the war reparations for the Soviet Union.

So basically Finland reached the living standar level of Swedes very quickly.

>Eastern Finland
Pick one. Kotka is the only habitable city there. Rest is full of ugly Savonians. Lappeenranta is an awful place, so depressing.Well the harbor is nice during summer time but that's about it.

Swedistan had a head start with them being neutral during WW2 and jewed both sides with iron ore. Nowadays their GDP growth comes from imported consumers that put a ginormous strain on their social services (this, of course, isn't shown here when some Swede-philiac Finn talks about Sweden's success, GDP growth etc.)

i never said eastern finland is habitable, only the city center of lappeenranta is nice during summer like all the other coastal cities

lappeenranta is fucking cancer
t. entinen lappeenrantalainen

>Swedistan had a head start with them being neutral during WW2 and jewed both sides with iron ore.
t. I only know 100 years of history

being one of the great powers since half a millenia ago surely didn't matter. it's all about that early 1900s that's when finnish history started and the world didn't exist before finland

Good luck. All I can say is that I don't know what this country's future will be. Shitloads of young, educated Finns are moving out of this country right now for better job opportunities. It hasn't been this big since 70s, and in the 70s it was different because most of the workers were university students who went to work in Sweden for a year and then came back with all that hard earned money. These days I don't know why anyone would come back here, unless they want to raise a family here or some shit.

Are you saying that finland is like russia?

No, Russia has radioactive wasteland mixed with its wilderness.

Kuopio is also pretty nice. And it is not really that bad in Eastern and Northern Finland. I studied in Turku and Helsinki and I have to say that my everyday life didn't change much. Bigger cities have nicer architecture and more festivals and such events.

t. Joensuu

>I have to say that my everyday life didn't change much
Yes that's cause you spend 80% of your waken hours posting on this Icelandic arctic fishing discussion board

yeah outside the coast pretty much

>I studied in Turku and Helsinki and I have to say that my everyday life didn't change much. Bigger cities have nicer architecture and more festivals and such events.

aka I spend all my time indoors alone so it doesn't make much difference where I live

Whats wrong with finland?

the economy and the culture for startes

Finland will soon be on the economic level of Poland.

Hungarians like Ladas too so he will feel like in home.

Wtf I hate Finland now (jk I can't)

Come to Rovaniemi. You might get a job as a tourist guide if you can handle the russians and swedish who doesn't speak english because they are acting like dicks and assume that you speak swedish because you are in filnand.

Not really. The differences between the cities when they're big or mid-sized aren't that drastic. However, there's a huge difference between a small town (~under 30k ppl) and a mid-sized town like Joensuu (75k ppl). I worked in a small town in Norway(8k residents) for a year and I became almost suicidal.


t. imatra

You can take all your kindred from Transylvania with you.

Do you mean Лaппeeнpaнтa-cyкa mall?

yes pls sell cigs


Our socialist structure was held together by our gigantic growth created by the at the times modern infrastructure when we needed to pay the war bonds after WWII.

Then when that advantage started to diminish, we had the education system give us the edge to the information era, for example Nokia.

Now that all those are gone, we have no new edge againts other developed countries and we have no way to sustain our current public services/welfare.

But since we have Democracy and people are ignorant plebs, they will not vote for cutting public spending and againts heavy taxation/regulations on companies, all the rich people go away and poor people stay here.

Only saving grace is that we are pretty xenophobic/nationalistic compared to other countries at our level at quality of live

this tbqh familia

i'm going to Kuopio in December lad, is it a shithole?

You can find garbage bins at your country as well.

Are you retarded? The reason why Finland is rapidly becoming such a dump is because everyone is yielding to the rich, a minority that you will never ever be part of so stop fucking fantasizing about it. Oh no, Finland is not competitive enough? Yeah well fuck that, a state is not a company, you brainwashed corporate shill. You're being conditioned by crude use of corporate terminology to describe the 'health' of a national economy. A country is only as healthy as its inhabitants who currently are being forced to give up their comfort and security in order to maintain 'competitive edge', which isn't actually worth shit if it means people must regress to the level of mexican factory workers. The competitive edge (if it even can be achieved in practice) isn't going to bring back employment, affordable housing, public services or anything like that. If you want to live your life as an enterprise, move to USA. I'd rather define myself as human.

Leeches of privatization and competition manage to nudge themselves in to the system. They themselves bringing nothing of worth and costing more than the original or the same, while giving lesser rewards.

>eu member
>free to move and work in any eu country
>hurr, all i got i earned nigga

Oh, lawd. Moving to Finland from Hungary is the same shit as moving from Slovakia to Poland or Czech Republic to Slovenia. People are being so delusional about Finland nowdays, or are you just memeing?

Moving to a better country, that doesn't even apply in this case, won't you make any better.

>Because It's one of the fewer countries that still work...

Our economy is growing again curreny estimate 0.4%Q1 unemployment is going down from 10.1 to 9.4%. Debt is at 62% which is lower than Germany, Holland, Belgium etc

blonde mongols are still mongols


for past fucking 6 years, all the predictions could bee done by throwing darts blindly and still get better results.

I respect guys like you.
Which will your job interview be supposed to be in English or Finnish or Swedish?