What's that comfy monospace font you all recommend?

Anyway, terminal theme general.
I read a study today that showed you're more likely to retain information using dark text and a light background rather than the other way around.

why can't you scrot -s a terminal


I read a study today that showed you're more likely to have autism if you use a terminal.

>What's that comfy monospace font you all recommend?

Courier New


>huge title bar that is 90% empty space

Font: Consolas


Can't take a screenshot right now but agnoster theme on zsh (based on vim-powerline) with solarized-dark is what I've been using since forever.

tfw too dumb to code

Oh and I'm using dejavu sans mono font, patched for powerline of course.

Messing around, it's neat. It made ARCH usable for non Autistic users

The only thing microsoft ever did was the best programming font: fixedsys.
What's your excuse for not using fixedsys

Letter Gothic Std 10pt

Hola, Carlos :^)

wasn't meant to reply to anyone


I like Linux but you can really play games and shit with it. Qubes OS is what I use for certain reasons.

Microsoft bot? This doesn't make sense in the context of this thread, it's just a generic subtly anti Linux statement.



Déjà vu sans mono bold.
Is this font in your terminal? I want it, what is it?



I use only bold fonts in my terminal, because they're easier to read


user, how to make a terminal taps stucked next each other

what did you mean by this


the taps are showing next each other at the same time in the same terminal. i have to either keep switching taps or open multiple terminals....

rxvt-unicode running in server-client mode.

URxvt.font : xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:Book:size=9,xft:Unifont:Medium:size=10
URxvt.letterSpace : -1
URxvt*utf8 : 1
URxvt.reverseVideo : true

>monospace fonts
This or Terminus

Shift+Ctrl+T in Gnome. I don't know if you can do it in lesser desktop environments.

If "lesser environments" can't do that just use tmux in a single tab.

Install Terminix

I'm impressed.

If you don't use deepin terminal then you might as well off yourself.

Default Xterm because it works

whatever this terminal is is the one I use right now

>using chinese shit OS

You think we hate ourselves that much?

Making the transition to opensuse right now and I'm having a hard time choosing between sticking with i3 or switching to gnome. Depending on that, my terminal is going to look different pretty soon, will stick with dark background though.

>transparent terminal
>using OS XIV

>nobody is using terminator

holy fuck

send font, it makes me wet


Lucida Console

I use Droid Sans Mono, but Inconsolata is pretty nice also.

>any wider than 80 characters





mother's basement/10

#1337 h@X0r

No hate pls

> calling monospace fonts disgusting
> liking screenshots that contain monospace fonts.
care to explain?

ist his the new desktop thread???

>tewi is a monospace font

>tewi is not a monospace font

>he truly does not understand tewi is in fact a bitmap font
wew lad


Font: Monaco

I guarantee my terminal is better than all of yours combined. Just wait until I finish taking a poop and go fire up my MacBook and post screenshots. Prepare to be amazed.

ur on the colck

Here is my terminal

looks comfy af, what os, terminal, bg?

Dubs of truth


macOS Sierra, default Sierra wallpaper, Hyper terminal with hyper-electron-highlighter plugin for transparency.

Terminal is st with a few patches applied. Font is Anonymous Pro because serif monospace fonts a best.


>Hyper terminal

>being a weeaboo faggot

>not being a weeb
wth is wrong with u

i should rice it desu

riced. even more /comfy/

>forgot a pic


So desktop thread?

xfce4-terminal because everything else either
1. straight-up doesn't work
2. is a nightmare to configure
3. comes with 2942402410 bloatware packages

terminal ricing is very overrated

No you dyslexic faggot, it's a terminal font thread.

I like to keep things simple

>not being a weeb
>using an anime girl as an avatar
lol, alright user, if you say so.

i think you've misunderstood something

> Not using monofur

>Terminology is something that exits and people actually use
what the fuck




jfc the default urxvt scrollbar is fugly as hell

what were they thinking

>dumbledore is gay
>computer name is dumbledore
>computer is apple

What did he mean by this?

I use Liberation Mono on Linux.

Lexi Mono
CMU Typewriter

>all those hakintosh plebs

i really like this theme under oh-my-zsh
its called pure i think

>using the oh-my-zsh bloatware unironically

Why do you do this to yourself

here you go m8, tewi is a great font

what you gonna do about it

Tell you about how bloated it is