Can you find your country, Sup Forums?

Can you find your country, Sup Forums?

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America is fat even on maps

won't even gonna look for it

This map doesn't mean anything. For example, in the US you need to publish very often, but in France you don't. The system is not the same. What you need to look is the impact factor (the number of times a paper is cited by other papers).

just accept an L for once you faggot

this does not take population sizes into account

what is that orange coutry in the middle and the light green country next to it?

Saudi arabia and iran?


I agree. Europe is just as big as the US despite having 200m more people.

looks almost north african

Egypt maybe? It looks like the Sinai

Yes, I can.

Like half of Europe clearly publishes almost nothing according to that map

Instead of crying about it why not post some more accurate data you bitch

Yes, I can. confirmed a fat japan.

>two continents disappeared

>area of the falklands greater than the area of argentina



>''Australia biggest island ''

Jebus Ghrist :D




lol @ australia

What the actual fuck Norway?
What's wrong with you all? Congenital retardation?

Is that big purple turd Japan?

New Zealand finally made it onto a map

They are our child after all

What's the orange, red, and light red bit in the center?
I'm guessing one is Israel, and the other is South Africa.

This tbqh. It says more about the fucked up state of academia

I read an interview with the guy who theorised about the Higgs boson.

He said that in the current state of academia the sort of solitary slow research and theorising he did he did just couldn't be possible because it's so fast paced and competitive.

Here, I found the article.

Only an American would display data like that when much easier and effective methods are available