Why is Sup Forums butthurt about golang? I thought Sup Forums liked minimalism, s.mh

why is Sup Forums butthurt about golang? I thought Sup Forums liked minimalism, s.mh...

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Inferior programmers feel threatened by it.

Yes I feel threatened by it.
I put a massive investment in backend Java programming. It's what I make my money with.
Go is slowly taking away some of Javas market share in that area, especially microservices and other buzzword bullshit.
I really don't want to learn yet another programming language.
Java, C# and Javascript are more than enough for a life time.

Fuck Go. Go away!

Don't worry man, it's actually really easy.

The entire specification is less than 100 pages (compared to java witch is like 600 pages).

The opposite. Python is minimalism, Go is fucking pseudocode.

there are multiple debates in language theory that revolve around style and abstraction, and the design team behind Go not only deliberates on all of those, but also enforces those decisions. it's always been a controversial project for this reason.

in addition, many junior developers with limited understanding of language design laud or damn it with little justification.

the language is actually pretty solid and easy to work with if you can get over the philosophical hurdles. I wouldn't use it for everything though.


>python is minimalism
triggered me irl
python, a language with methods and classes and 3-4 different data types that share syntax ootb, that requires tabs as part of the syntax, is NOT minimal.
you are confusing the ideas of 'easy' and 'simple', many simple things are difficult.
chopping down a tree with an axe is very simple, it is not easy.
writing x86 assembly is (fairly) simple, it is not easy.
python is easy, it is not simple.

I have the whole Java standard library inside of my head and I know well the often used 3rd party libraries like everything from Apache, Google Guava, etc.
I also know the surrounding technologies and frameworks: Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Data, JSF, Thymeleaf, Jenkins, Maven, JUnit, EasyMock, Mockito, Archiva, JVM tuning, JVM profiling, Java AOP.
I don't want to start from scratch just to do the same thing I did before with a lower skill level.

And than we have this shit.
If you are not a genius from a great college working in a Fortune 100 company or unicorn startup you can go fuck yourself. Wages aren't that great outside of the magic bubbles we hear from in the media.
They are giving their best to make the situation better for employers and worse for employees.
I am just a little tradesman. Leave me alone! Keep women out of the industry! Stop luring young people into studying CS!

To be honest I don't know shit about go but the fucking retarded gopher mascot puts me off immediately.

>no generics
install haskell

>python is easy, it is not simple.
>you're a moron, not a programmer.

nice argument

Go is trash that is not great for anything and has a stupid logo. The only reason people use it is because of Google. It will die in a couple years and everyone will go back to Java.

>shilling an autismo language
>on the Peruvian bull breeding grounds database

Still better than C though. Go would be pretty cool if they had generics.

Because its crap.

I like the way you think friend. I don't really enjoy today's silly hype train either.

The JVM and CLR, they're the best platforms available today. You're wise for investing in it

As someone who hates Java and Java programmers with a passion, you have made it my life's work to replace Java with Go in any way, shape, and form I possibly can.

Remember, you did this to yourself.

How long before Google releases Android SDK for Go?

There's rumor that it's coming at some point, possibly even as soon as at Google I/O this year.

>someone who thinks generics are good thinks himself an authority on what is and isn't better than C

Who gives a shit what Sup Forums is butthurt about this month.

>Rewriting code for every possible type
Yeah, generics are good. Not necessarily any existing style of generics though they all have flaws. Go didn't even try though.

Good luck

>I don't want to start from scratch just to do the same thing I did before with a lower skill level.

But you won't. There are no huge frameworks with magical shit to internalize in Go. Just glue some simple libraries together and you have an app. It works just fine with Jenkins. Also no JVM to fuck with.

The more I learn the more I like it.
For desktop GUI its not so grea but it's gonna be a big server/local webapp language.

Syncthing was made with it and its 10/10 software.

As a (Go)od (Go)y and Android user, I hope never. Where Android goes, Indians follow. Indians leave a trail of shit, both physical and digital.

Also good for CLI software.
