Can someone explain the slav squat? Do they not have chairs in Russia?

Can someone explain the slav squat? Do they not have chairs in Russia?

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They do not need a chair.

they are the chair.

they have indian genes that make them sit like that

Must be alert and prepared to fight off bydlo.

It's just a comfortable way to relax.

they obviously dont have chairs in the middle of the street. And usually the adidas meme is surrounding it because it's done by gopniki who loiter in the street causing trouble and drink.

It's because of the squat toilets lad

but it hurts me legs

It began as part of prison culture

>but it hurts me legs

You need the flexibility for it and to have proper form I guess.

Really it's just because standing all the time is uncomfortable and it's not really a good idea to sit on the dirty floor in public especially because it's usually cold

>It began as part of prison culture

what did he mean by this

There were too many people in prisons and simply no place to sit, that's how squatting began


>There were too many people in prisons and simply no place to sit, that's how squatting began

Are you sure? Seems like just a pretty common and comfortable way to sit.

As a kid I remember my parents saying to sit like that so I wouldn't sit on the cold concrete and get sick or some shit

It could break your legs if you do it wrong. And it's hard to keep balance.

Prison culture is big in Russia, squats, small crime considered prestigious, male on male sexual dominance - that kind of thing.

why are slav guy always wearing black clothing?

Most people have undeveloped Achilles tendons because of chairs.

check out this high technology - it even has a cupholder!

IDK squatting is easy and comfortable, I'm surprised Germans here always stand up when hanging out, seems pretty tiring.

because they are gypsies
only gypsies squat

Because black is deep and poetic color

>squatting is easy and comfortable
It fucking hurts after 10 seconds

You need to condition your body towards it.

Work it
No pain no gain

Is that Pablo Manuel Iglesias?

Because other colors are gay.

foxy di

benchs is actually deficit here such as trashcans

It was brought here from central Asia. Uzbekistan etc.

The real question is why can most other people not do the flat foot squat when it's the natural resting position? I had this conversation with a few friends of mine and it seems like brown people especially have to squat on their toes. They just can't keep balance with their feet flat, for some reason.

good taste lad

It is the superior form of sitting

>Can someone explain the slav squat?
I always figured it stopped their arseholes from freezing sitting on cold seats and concrete

it's only a natural resting position if you've conditioned your body to do that from childhood. the tendons in your heels won't stretch enough if you try it as an adult

>Hunkerin' (also known as hunkering or hunkering down) is, in particular, the name applied to the American fad of resting in the squatting position in the late 1950s.

Also i'm fucking amazed there is such a big article dedicated to squatting

but that is a warm cozy carpet

wait so is it considered squatting if you are resting your butt on the back of your legs, or do you have to support yourself completely with your legs? this article is giving me mixed answers

"Slav squat" is with your ass against the back of your legs. If you are flexible enough for it you don't need to focus on keeping balance and it also doesn't cause strain. Used to do yoga a bunch in the past and I could comfortably stay in the position for extended periods of time. Got fat over the past couple of years, though, and quit all exercising and yoga stuff, so I got stiff. I can still go into the position despite being a 183cm/105kg fat fuck, but it's a bit straining.


America can into Slav

They don't want to get their clothing dirty. Might not have washing machine or detergent.

the position of the legs is not right. it's not russian squat

it looks so unmanly when they do it on tippytoes

I'm squatting right now, on chair not desk.
It's really comfy.

It is common all over the asia.


You have to keep doing it. If you're not used to squatting at all, the muscles used to keep balance when squatting are weak and unconditioned and it becomes extremely strenuous to maintain a flat footed squat. Squatting on your toes moves center of balance forward, relieving some of the stress on the balancing muscles but also increases strain on toes.

merci pierre, mon frere

Fuck off with all that "squatting" shit, you can barely see people who would squat nowadays

this squat is amrikan spy,you have to put your heels on the ground like

You have many Asians, so you should have known why do Russians squat (protip:Europe ends on Ural mountains).



Do only North Slavs squat or is it Balkan tradition too?



so thats about 2 euro fiddy?

In mother russia you don't need chair.

Chair is you.


>It began as part of prison culture
This. Not only in Russia, but in all the post-soviet countries, prisoners is squating everytime, and they styled it even on the "release".

>Do only North Slavs squat or is it Balkan tradition too?

It is, but only among Turks and Albanians (who are the most influenced by Turks in the Balkans).

First good in soviet rashka joke I've heard in a while. I guess sometimes that German bluntness does serve to breed good humour after all.

step aside
squat master coming thru

>It could break your legs if you do it wrong. And it's hard to keep balance.
confirmed proxy

t. not slav

I do squats as part of my workout routine, never lift my heels, but I can never get as deep as these Slavs. What's wrong with me?

Yes we have chairs, they are building them now. Soon we will have.

it's not something slav-related. everyone does that

>Why do you need to breathe with your own lungs when we have oxygen tanks?

Australians have inferior quads.

I've never seen your flag before, at least have no memories of it. It's really beautiful. What's the story behind it?

what to explain? this shit is super exaggerated.

>what to explain?

Why do your people feel the need to take pictures of themselves doing things like this?

Look, everybody shut up
Squatting like that is natural, it's a good position to rest in
If you are incapable of this, it means you are not fit. I'm not joking. Go do some squats and box jumps. Feet flat at all times,.
Jesus fuck, you idiots.
If it hurts, it's because you're not fit
Keep doing it.

difficult to explain. squatting for us is like seiza sitting for the japanese

our country is literally called "land of eagles" among us

also eagles represent freedom and the red represents the blood spilled to protect it from foreigners
the two heads could be for us and Kosovo since we are the same nationality split in two countries

richest man in russia

>Kosovo since we are the same nationality split in two countries

o boi

shit politics and bantering aside, it's true
both in Kosovo and here, our flags are always shown together

i started to squat as a kid because i liked it, why would i stand outside on the same place in the park when i can simply squat? That's probably because we played all around, not just in parks with chairs. but in construction sites, bushes etc. I stil like to squat. Everyboy after a basketball game today were sitting, i squated. But with Nike shoes and tracksuit...

I think it is an East Slav thing. Never saw anyone do that here. And trashy youths here are wiggers.

When you had too much weed, or too much alcohol before the weed, the squat works really well getting through the smoking session without dying.

>squatting hurts and is uncomfortable

I don't understand this meme

But it understands you. That's all you need to know.

That's an Asian squat

Squatting THAT LOW with feet flat on the ground is pretty damn hard for most people

Blame chairs desu

Never seen people squtting in Poland


I tried this. Feels good. If I die, I want to be a slav in my next life.

In japan it's called yanki squat.

Its true US americans are too fat too squat without putting our hands out foward for balance