Is there a more embarrassing political movement on the Internet than the alt right?

Is there a more embarrassing political movement on the Internet than the alt right?

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At least Trump actually got the nomination, Sanders supporters are still creating scenarios in their head where their general secretary wins the election.

>gamergate is still a thing
Jesus Christ. That's probably the most embarrassing thing on that list.

Yes, the atheists and the 18-20 yo spoiled kids who deffend communism

this desu

honestly this

how about a little cringe?

What is "alt right"? Its just the fedora version of conservative, the same way neckbeard is fedora version of liberal?

I consider myself to be centrist, I think. I will probably vote for Trump if he decide to run as pro-life.

Has he won the nomination yet, or is he the defacto winner at this point?

it's not a political movement but being a cancerous namefag pretending to be an irish immigrant living in chicago is pretty embarassing desu

An alt righter told me that his movement will take control of the Republican Party in a decade lmao

>angry white females = tumblrinas
>angry white males = alt-right

seeing a common pattern here

The far left SJW crew.

this thread is also up on Sup Forums right now, so I'll copypaste this from an user there

"Alternative right". They're the SJWs of the "right" (tho that by definition means they're not really right wing).

They're identitarians, so they're white supremacists/nationalists; they're protectionists, so they're not for free market capitalism; they have no coherent arguments--it's all emotionally driven--so they resort to name-calling and disqualification to make their points, exactly like SJWs, except instead of crying racism/misogyny they use insults they think are "edgy", like "cuck" and "shill"; and they're for a strong, authoritarian state, so they suck the dick of and let themselves be cucked by personalists/fascists like Trump.

They have a shared fantasy of a strong daddy state, and will make excuses for it as daddy forces them to suck the smegma off his dick before he fucks their women up the ass with its big daddy cock.

And they masturbate furiously to anime, while they call other men "beta".

Alt right is pretty much an american thing though, edgy teens from elsewhere are usually commies.

is it true that some of them want to go back to feudalism and monarchy?

Technically he still needs to win 100 out of the 400 remaining delegates but now that he's unopposed there's not really any doubt he'll get them.

I think it will, isn't Trump suppose to be alt right? More normal Republican hate him but he's doing very well.

I think alt right is a response to tumblrina culture. They are both very aggressive and disparaging to others who dont' feel the same way they do.

It's a very small number of people, the reason they may seem so prominent is because they all post on Sup Forums and are afraid to speak their views in public (Sup Forums has threads all the time about "coming out" as Trump supporters etc). It'd be very hard to find anyone who identifies as it in real life.

whoever wrote that post seems to not be familiar with the concept of hypocrisy


no he isn't. The alt-right is actually pretty racist, and I don't throw that word around often.

I still don't know what it is desu. I word gamer discouraged me from investigating.

Fuck off


They're fools. Instead of gaining some sensibility they decided to take the same amount of insanity but on the other side of the coin. There's no place for moderates anymore


trump is just the poster boy

Trump isn't a fascist though is he?

Personally I hate free market capitalism too, not sure if that makes me alt right or not. It screws over lot of people. However, I do not like communism either. But something in between that puts people first and politics second. But I am not racist and I hate the name calling. Stuff like "cuck" and stuff like the post you quoted. It bring people farther apart instead of bringing them together.

They also take anti-feminism too far; they think women should live like in the Islamic world where they're their husband's property and you can put them to death for cucking you, also they're pro-pedophilia.

Kek pro-life. Are you retarded/Christian?


It's actually a thing among some segments, yup.

A mixture of techno-utopianism and the greasy "red-pilled" narcissists of Counterpunch comment sections.
They believe they are Nietzsche's ubermensch incarnate, but it's unlikely they could create anything more meaningful than a hot pocket.

i don' think he is fascist, but the guy posting it was like an ancap or something so anyone that supports taxation is a fascist

I am Catholic yes. That said, nobody but NOBODY should murder little kids. Its just wrong.

If Clinton took a stand against this kind of killing, she would have my vote in a heartbeat. I support her in way more things over Trump, and I think keeping healthcare is very important. But looking at the history of the Democratic party they always fail to support life, because they are worried about losing the choicer vote.

It's not a unified movement. AFAIK, you're part of the alt right if you believe that race is an inherent part of culture and that there is a white genocide. It's also pretty common for them to believe that the white race is objectively superior to all other races to the point that it is not morally objectionable to treat them as second class citizens.

I know, pretty scary.

One of the basic Christian tenants is "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you also do unto me." People like Nietzsche didn't like the Christian religion for exactly that reason; they believed it's ok to beat up/kill/enslave those who are weaker than you.

after so many backflips out of political convenience does it really matter what Trump's stated position on abortion is?

