women can't code

> women can't code

/techcringe/ thread

Carmack is a dirty thief, kloss is already better than him morally and possibly programming.



The code on the right wont even run because there is no main function.


hers atleast calculates something! the guys just put in random numbers and letter to look impressive ;P

Look mom I posted it again!

C babies, ladies and gents.

That image on the right is not real, is it?

I mean, yeah, the fast square root code could use some comments, but it is pretty damn magical (though part of the magic is having it just show up without comments)

But the code on the right is just bad.

when men codes

>i have to finnish this... arrhhh damn it! ok lets settle this

when girls code

> code stope use phone to post photos in instagram, twitter, facebook, wasap, etc etc code code stop talk with friends, code take selfie, nah forget about it, lets call the nerd of my friend, he will do it quickly, like in the bed when i fuck him

i've seen this image thousand times,

I'm not a big fan of this style:
int main()
int x = 4;
if (x == 4)
x = 5;
return 0;

As you can see once you start adding if statements it gets messy quick.

This looks better:
int main() {
int x = 4;
if (x == 4) {
x = 5;
return 0;

god this picture is funny everytime, inserting shitty comments with dumb emoticons makes the code better


>right code would actually make you fired for being unprofessional


int main() {
int x = 4;
x = (x == 4) ? 5 : 4;
return 0;

x = ( x == 4 ) ? 5 : x;

int main()
int x = 4;
if (x == 4) {
x = 5;
return 0;

Also, having brackets on a new line only suck in your exemple because you use brackets when you don't need to.

Having brackets to scope a single call is ugly in itself.

By this logic neither does the one on the right

Since he already wrote about the code on the right i assume you meant the one on the right?

He means the one on the right you retard.


Can't you see she is recapping the little knowledge that she has ?!
If she doesn't repeat it constantly she'd turn back into the legume that she is.

You can see that coding is this guys life, it has even pushed in his speech and the way he talks, he's a total autistic nerd.

>A > B && B < A

Lol. This is just dumb.

Jesus fucking christ

int main() {
int x = 4;
if (x == 4) x = 5;

return 0;

Do you really have to post this every single day?

I wonder if it's real or just another shitty Sup Forums meme.

int main() {
int x = 1;
LOOP: if (x == 1) x = 2;
if (x == 2) x = 3;
if (x == 3) x = 4;
if (x == 5) x = 6;
if (x == 6) goto LOOP;

return 0;

max(6, 6); // returns 5


int max(int a, int b){
return a > b ? a : b;
