Against whom? aplel...

against whom? aplel? do they think that if they were in the technical software engineer's shoes they'd have done a better job at creating a more safe system? is that why they wish to punish them with a fine? Do they not realize that these types of systems are massively complicated and unless you are a superhuman you cannot forsee every potential flaw?

Other urls found in this thread:

>worst emma and some literally who slut pretend to care that people have seen them naked
and it isn't even tech.

Yea OP, they are going after Apple instead of the actual perpetrators.

Apple is at fault tho.

we warned you about nonfree software and mega corporations brogirls
we TOLD you

Against the famous hacker known as Sup Forums obviously.
Who else?

400 lbs hacker

>hey it's ur sysamdmin whats ur password

Were the bath photos confirmed to be Emma?

> taking nude pictures with device connected to the internet
> expect them not to get leaked
When will they learn?

Who is Amanda Seyfried? I think I've seen movies with her in it. Also this isn't technology and they are idiots for taking nude photographs of themselves that they don't want others to see.

against the people who made the pictures? oh wait, it was probably them
against the people who put them online? oh wait, it was probably them

So how many years old is this "news" story?

Literally this. It's like going streaking in public and complaining that people took photos of you - you shouldn't have stripped in public in the first place.

1 day since the pics were only just leaked

>be Sup Forums faggot
>complain daily about muh privacy and protecting themselves from da jewz
>relish in someone's personal data becoming public

Is there a more hypocritical board than Sup Forums?

Sup Forums is a place for 18 years old and above. Please leave.


They should sue the people who took the photos and uploaded them to the internet!

look for the lesbo scene from a movie called Chloe from 2009, amanda can go fuck herself, lul

>Do stupid things
>Bad things happen to you
Yeah, when remember Sup Forums was all like "guise, it totally sucks what happened dread Pirate QQ"

It also exposes their character. They really thought just because they are famous an apple employee would personally write them to adress problems with their accounts.

you cant see her sucking a cock in the that though

>complain daily
Stating the facts is complaining?
>relish in someone's personal data becoming public
Why not? The average consumer is dooming consumer technology by support anti-privacy "features". This is the only thing that'll wake them up to the truth. But even then, they try to spin it onto something else, like in OP pic.
So what exactly are you defending here? People storing personal data in plaintext and on third-party servers utilizing "cloud' serices and relying on such undoubtedly proprietary services to implement security properly deserve what they get. I'm always laughing.

Is it some POV sort of thing? otherwise I'm not interested

Least this confirms that they're real.

People really seem dead-set on thinking that the emma ones were fake.

Happy gayish consumers will fight Apple's corner.

Apple has a fancy gayish appearance for a starbucks for a hipster and nothing more that can beat Linux/Android in efficiency and flexibility for a techie.

why does the media never make a big deal out of apple's security for icloud being absolute shit?

this is the second time a huge breach in icloud has occurred and apple literally says and does nothing to fix it while berating google for being "insecure" based on fucking nothing (i.e. wikileak trash) and making a big PR bullshit stand not to unlock a terrorist's iphone.

it's being used as the most recent highly publicized example of exactly why people need to care about privacy and protecting themselves
we're not relishing in their mistakes, we're just pointing out [again] that this is what happens when you blindly trust and don't understand the things around you

Ok, were do I find these photos? NM please don't send me to Sup Forums

>apple pcs don't get viruses, very safe, fuck winders
>stealing media from these idiots is easy as drinking water

yep, no viruses at least! ha!

It's a pic on a boat POV from the dude

It's because they were really bad lol.

When do these whores ever learn?

Not that I'm complaining.

The thing is that it was probably just phishing anyway. Are they taking legal action against the true perp, themselves?

Real ones always are.
There's one good shot of Emma's tits and some POV tits of her in the bath.
As well as a whole bunch of swimsuit pictures but that's medium level fapping material.

CIA, MI6 and Google are my friends. CIA and MI6 maintain the secure life in the developed countries, Google supports engineers and their ideas. I'm happy to share my personal data with them.

Apple is my enemy, it has technically illiterate and gayish and selfish public image. Their "cryptography" supports terrorists.

It actually is POV

There was a thread on /hr/ but it was pretty bad, Emma watson has the body of a girlish boy, amanda is okay, but it's more casual nudity than sexual. Even the blowjob is pretty lackluster.