Yeah I know its so many backflips. And honestly, I don't know if it matters or not. I need to think about that more. The worst part of democracy is choosing between two evils. The one who openly supports killing kids but who also is more committed to healthcare? The one who only sometimes supports killing kids and has zero experience in politics, only in trolling and reality TV? Scrounging through third party?

>and they're for a strong, authoritarian state, so they suck the dick of and let themselves be cucked by personalists/fascists like Trump

>Trump talks about removing restrictive regulations on business/free enterprise
>is a statist/fascist

An upboat and a tip of the fedora to you good sir

this is one of the most hilarious things about Sup Forums. 99% of their values and worldview line up perfectly with ISIS and islam, yet they refuse to see the irony

what's ironic to me is that the alt right actually consists of plenty of Christian traditionalists, and I'll bet everything I own that if Jesus came back to us tomorrow, these people would dismiss him as a low test beta cuck.

I've seen a lot of alt-right Christian (I think) and it always seems like they want to roleplay as a medieval crusader knight on the internet rather than actual Christian life. "Deus vult" they invade the Muslims, but it never seems that "Deus vult" them to stop posting porno or hate messages on the internet....

Yeah...if Jesus went into a redneck bar in Texas today, he'd be taken for a granola California hippie and get the shit kicked out of him. Those guys only believe in the vengeful Old Testament God.

Thank you, kind m8. It was my privilege

I don't think so. I don't think Jesus was a hippie either. I think sometimes some people stress his fluffy side and other stress his authoritative side, but he was both.

You can't generalize all Texan either.

Most so-called Christians _in_ the Middle Ages were exactly that. They were degenerates in their personal lives who just used religion as an excuse to kill people and steal their stuff.

>also they're pro-pedophilia

Exactly what I said. They think age of consent should be like 10 or something and that it's too high because of feminists.


unrelated but I'm glad we finally have a standardised name for these fucking lunatics



>murder little kids
just fucking stop
fetuses are not children you mong

>nationalists are alt-right

This is correct


>mfw there's not a single major Marxist intellectual that didn't take their issues with their own fucked up family out on the wider society

1) Race is a inherent part of culture.

2) White genocide is somewhat real.

3) Whites are not superior.

>Its a whiny pinko thread

I mean seriously, you look into the personal lives of Marx, Trotsky, Mao etc and they're pretty much all a bunch of sociopathic fuck-ups
>Marx blaming every creditor he had for not paying on time
>Trotsky being a total cunt to his schizophrenic daughter
>Mao insisting that humanity should not be afraid of death, while simultaneously copiously weeping at the thought of himself dying

far-right >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alt-right > left

people who support unnecessary abortion should of been aborted desu

that's convenient, because people have the same impression about people who unironically go to Sup Forums.

Good Bait OP.

t. person from country where the concept of 人口素质 applies to immigration policy.

The difference is Sup Forums is (currently) a bunch of basement dwelling NEETs with no impact on their wider society

You can't say the same about Marx/Trotsky/Mao you fuckwit cunt

I'm not Taiwan.

Be nice.

This I'm glad we have a proper, professional, political party that doesn't care in the slightest what new bullshit internet is saying
What the fuck is even alt right and why would we need it ? It probably doesn't even exist here anyways

Fuck off to Sup Forums with this off-topic garbage

It is pretty embarassing.

here's an irl example:

I find anyone who gets passionate about politics incrediblyy cringeworthy

The guy with the cap wasn't cringeworthy he just had nothing to say, which is expected of him desu, he's supposed to let the more educated and competent ukip politicians speak in his name
And the woman was just annoying

the guy who spouted the current year meme was the worst, though.

bern victims, sjws and the left in general

Apparently the more faux-political movements arise, the less common sense becomes pervasive

This is all because of the American bipartisan political system, and the resultant identity politics - I could agree with 63% of the Rep platform, and 36% of the Dem, but if I vote or comment pro/against either one I have to carry the rest of their political baggage

Also, the incentives that niche/minority movements provide catalyze the formation of new identities/sexual orientation/populist groups/separatists/etc.

A broad review of political philosophy from Plato's Republic to Hobbes/Locke to Rosseau should be made mandatory prior to college

he seemed medically autistic (which says alot about the alt-right) and the other gfuy saying 'le pol meme' was cringeworthy as fuck

conclusion: SJWS and alt-right are equally as detestable.

Form your own political opinions, don't sign up to a group. I am right wing in some respects, left in other,s libertarian in others yet. I don't identify myself as a belonging to a political party/ideology and I don't delude myself into believing that my opinions societally matter that much and will change things greatly.


No, but libertarians are also pretty annoying. They always act like their ideology is the second fucking coming of Christ.


>le bait xD

>mom was too retarded to use any form of birth control
>not necessary

This tbqh.