Only .4% of girls taking a programming class in high school, how do we make the tech industry less sexist?

only .4% of girls taking a programming class in high school, how do we make the tech industry less sexist?

convince boys to become traps

men need to pick up the slack and dress up like girls to balance out the field

>one on the right with the thigh bruise

i bet she likes it rough

I didn't even know high schools had programming courses.

im doing my part
what are you doing outside of just bitching?

The girls are sexist for not going into an industry because it is dominated by men.

Some do, think Python, HTML/CSS, SQL, and finally teaching the kids to become Javapoos.

Forced labor

>he didnt learn basic

Java is literally the best high level language available.

4 > 1 > 2 > 3

My high school didn't even offer a programming course. You should say how many high schoolers who take a programming course are female.

user, Java isn't particularly high leveled.

Hello Sanjay, how is the weather in Mumbai?

the reason girls dont take CS classes in hs is because girls dont take CS classes in hs.

girls are not individuals and rather join a class with other girls than do something by themselves

The "Programming Course" at my highschool was a HTML/CSS/PHP
Which was pretty hilarious since I had already taken a Website Design class in middle school that taught html/css, and here was this highschool level course dedicating an entire quarter to it and acting like it was real programming. And the second quarter which was the PHP portion was literally just showing up to class and taking a couple codecademy lessons. Teacher barely spoke up since he knew nothing. Just show up log in do your work.
>mfw the whole fucking semester

>how do we make the tech industry less sexist?

The question you should be asking is: How do we make girls take an interest into tech?
Most girls are stupid whores who see any kind of programmer as a lowly nerd. So you first need to take that mentality out of girls.
That and who cares if girls are either stupid whores or smart inventors? Either way the world spin

The same thing we did when girl were reluctant to learn math. Make the classes mandatory.


only .2% of men study nursery, is it because discrimination?

NO, it is because men and women like different things.

>but muh patriarchy, kids play with construction blocks and girls with barbies, therefore boys end up becoming engineers, is not fair!

NO, you fucking cunt, if you would have studied more biology instead of gender studies you would've knew that since the moment they are born the male and female brain are affected by difference hormones (testosterone and estrogen) this substance has effects in our behaviour and the way we see the world since we are born.

For instance testosterone is associated with a more slower learning of language. Therefore girls tend to be more skilled in that regard than boys and that OF COURSE affects the things they take interest in.

There is even a fucking study made by the university of Cambridge that showed how at birth, girls look longer at a human face, and boys look longer at a suspended mechanical mobile. Furthermore, the Cambridge team found that how much eye contact children make is in part determined by a biological factor: prenatal testosterone. This has been demonstrated by measuring this hormone in amniotic fluid.

>deny sexism
>its not us, its the victims fault

back to Sup Forums with ye

We don't

From left to right?

i think it really speaks volumes when every competent female in contemporary tech was born male.

dont think about it too hard, its sexist

#3 looks mexican + ugly nose.

which scene is this??

>girls don't want to learn programming
>therefore IT industry is sexist!

I agree but 3>2

it's porno, faggot.

if you work in an industry that is not diverse, and implement no policy to equalize the hiring men and are a sexist, sorry.

The video game industry is actually turning around for the better now since many major publishers are closing in on a 50/50 split

>none of them are Eastern-European value
no thank you

>tfw gf knows how to write SQL statements better than I can

which is to say "is able to" vs "cannot"

That explains why gaming has taken a literal nosedive in the span of 6 years.

Why is "diversity" a good thing, again?

meh, #2 has huge tits + large hips & ass. would be fun to pound from the back.

progressivism and "diversity" is a literal mind virus that will destroy the western world in due time



>in high school
I never took any, high school or during university (I chose Medicinne Master Race, not codemonkey shit tier sjw crap). I do know some C though :^)

>how do we make the tech industry less sexist?
By not creating this kind of bullshit threads and letting people decide what suits them better.

