Why do you guys hate Windows 10 so much? It works great for me

Why do you guys hate Windows 10 so much? It works great for me.

I don't think Microsoft should get to know what I do on my computer.

Try turning off automatic updates.


Let me tell u something I updated my laptop over the weekend and after I could not open control panel or double click to go into folders, I had to change things in the system registry just be able to get into folders. I ended up having to reset yesterday. yea windows 10 is fucking great fuck microsoft and there updates

Use Windows 10 LTSB 2016. Consumer Versions are trash.

I use enterprise, but sometimes it can't show tray properly. Ltsb is overkill.

Run at least antibeacon and ooshutup 10 you stupid assholes.

>Just use one more botnet thing!
Great idea

DWS lite is better than both of those.
DWS lite is open source

regardless of which one you prefer, the fact that you need a third-party utility to get the OS to stop doing something it never should ave done in the first place should be a red flag

>Use Windows 10 LTSB 2015

What makes 2015 better than 2016? Windows 10 before the anniversary update was way worse in my opinion as a shit ton of games were crashing for me.

Even more bloat.

>Even more bloat
What exactly? The only 'bloat' it came with was onedrive, but you can uninstall it.

the fact is W10 works perfectly like all Windows is terrible installing updates stuff but the system is good, quickly, runs everything, support the pass of time, but looks cool insulting windows, just that

I have to say that i use debian but for work we got W10 and we havent got any problems since...and the clients are happy so...

The system requirements boosted to 2GB or something. The constant disk io is ridiculous.

Basically said it. There are more useless apps that they added with it. The interface changed to some weird touch friendly design, UAC warnings are now gigantic boxes instead of a small popup.

If you have a maxwell gpu then you won't have any problems. Pascal and greater aren't supported on 2015.




I don't hate it, but it's unusable for me. About a year ago I switched to Ubuntu, and they must've changed something because my computers hardware is no longer supported, it keeps crashing. But that cortana, and recommended apps, and forced updates make for a pretty shit experience and is why I switched in the first place.

It works ok for me on the surface, but i take the telemetry etc. shit seriously...