>claims to be Sup Forumstard
>can't immediately find what he needs on the wide expanse that is the internet without other people's help

I don't get it. If you don't want pics of you sucking dick on the internet, don't put pics of you sucking dick on the internet. Just don't take them at all. How dumb are these people? They know that their nudes are high profile and once leaked everyone in the world will see them.

I agree but even these two are better than an average Apple user.

It's funny because it is

>CIA and MI6 maintain the secure life in the developed countries,
Considering the amount of immigration, they clearly don't

The don't understand the cloud. The people that take these pictures generally delete them right after taking them, not realising that the photos were already 'backed up automatically' online, accessible to anyone with access to their account credentials.

How is it hypocritical?
Just because someone may want to take advantage of someone else's bad situation it doesn't have to mean he should be happy when someone puts him in a similar situation as well.

Just because I'm happy that someone else's daughter is doing porn for us to enjoy it doesn't mean I should be happy if mine does the same.

Just because someone sold me something valuable at a very small price because they were desperate it doesn't mean I shouldn't do everything I can to not be in their situation.

Just because I'm getting some material that I want, via the violation of privacy of someone, it doesn't mean I shouldn't protect myself from other people doing it to me.

Would a thief be hypocritical if he doesn't let anyone ffreely take stuff from him?


Apple and Apple users are shit though.

I don't use Google and duckduckgo sucks for these kind of endeavors. If only there was a stackexchange for this.


You realize this is about the same level of logic as "if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't worry about government surveillance" right?

Gentiles are not very smart, just try to get used to their naive view on the world.

>Their "cryptography" supports terrorists.

apple doesn't give a shit about user security or privacy for those of us who are not criminal scum. when people need protection from hackers or identity theft scam artists apple does not care.

look no further than the horrendous security that icloud has for people's private and personal photos.

Did apple actually have fault in this? Or are they just quickly blaming someone

Math supports terrorists. Perfect crypto is mathematically possible, and so if apple wasn't providing it they'd make it themselves.
And for the 99.99% of their customers who aren't terrorists, the encryption is great for them.

It's not at all. These people put there pics on the internet (cloud). It's not like once it's uploaded it will get out, but if it's not uploaded it won't get out.

encryption is useless for most users because icloud normally has some retarded security hole that allows attackers to brute force their way through it like the first fappening. i wouldn't be surprised if the same security flaw was found somewhere else.

also some israeli firm cracked apple's encryption for the terrorists phone anyway so even in that scenario it was useless.

The cloud backup is an automatic thing transparent from the users and enabled by default. Remember that apple treats its users like little babbies so when it asks them "Hey do you want data security?" and they say yes, apple enables icloud backups for them, because apple users would be too dumb to understand "Hey, do you want your data rsynced to a remote distributed server?"

Well apple is guilty for providing a data security service. Problem is people don't understand that data security means off-site backups. That are never deleted ever.

There's no cryptography which couldn't be deciphered, learn maths.
However, it isn't surprising for an Apple user to don't know such things.

no, it's not at all
one is a fascist statement leveraging accepted cultural standards
the other is saying that if you opt to use something you don't fully understand, when things go awry, you have no right to blame anyone but yourself

>encryption is useless because you can guess someone's password
Kill yourself.

Of course all crypto can be diciphered, the point is to do it in non-linear time, doofus.

exactly. people trust apple with properly securing their data and apple screws them over by constantly getting hacked by fucking basement dwellers who probably resemble the 400 lb hacker trump was mocking. this is their fuck up.

it's completely different than tech companies complying with US laws to fight terrorists.

Apple will do it for you in a fancy wrapping, don't bother to litter your mind with such negligible things like maths and engineering.

man stfu about shit you don't know anything about.

apple's encryption was fucking useless both in terms of icloud security due to a holes elsewhere that allowed brute forcing and in the terrorists phone because some private jew company was able to unlock it.

the way that apple encrypts shit is completely worthless due to terrible holes elsewhere. it doesn't benefit consumers at all.

oh that's fine, saw it the other day in a thread, the guy had an average penis which makes me more confident towards women

It has less holes than any other proprietary encryption system.

Of course, still more than free encryption, but that's why you don't use proprietary software. Ever.

I bet you use proprietary software.

Literally everything is connected to the internet.

What are you gonna use? A polaroid?

The modern ones (which are about all you can find film for) are still connected to the internet.

Skype and telegram only, I have to use them for communication with colleagues.

that's the key. apple has proven that the way they handle user privacy and device security is utter shit in practise so the encryption is worthless for the end user and thankfully terrorists.

