Are the nordic countries proof of that marxism works?

Are the nordic countries proof of that marxism works?


no they're proof that socialism works

Pure socialism doesn't work
Pure capitalism doesn't work
Pure communism doesn't work

>calling a functioning welfare state a working example of marxism or socialism
You only do this to trigger the murifats, right?

Having been to Finland, it has pros but also massive cons.

A degree from Finland is literally worthless, and while the healthcare is great it only works because of the tiny population. Even in the UK the NHS is struggling under a 60+ million population that it being 100% national is unviable,

Now, just a dash of "it's not cheap to be poor"...

nordic cunts were built on low-tax capitalism, success later leeched by socialism

>degree from Finland worthless

Give it some more year and we'll see.

No matter how you go about it, a welfare state it's a state with too much power over the people, so it shares the same basic failure that socialism has

Nothing ever works. Capitalism's turn to fall apart just comes later.

I don't know, we had a social democracy in the past but we don't anymore because we couldn't afford it.
Now we still pay socialydemocracy-level taxes without actually having a social democracy, so that's shitty too.

Also socialism=/=social democracy

No, since it doesn't work.

Except for Sweden maybe.
We are ready to accept Sweden into the third world in 50 years or so.

Nice ESL retard.

>nordic cunts were built on low-tax capitalism, success later leeched by socialism

>scandinavia is dying
>S-socialism w-works, comrades.




Because you get paid to do it lmao. Everyone I met out there treated the degree as a doss and the masters is what they needed to get a job.


Nordic countries are not socialist or marxist just because they have social programs funded by taxes

And the point of a social democracy is to help people that are temporarily unable to be a part of the capitalist system be it disease, pregnancy or whatever

>degree is only worthy if you have to take a lifelong student debt to cover it

During the Cold War, actual communists despised social democracy; they said it was worse than pure capitalism because it amounted to throwing the workers a scrap of meat so they wouldn't revolt. Of course Sweden was also extremely anti-commie back then because most communist groups were a front for the KGB and on the whole, the Nordic countries have never really had any communist movement of significance.

Ahh you're one of those people who fell for the Anglo "Bachelor's is enough" meme.

>poland moderatly free
>germany mostly free

>le nordics are socialist meme

your tax% was very low when you became rich

>nordic cunts were built on low-tax capitalism
t. not Astrid Lindgren

Marxism only works in homogeneous societies

It only works temporarily, as it runs on the wealth generated by a previously free market, and it inevitably collapses when it runs out.

It's not necessarily inevitable. It's just close to impossible to make humans work together like that and deal with corruption, when you're trying to implement it in an entire country and not just like a village

I blame the murrifats.

Specifically Bernie Sanders faggots.

>just as free as france

" X is dying" is the worst argument in the book. Provide some facts, Miroslaw