

Why is the German government spending so much money helping refugees get laid?

What about all the German anons who need it more?

I don't think it's so much as helping them get laid as it is telling them consensual sex exists and rape isn't the only option

This. This is Germany's way to reducing rape. They're trying to civilize the poor lads.

Can I immigrate to Germany and get my free sex manual? Do they come in English? I never considered going to Germany before this, but now it seems like it might be worth it.

in a scale of 1-10 as a non white person, what are my chances to evade jailtime for being a serial rapist in germany.



Last year police had orders NOT to arrest refugees for crimes

>rational thinking on Sup Forums
am I seeing right?


looks like i need to go to the german embassy to apply for assylum, i also heard that jailtime there is like paid vacation.

i shall be known as mang jose the village rapist.

>turning refugees into interracial cuckold bulls is considered rational in germany

Leafboy knows what's up

Sure, plenty of your people come here just for legal prostitution and booze so might as well.

>interracial cuckold bulls
When the last time have you left your room?

This is not even a meme. Why you people do this?

because leftism is a mental disease

Uhh lad
You got something you need to say?

Didn't mean to quote that third one

those aren't me

degenerate cuck :)

desu the rapefugees are already in, so you trying to do some damage control by teaching them some basics civilization rules is not so stupid.
But it shows the extent of the sexual frustration, barbaric culture and lack of restrain of the filthy shitskins.

best part is antiracist organizations crying because it's so patronizing and paternalist. at least feminist are keeping quiet because between racism and being raped they still prefer the first one. Self preservation is a strong instinct

i'd actually be interested into the user statistics of that weird site

Tough choice
-Defend racist sexiest homophobic muslims intent on destroy,robbing and raping everything

All while saying
-Men shouldn't rape, be homophobic,destroy or be sexiest,etc.

Feminists and leftists have become very adept at ignoring logic don't worry

yes cause germany is a prime example of civilization and their are primal monkeys that need to be civilized