Is this rasism?


No one say whitening is rasism.


Someone say whitening is tradition over 1000 years.
But blackening is tradition in Japan too.

This blackening festival started in 1643.

Is this rasism?

japans metal desu



Wonder how much flack a white broadcaster would get if someone pulled their eyes back


thats going to get you far

10 out of should gas

Ads which means Brazilians cheer Japanese.
I don't think this is racism too.

No one says this is racism.

You can cut the act Nigel/Bruce, Sup Forums will never hate japanese intolerance of weeaboo and immigrant scum

100.0% Japan for Japanese


I like your opinion my man

Thanks bruv

Korean said this is racism but Korean says Japanese and Korean are same race at the same time.
Then what is racism?

Tanning is not racism.

This is normal Chinese makeup.
This emphasize slant eyes.
Is this racism?

No, but it's pretty trippy and would probably satisfy my insect fetish


Tanning is not racism.
Whitening is not racism.
Makeup which emphasize slant eye is not racism.

Does this satisfy your cat fetish?

Blacks will be annoyed at this, yes

But we indeed like japanese people, I'm not so sure japaneses like blacks.

I love any Japanese person. I will open my house and prepare a feast for a japanese visitor.

My goal in life is to have a japanese friend, in the mould of Rush hour, the american film

Yes, it is. Don't make a crap anymore.

Racism is influenced by aesthetic sense.
In Japan, long nose was features of beauty in 1900s.
But now anime use small nose when that express cute.

Normal Japanese have no opinion to the black
because we don't meet them in Japan.
Coloring face is traditional playing or ritual.

This and this don't mean black person.

But it's true that some Japanese love tanning like or black musician like.