>And for the 99.99% of their customers who aren't terrorists, the encryption is great for them.
apple can't even keep people's nudes from leaking everywhere. they should patch the blatant security holes that allow that to happen before they and you shill about how encryption is great for consumers.

also for those who care about encryption and security, they don't trust megacorps that probably have deals with the NSA and CIA to hand over everything once the FEDs come knocking.

Kek, those who live in proprietary houses shouldn't throw stones

You have no idea what icloud security holes are.
It's literally calling up apple's user service and saying you lost your password.
Provide a few bits of info like date of birth, current address, secret question perhaps and you can get into someone's icloud.

I'm indifferent to proprietary software. I just don't like Apple's zombo-devices.

>It has less holes than any other proprietary encryption system.
why should consumers care about encryption when apple is basically allowing full system access due to security holes in their stupid cloud meme storage system?

Last time i checked actual cameras weren't connected to the internet.
Unless you're implying they have been tempered with.
> connecting polaroide to internet
That makes absolutely no sense, source?
> inb4 that one model that uses internet to sync it's internal clock

When the fuck did this happen? Someone please post link. Google is failing me.

Why get a camera when you can just use your phone?
Why get an mp3 player when you can just use your phone?
Why get an e-reader when you can just use your phone?
Why get a real computer when you can just shitpost on Sup Forums with your phone?

I've heard all this garbage on Sup Forums before.

Probably lefty media repressed Google to remove racist bigot links.

apple got rid of the question shit a long time ago. also they won't unlock a device when you're fucking half a world away from where you normally operate the device (or at least a competent company wouldn't)

some fag was able to brute force it due to a security hole the last time. you don't know about it because the jew media sucks apple's dick. it was a massive security hole in icloud. apple is just shit at security.

>Last time i checked actual cameras weren't connected to the internet.

Most modern cameras are connected. Canon calls it "Camera Connect".

Some are even capable of auto-uploadong to picaso to the web.

Besides, to properly view an image, you must move it to a device with internet connectivity.

OK so apple default backups everything by default. It's retarded and it's catering to their retarded userbase. But are there any security issues from there side?

>But are there any security issues from there side?
obviously because we keep getting leaks of celebrity nudes who use iphones.

Literally the 1st result for "fappening emma watson".
On the same site you can find Amanda's.

If you are a high-profile celebrity then you should take measures towards improving security to protect your privacy.


Orthodox Jews are strictly against homosexuality, it's the western society who wants to watch lgbt-faggots on tv. It means that gentiles suck the dick, not Jews.

> why use a camera
So they don't get onto the internet? I thought that was clear?

But it's still a feature that's not heavily available. It's not like you have to search for ages to find a not connected model.

You're right about the second part though. Unless you could be contend with polaroids and not being able to use digital zoom on her boobs.

>turns out emma leaked them herself
What would happen to her?

Th conspiracy theory doesn't say jews love homosexuality. Only that they love to push it on the west to damage its society.

>But it's still a feature that's not heavily available.

Any half decent model produced in the last 2 or 3 years does.

But yea you could find one without it.

Anyway, I figure enough nudes will be leaked that people will stop caring at some point.

Jews love shekels, since the western society love lgbt-faggots, Jews will show it because ratings are shekels.

is that a short-sleeved tshirt?
Looks like it but its sleeves go down to his wrists, so either it has longer sleeves than usual or it's super long below the point where the pic ends (while being proportionally narrower than normal).
Is there a larger version of this picture?

fat people clothing confuses me, too

The point is that western society loves homosexuality BECAUSE of jews.

I don't know whether it's true or not, but that's the theory.

It's a complicated world, my friend.

It's a boy!

dont break the partisan narrative on him, thats not respecting his freedom

They're both ugly as fuck, so who cares?

Call me when Daisy Ridley and the wonder woman nudes get leaked.

So... from what I've heard about this case, they got their iCloud accounts hacked because of phishing, not due to some iCloud vulnerability being exploited. In this such case, Apple would have no liability.

>daisy ridley

>A 'girl' with an overly pronounced jawline
>And a jew
Yeah, sure buddy

one time i was really high on ecstasy and sent a girl a video of me fapping..

How fucked am i if i ever achieve any form notoriety?

>iCloud accounts hacked because of phishing
Apple is still liable. Any have decent company would send notifications if someone logged into your account from an unknown location. Fucking twitter even does this.

>wonder woman
New or old one?