How do Canadians feel about having tumblr for their Prime Minister?

How do Canadians feel about having tumblr for their Prime Minister?

We've grown to accept it and just take part in the memes ourselves.

My dad calls Trudeau a homosexual sometimes in a joking tone

Has he actually said the quote in the pic?
I think he seems comfy btw

Majoriteten av Trudea-citaten verkar fotoaffärade

He sounds like one desu

Yes he did

I dont share his world-view, but he seems to be pretty based.
What I cant understand, how did he manage to become Prime Minister while beeing so young

>What I cant understand, how did he manage to become Prime Minister while beeing so young

He only looks young(his only redeeming feature), he's 44 years old.

HÅller med och det är lätt att få någon att låta efterbliven genom att ta citat ur kontext med

thats still pretty young to become prime minister

>thats still pretty young to become prime minister

I don't think it is. 44 years old is about the right age one would imagine.

Also to your question as to "How did he become prime minister", his father was one of the most important Prime Ministers(although many say he began the decline of Canada), that's how.

so you have political dynasties aswell, like USA?

Weren't Canadians sick of the Conservatives too?

ye but it was taken out of context

what he said he still pretty dumb desu


our PM is 41

>so you have political dynasties aswell, like USA?

This is the main one i know of.

>Weren't Canadians sick of the Conservatives too?

I guess but it was kind of a meme in most cases. Actually terribly cringeworthy.

There was a fucking Vice article about women who would flash their tits to Canadians who say they won't vote for Harper. They called it "strategic voting" or something.

Cringe af, just voting against someone out of principle. No one in my family votes.

It's like having a substitute teacher instead of a prime minister

Feels bad, man. It's embarrassing as well
This. This is why I don't want to go back just yet. I'm afraid he'll fuck up the country like his dad
A lot were. I think most people voted Harper for a second term because he didn't manage to royally screw anything up. I think most people got sick of him because he's a bit of a sleazebag and willing to sell our natural resources off.

I didn't know Lynton Crosby posted on Sup Forums.


>so you have political dynasties aswell, like USA?
Third world shitholes like my country have real political dynasties. Bushes and Clintons aren't anywhere close to what we have here.

He called honor killings absolutely unacceptable, instead of barbaric. Somebody asked him why, and he said because the word "barbaric" implies all people of that culture are barbarians, including the women killed.

He later apologized.

Because it was 2015.

He might apparently be tumblr-man, but I have yet to hear him proposing a policy that fucks over Canada.

...Isn´t his actual ability to be PM more important than anything else?

(If this is just circlejerk, I apologize and ignore my post)

I'm glad the liberal party rhetoric doesn't reflect it's policy. This government isn't much different then the last one except this time they get to have their cake and eat it since the NDP is in shambles. That being said they have made economic choices that have been lies or promises that shouldn't have been kept.

I would vote for him

Our last prime minister was elected when he was 41 years old

Much rather have tublr over Sup Forums desu