Dropbox is kill

Dropbox recently removed the "public link" feature.

I want a folder where anything I put in it receives a public direct link, like Dropbox used to do.

ie dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/{userid}/{filename}

Any program that provides this functionality?

I'm thinking of maybe creating this myself as a fun project.

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop forcing and using this botnet.

Who fucking cares.

nobody cares
dropbox is google "we're installing CIA drivers for your GPU" tier


Did any of you actually read my post? I'm looking for an alternative with the public link feature.


shut 'em down, open up shop

Just encrypt everything you put in dropbox

>alternative with public link system
Host your own ftp server and allow anonymous access to specific files/folders.

It's not hard.

upspin :^)

>not using Nextcloud on your own server

>compress the stuff you want to upload
>protect with password
>read the compressed file as a binary string
>apply text-encryption to string
>convert to hex to save space
>apply text encryption on that hex string
>paste on pastebin
>download from another computer
>decrypt the string to get original hex
>convert to binary
>decrypt string to get original binary
>copy and save into an extentionless file
>tell your system that it should read it as a compressed file
>use the password to decompress it
>there you have your stuff

This is how I've been doing it since ever. Literally takes two minutes retard.

Wow that's fucking retarded.

I prefer 2 seconds over 2 minutes but thanks for your suggestion.

>convert to hex to save space
should have stopped reading there

here you go

upload() { wget -q --post-data "api_dev_key=1b40afe5437b88c19a92208e094a9b2a&api_option=paste&api_paste_code=$(tar -c "$1" | gzip | xxd -p)" pastebin.com/api/api_post.php -O - && echo; }

download() { wget -q -O - $(echo -n "$1" | sed -r 's/^(.*pastebin\.com\/(raw\/)?(\w+).*|(\w+))$/http:\/\/pastebin.com\/raw\/\3\4/') | xxd -r -p | gzip -d | tar -x; }




What the fuck?

The most basic ftp server would be able to do that. Why are tech illiterates like you on Sup Forums?

>Dropbox is kill
Dropshit was kill when Snowden released documents showing that NSA has direct access to it.

thanks for the api key!

nOw DoWnloADinG YouR fILeZ...

Don't expect anything other than childishness and autism from this board

I hope they enjoyed my dank anime girls.