Mfw voted for drumpf to keep immigrants out and India and China are not on his list

>mfw voted for drumpf to keep immigrants out and India and China are not on his list
>company literally replaced 2 of my co-workers with Indians last month
>tfw I'm the next to go

Name your company.
Name your profession.
Have you had any bad reviews from management?
have your 2 fired co-workers had bad reviews?
Where did they go?

>junior developer
>no idea


Pre-emptively quit.

>junior developer
What kind of stuff are you working on?

>mfw voted for trump
>problems not solved

And you actually thought it'd help. The depths of the American stupidity are truly staggering.

>voting for a corporatist idiot
It's like you want Windows to win

>Got replaced by Pajeets
>Pajeets royally fuck up about 2 months later
>Come back as overpaid as fuck contractor

Feels good

>lol just quit bro
Are you fucking kidding me neet?

>voting in a bourgeois democracy

cry some more, racist. Trump's bleating was only ever really about Muslims and Mexicans.

If it helps, you and China will probably wipe each other out soon

>mfw voted for drumpf
why are normies so easy to trick even drumpf pulls it off?

No. Its easy. Raise the issues with management. When they inevitably reject your complaints, then quit citing management problems.

Then you can do what suggested and come back as a contractor when they find out that the competency level of their staff has significantly reduced.

>quit and return to the same place for an increased rate
have you ever had a job in your life

Yeah. In one my contract expired. In the other I quit due to conditions.

>unemployed cumskins can be this delusional
This isn't fucking 1980s. Poo in loos actually have better productivity than native born Americans.

So why haven't they already fired you and replaced you with a "Poo in loo"?

really makes you think

Nice projection.

as if he was going to do that, he probably employs tons of them

He's a junior developer though.

>voted for drumpf

lying commie spotted

Back to /reddit/ you go fag