Seriously, is there anything this continent can't do?

Seriously, is there anything this continent can't do?

Keep out terorrists.

Remove kebab.

Pay debnt

Be better than us


why do you put a picture of spain if you're talking about europe

Defeat Islam.

Be uncucked.

Stop Germany from endlessly trying to destroy it ?

why is spain so mountainous? that's so stupid

because tectonic plates borders and that shit

Hate sand-niggers.

>We could be an unified European empire.
>Defeat Russia and USA and be our puppet States.
>Invade North Africa and the Persian Gulf. Reclame the oil and exterminate all muslims.
>Rule the world.
>World peace.

But now...

>We are a bunch of divided cucked countries.
>Puppets of USA.
>Muslims are invading us.
>Europe is becoming more irrelevant than ever.

>>Muslims are invading us

Yeah, the 300 millions Arabs invading the 500 millions 90% white continent

>We could be an unified European empire.

Do you really think that's a good thing or that it would ever work?

Care for the future of its own people.

Defend itself.

stop imposing self destructive policies on itself

kill yourself globalist scum

yeah lol why would we worry about 300 fucking million uncivilized barbarians illegally entering our countries wanting to take our money and women and beheading everyone who disagrees with them

Forgive denbt
