Why is Boolean logic considered important enough that George Boole is considered one of the founders of computer...

Why is Boolean logic considered important enough that George Boole is considered one of the founders of computer science?

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Boolean algebra traduce to digital circuits, all computers build base on Boolean algebra a.k.a logic gates.

So its real significance has nothing to do with boolean operators in programming languages?

Yes too, but logical gates are equals Boolean operators, and,or,xor,nand,not , just programming language begin high level asm, asm begin high level hardware operations.


It's prooven that every computational job can be built upon the boolean operations.

It isn't and he isn't.

iPhones use special operators which is why their processors are the fastest

A cool result that can be proven in computer science is that hardware and software are equivalent (why emulators can exist), further more any circuit can be converted into disjunctive normal form (and of ors) and proving that a clause of 3 or more literals in dnf is satisfiable is an np-complete problem.

You can literally traduce every single digital circuit to boolean algebra


Logic programming is useful in pattern matching, SQL, and AI.

learn english

May be he knows Haskell, people who know Haskell aren't obliged to learn English.

He meant translate.
t. baguette

No you can't.
You cannot create something like loops using only boolean operators.

t. brainlet

yes you can, lmao, do you even digital circuits I?

Reading threads like these reminds me never to take Sup Forums's opinions seriously. A large faction of users have little to no clue how electronics work, yet spew misinformation. Thankfully there are plenty of users Correcting the Record TM.

Hopefully these are bait

Do you?
You need sequential logic, and allow cross-coupling of logic gates.
Something that is not part of Boolean algebra.

You're just describing different schemes of connecting logic gates. Even if their not represented in boolean algebra, they're built out of logic gates. "High level" logic schemes like multiplexers and flip flops are still logic gates. At the lowest level, the only way to perform computation is to discreetly compare the voltages and currents on different wires, which is a logic gate.

The guy I responded to talked about boolean operators, not logic gates. These are different things.

but they aren't. all logic gates are built from bool. It's a comparison of different wires being on or off aka 1 or 0 aka bool. Everything from the ground up is built in boolean, and then translated into easier to understand and more efficient to use circuitry.

you really need to back off from this guy. Just because you took your intro to circuitry class in your second year of college does not mean you understand whats going on. look into "computer organization", and follow the path from low, high level programming like C all the way down to machine code. It's interesting stuff, and spoiler: it's all derived from boolean.

You're ignoring the context. This is a thread about George Boole's contribution.
He didn't create Flip-Flops and he didn't create a computational model as powerful as the Turing Machine.

That's rich coming from a guy who once picked up that digital logic is based on Boolean functions, and now mistakenly equates it with Boole's work.

No, and Turing didn't create boolean logic, which drove his creation of the turing machine. And guess what a flip-flop can be used for not in conjuction with boolean logic? Nothing.
The argument, yes, is about his contribution. And that is the ground-level building block of all computing.

>And that is the ground-level building block of all computing.or others to build upon.
Yes he laid a foundation for it, I don't disagree with that.