>less sexist
>force girls to do things they don't want to do
>violate the NAP
>all they wanted was to suck your dick

To have a multi-dysfunctional industry

at least you learnt something useful, back in the day my school though it was good idea to teach us turbo pascal instead of c/c++

I'm a democrat and you're a what's wrong with the party. I wish people like you, if you're not trolling, would stop being the ambassador of our party. You're worse than the "alt-right".

>equality means there are as many women as men hired
Are you serious? Equality is when both genders have equal chances and forcing 50/50 split is the opposite.

You really believe these 4 girls want to be close nerd dork autism like co workers.

Literal cancer

>3, 1, 4, [power gap] 2

4 would be #1, but that bruise in her inner thigh is cause for concern. Vegas license plate, may mean she's pay for play.

>9/10 men are rejected
>100% of female applicants are instantly accepted

explain to me how this this isn't sexist
this isn't diversity

>implement no policy to equalize the hiring men and women

And what would that be? Lowering standards to let more women in? Sorry, if you can't pass the technical challenges, then you won't even be considered for the positions.

Any somewhat smart person can get into tech. If you aren't smart you can still get into tech at a low pay.

I've come across so very unsmart people in tech, who have high paying jobs. You'd be surprised far having the right contacts can get you.

It's repeatable at all scales. Sorry to inform you about that.
>small company
>5 men working
>want to hire a woman
>for different perspective
>one woman is a bit awkward
>hire another one

Diversity is repeatable at all scales. You won't stop it from being that way. You may think it's forced and sometimes it is, but it's forced on a smaller scale than you like to admit to.

The aim is not 'diversity'. The aim for most businesses is to get a wide range of perspective and a wide range of skills.

If you hate diversity in coding. Then you should only have C developers. No database guys. No Js guys. No gui guys. They all have to be the same age and be called Dave.
>can you see how retarded to a business that is, at any scale?

It replicates itself. Always has. Women work all over the world. The western world is not an isolated case.

That shit doesn't fly at results-oriented companies.

good thing most corporate entities stop caring about results once they get their first IPO

Hehe. Been up and down the ladder. Shits the same a big corp, all way down to mom and pops. Albeit more common in smaller biz.

you don't need to lower standards, many women have the same degrees or comparable certifications.

the problem is that many employers hire on the basis of "passion" in the field or how "eager" or hard they are willing to work if applicants have met the requirements. These standards are inherently sexist since they favor aggressive attitudes about work.

You use the word "diversity", and I don't think you know what it means.

Diversity in regards to a creative industry such as computer science, in which people make their merit off of what they can invent and achieve, is something that relates to the variable of mindsets that are available.

It doesn't matter if there's an asian, a black, and a white person in a room together if they are all OO programmers, and all think in relatively the same way.

What diversity really means, from my personal experience in engineering, is diversity in ideas and not identity.

True diversity in computer science would be programmers that come from a variety of backgrounds, teaching themselves, involving themselves in the field, and taking an affinity towards certain methods of programming and certain paradigms, and then working with one another to create the best work from all of their particular skill sets.

What you are speaking of is the modern delusion of diversity that is rooted in superficial virtue signaling.

True diversity, the diversity that any human civilization needs, is a diversity of ideas, a diversity of thought, something that you, and others like you, are evidently alien to.

>Porno doesn't have scenes.

Nobody hires for "passion", HR and interviewers simply hire people who aren't a danger to their job security and seem approachable enough to talk to other employees.

They don't want someone who will go postal 10 seconds after you fire them.

we dont need bitches talking shit on the back.

Need people who stand all the night working and doing their work correctly.

Women only should work in the kitchen


>many women have the same degrees or comparable certifications

Last I checked this was literally untrue.

>Only men can be aggressive
>Women are inherently not or less aggressive

I don't want to tread eggshells around women at the one place where I'm forced to spend 10 hours a day just so I can afford food and internet.

