
Say NO to racism edition
Equality sub-edition
We are all one race
The human race

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Cuck edition ?

Then let me say it...



Good work runt

good lad

workers of the world unite!

Post your favourite fiction stories.
I'll start.

hmm interesting


>Another ‘modern idea’ is the work ethic (work is morally good and makes us better people). This destroys time for self-examination and reflection. Because a religious life requires this time (as does the new philosophy), the work ethic contributes to atheism. Believers in ‘modern ideas’ are liable to feel superior to religion, but they completely fail to understand it. They don’t understand whether they should treat it as work or leisure, their minds have become so narrow in its categories of understanding. But they seek to be ‘tolerant’, while actually avoiding the pain of real tolerance. They fail to show the proper reverence for what is of real value, feeling as if they have the right to investigate, touch, everything; they lack shame. Nietzsche, even as he attacks religion, has enormous regard for it, so he has no respect for people who reject religion thoughtlessly.

>Anonymous 05/19/16(Thu)21:34:48 No.59612043 ▶
>File: bible-02.jpg (2.18 MB, 3888x2592)
>Post your favourite fiction stories.
>I'll start

>Post your favourite fiction stories.
>I'll start.

the jews really done a number on us here

would he heem you?

Shitty fables that are all about worshipping Jesus rather than learning anything.
>one tree had really shitty apples and they were disgusting and poisoned everyone
>another tree had amazing apples that everyone loved

Do not reply to commie teen posters

thought it was a bit long 2bh

>fall in love with girl from interpals
>she lives in the middle of siberia
>little chance of her ever being able to visit the UK

why do I ever listen to Sup Forums

shut up canadia

fuck off you subhuman shitskin cuck

>, it gradually developed into a more general conflict involving most of the great powers of Europe, becoming less about religion and more a continuation of the France–Habsburg rivalry for European political pre-eminence.


he realizes hes just a meme right

what exactly does female friendly mean


dont reply to him lads

people who believe that we would be significantly economically worse off had the slave trade never been invented are the single most delusional group of human beings who have ever lived

large industrial powerhouse economies which controlled more than half the planet and had the resources to conquer and transfer people to and from the other side of the planet obviously benefited from the salve trade but the idea that the countries were "built" on this is laughable

>female friendly

What counts as female friendly?


I got some dumb ed hardy jeans actually
dumb ed hardy belts actually
dumb ed hardy shades actually

I thought ebony only usually refers to black women?

want to lick


Best chocolate bar and why is it pic related?

just sort of passionate stuff not just slags getting jackhammered by massive dongs


>the year is 2100
>global warming has turned most land around the equator into inhospitable zones
>humans by the hundreds of millions migrating to Europe, China, USA, and other first world nations
>economies have collapsed world wide
>Merkel's migrant policy of 2016 made it so no one European nation was homogeneous
>cultural groups within Europe are fighting
>Swedes lose because of their low numbers, the Caliphate of Stolkholm
>England barely holding on, because based Farage saved them in 2020
>British weebs on Sup Forums still wanking and saying "gods dead"

also people don't seem to realise that slavery was rife throughout the entire history of the world, the arabs were taking black slaves and even white slaves before the europeans went to africa


the man asks the woman about her day before fucking her

extremely vanilla straight or lesbian porn


interracial cuck porn 2bh


'The 1975' is such a comfy album. It makes me think of plain looking, normie girls, who whilst normie, don't go out every Friday and aren't politically minded, and just care about their studies or buying something nice from Brandy Melville or Sandro. These are objectively the best type of girls.

going down the shops, anyone want anything?

boring shit


alex jones is controlled opposition

>Thinkers who ‘freed’ themselves from the dogmas of religion and advocated a secular humanism thought of themselves as ‘free spirits’ – turning over past conceptions of right and wrong, advocating a new basis for society. But Nietzsche argues that they are merely continuing the work of religion under a new guise, supporting the further domination of ‘herd’ values and undermining the conditions necessary for human greatness. By contrast, the new philosophers see that humankind is degenerating; they see ‘the fate that lies hidden in the stupid innocence and blissful confidence of “modern ideas”


laughing at you welps

Bag of Dorito Roulettes

1 (one) soccer ball please

Remember when he was on question time and went fucking mental?


gf and a lilt

probably more likely he's just a mental case who likes attention


*steals gimmick*

Fjording this thread...

..with no survivors!

Watching some thing about heffalumps on bbc2
The baby ones are cute tbf

The thing is...only 40% world wide have access to the Internet

When that number reaches 75%+, more and more people from these poor countries will start blaming you for all their problems

If migrants in the West from Somalia already blame you, think about what actual Somalians will think of you

That's why being an American is great desu. We tried our best to help them

he's a fucking legend mate don't talk shite

>These are objectively the best type of girls.

if you'd seen the fans on twitter you would revise this opinion quite quickly desu

what is he drinking?

Good boy

fuck them, I don't care

Toxic Waste and a Pepsi Max

Anyone watching Paxman on BBC1?

yes goy, that must be it, hes just a lone nut

That stuff they have at the dentists

Just picked up some Indian food 2bh

Cheers mate
They're banging on about ants now, not as fun

any alph.abay fags, how do I do this pgp shit? Do I get the vendors pgp, and do something with my pgp? Does the vender have to have my pgp key?

If you're actually religious lad can you help me.

Can you pray too much and ask for too much or too often?

Nearly all my prayers have been answered, but I feel like one day they won't be because I'm asking for help too much and something bad will happen.

But because of global policy, in the future, borders will be non-existent,so they will become part of your country

However skin tone can't change. They will still blame white people

pure american water through an infowars filter

no he isnt, david duke shat all over him and exposed him for the shill he was when he was on the show

well he's not alone, he has other nutcases like Paul Joseph Watson

you mean mouthwash m8

>sister is at least 4k in debt
>wins a grand on a scratch card
>"what are you going to spend it on?"
>"A holiday"
I don't get normies man...

Fjords are pretty cool tbf

ryan boundless went to shit after thailand

what did they mean by this lads?

I would though

could be logical depending on the interest rate on the debt

Mate these ants are pulling a dead fly apart

incredible post

PJW isnt controlled opposition

Look up 1 Thessalonians 5:17

It's ok it's dead

Good post

get your sleep lids

Odds: Go buy some junk food
Evens: Play vidya
Zero: shitpost eternally

>feeling guilty for praying to much

>No to rasizm
>Let's do racism

kekking every time

I like this post

Reckon I could have him (and I'm a skinny autistic loser).

its not like God is a merchant trading miracles for prayers
why not go out of your way to do something great, create something or help someone.
God wants fellow creators and actors, not slavish sheep

> increased reaction time
Suck it sleepyheads I'm 6 fucking steps ahead at all times

Yeah but still
We're on fucking orcas now, this show is mental


>The greater the gap between self perception and reality, the more aggression is unleashed on those who point out the discrepancy.

>There is no weakness as great as false strength.

>The vast majority of people are unthinking prejudice machines.

>when moly went on alex jones last week and named the jew and alex changed the subject immediately