Is Stallman a Communist?


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Is Stallman in favor of a government-owned everything? I should say not.

no he's just an aspie

Nah he's a minarchist

Communism is collective ownership of the means of production in which workers voluntarily work according to their ability and everyone takes according to their need. Workers who make free software do it voluntarily according to their ability and others download or share the software according to their need. The community collectively controls the program making free software like stateless cyber communism.

>Supports gun control

>The community collectively controls the program making free software like stateless cyber communism.
This is not true of software that's free. Stallman is probably more in-line with cyber-anarchism (wtr software).

>Supports gun control
Really? So much for >muh freedumbs then

he specifically defends capitalism

Anyone is free to edit the program making the community somewhat collectively control the program. People can suggest edits and stuff. Plus anarchism included collective control of property too.

He is fanatic anarchist
He want to PURGE ALL THE SOFTWARE even if it literally plunge the world into chaos
because MUH FREEDOM is more important

Anarchists (At least in the original non-anarcho capitalist sense) Propose the same thing as communists but lol no state XD.

Nah. The user, individually controls the program. You're confusing free-software with projects like Linux.

Please tell me you don't actually believe this bunch of horse shit.

>I don't know what communism means
>I think Stalinism/Maoism is communism

What communism? No I'm not a communist.

He's a big cuck.

Bill Gates' number should be 655360

Is a communist really a bad thing or are capitalists propagandized to the extreme?



It's just Stalinism lmaooo these chinks trying to fart out muhh Mao.

you're looking for mutualist anarchy, the middle between ancap and syndicalism. while most anarchist see not need for the state, they have varying views on the use of personal property.

Previous stalinist turned fascist here. Know much along leftist ideology. He is not, but his philosophy is much like anarcho-communism.

Maoism is just stalinism + dude peasants lmao and guys I have an idea lets make shitty steal out of pot and pans instead of food.

>ITT: Retards pretend to know things about both technology and political philosophy.

Aren't Mutualists just stateless market socialists?

no, a socialist market would be like mainland China. while China has a restrictive gov't, they don't inhibit business really at all. it's like communism sitting on an ancap wasteland.

the distinction between the flavors of anarchism generally depends on how they see personal property and the degree of centralized control.

Socialist would be a more appropriate term.

He is against FULL CONTROL governments and FULL CONTROL corporations, both which are consequences of communism and capitalism res.


stop being afraid, it's ok


Market socialism is actually just capitalism with co-ops. China is basically capitalist.

>gnu lag
>gnu lags


There is no such thing. There is leninism.

Maoism is the next step, where the people war is accepted as the way to communism, and that communism made a qualitative jump with Mao.

Hard for you to accept, but:
maoism was born in 1981 in Peru.

Stalin differentiated considerably from Lenin with world revolution becoming socialism in one country and advocacy of soviet democracy to one party state. Stalinism is an evolution of Leninism just like trotskyism.

No. "Stalinism" is Leninism. >socialism in one country
Already during Lenin
>one party state
The same.

Leon, go read Lenin (no you haven't read Lenin) and shut the fuck up.

>Already during Lenin
Not true. In the end Lenin said that socialism couldn't work in one country and decided to have a sort of cooperative capitalism (NEP) until the revolution spread.

>The same.
Their was some debate within the party. Unlike the "Purge anyone who disagree's we me" attitude with Stalin.

> A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of communism. All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Tsar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.

>Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as communistic by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of communism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?



See ->

He didn't vote for Trump, so yes.

The problem with communism is it doesn't work.
If free software works and is communism, than maybe we need to give communism another chance.
The other option is fos not being communism.

Fuck off stallman

First sense of reason in this thread.
The for giving me hope user.


He would rather have the families of coders starve than coders work for employers.

lol. the gnulag. that's hilarious. OC?

>fight for freedom
>be called communist

>constitution says that government should enforce free speech
Fucking commies

He's against non-free toilets.

He's right

Some Communists fought for freedom too. Like the CNT-FAI anarcho-communists.