Stop forcing this meme, I've seen what it does to office culture, the women become a majority and turn on the men and get them all fired one by one over petty things and HR always bends to their will.

Its a new day, buddy. Even if you don't work with women, with all the millenials around, you're bound to come across a snowflake who doesn't like you talking shop in their pressence.


First and second from left, second is so hot tho

why am I retard?

>you're bound to come across a snowflake who doesn't like you talking shop in their pressence
I'll build my own tech company, with blackjack and hookers.

What is it? (in the picture)

sex bruises

he's literally sperging out because a woman has telltale signs of rough sex

What makes her a "slut"?

>only 0.00038984% of girls have penises, how do we make evolution less sexist???

I don't know why Sup Forums is filled with this weird homophobic fetish?????

like who actually decides this is funny and goes through the effort to reply, captcha, etc. to make a joke that's been made a million times?

dress like women? "hahahaha ur fag"....this is 6th grade shit right? its funny that queers exist???

I see this shit so much on this website. probably some weird fetish shit from autist basement neckbeards with erections and no life


GO TO Sup Forums you fucking child

Obviously not being 2d.

Create a perfect sex bot.

Women will have to work to earn anything as the vagina stock market will go down.

the only way a woman would have bruises on her thighs is either from getting fucked or was playing with herself with a toy. IE A FUCKING SLUT AND WITH THE WAY SHE'S DRESSED AND HAS THAT MAKEUP ON SHE'S AN EASY CATCH


So you're a retard. Good to know.

At the end of the day, I'm fine having a woman on my engineering team if they bring something to the table that we don't already have.

At this rate I feel like I'm the only person that simply does not give a fuck about someone's gender, because it's because of both how I was raised and also how I've been given enough experience to know that gender and identity means jack shit if you have capability and drive.

I do not appreciate you people trying to push this whole meme of more women in engineering. Yes there is a pretty low number of women in engineering, but that more has to do with the culture and gender preferences of women when it comes to profession choice.

Also, this whole thing that "women are afraid of going into computer science because there are too many men" can fucking die.

In high school there were a couple of girls that were trying to push this, and I put them down hard immediately in a debate, because frankly if you are afraid of working with men in computer science, that isn't CS's issue, that's your fucking issue.

> Either learn to grow a pair and get your panties out of a twist, or fuck off, because us pandering to your needs will do more harm than good.

so again we get a meme used a million fucking billion times? again its not funny. """"LOL BACK TO LEEDDDITT AHAHAHAH"

you're a fucking child, queers are only funny to guys who themselves are a little turned on by it. fact

Those are not necessarily bruises, idiot They can be burns from a hot liquid, like oil spilled while cooking. Grow up.


quit defending sluts you feminist because what you say don't make sense and are only used to try and spite me


You can't be sexist if there is no women

It does make a lot of sense, and I'm sure that's what it is.

Studies show most programmers present slight levels of autism.
Only 1 in 3 persons with autism are females.

Find out how to increase the level of autism in females.

>denying scientific fact

Dressing up like a schoolgirl literally improves programming ability.

Damn right.

If these fucks really want to stop sexism, just make computer science a male-dominated field, you can't discriminate against women if there are no women.

nigga no, an oil burn does not look like that

I'm a fag and I find this funny.

Fuck off.

that's my continuing question though, do you make these posts thinking they are actually funny? its not even close to being novel or clever, its just queer phobic "lololol gay hahaha" dicks and vagina r funny Looolol""


is it any worse than insisting that 50% of your employees must have a vagina?

that's what progressives want

Am I the only one who likes 2 the best? Titcow.

it's funny that men would dress up as women to even the ratio? that's a shit joke. sorry but from a comedic perspective its not even beginning to be shocking or surprising at this point. its a tired meme

It des look exactly like that. And spilling oil while cooking can happen.

men dressing like women make better programmers than real women so yes

the industry would be much better off than flooding it with diversity hires