Comfy rice thread. Post your rice and rate others

Comfy rice thread. Post your rice and rate others.

>inb4 i3 and bspwm fags
>inb4 muh noobuntu/numix/gnome

>visual studio

>not using VS code as your primary text editor for C/C++

What are you, a sublime fag? Come on user, everyone else is laughing at you. At least stay on topic.

Pick one

IDEs are a plague on the software industry.

yeah let's use fucking notepad and wonder where is that one missing brace, faggot

Are you retarded or baiting?

t. mad notepadd++ fag.

It's not an IDE retard. If you'd ever used VScode you would know.

VS code != Visual Studio, dumbass. But whatever, continue to use notepadd++ or emacs while you stroke yourself to your sense of faux superiority. Get with the times, cunt; no one is going to wait for you.


>not using atom


Hi Stephen!

There's a difference between Notepad and a real editor.

using a slow as shit internet browser to edit text files.

LMAO, neck yourself user

atomfag here
redpill me on vim/emacs

How about I just redpill you on atom.

>400Mb internet browser just to edit text
> >5 second start up time
>basically shits itself with more than 1000 LoC
> "But muh extensions/plugins/themes"

I bought into the atom meme a while back because of my co workers. After using it for a period of time while also using Vim for other stuff, I couldn't stand the lag and bulk that atom had. It felt bloated and lumbering and lacked any amount of nimbleness whatsoever.

I liked sublime too, but nagware. Then I tried VS code because of a typescript project at work and fell in love with it. It has everything atom has, but its MUCH quicker. Starts up instantly, has a package manager, very customizable, integrated pop-up terminal if you want it, etc.

VS Code is the end of emacs and sublime. Anyone else that says otherwise is a CIA nigger or a le oldfag retard who likes using shit from the 80's because its the only way they can get off anymore.

Stick to adwaita and adwaita icons. Once you grow out of your phase adwaita is the most perfect option


I'm installing it now, user. I didn't know VS Code had extensions.

Vertex is Adwaita done right. Those off-white colors that Adwaita uses is fucking ugly.

>Website pop up on first run.
Kek. Fucking Microsoft.

>Dropdown suggestions for literally everything
This is really annoying. It looks like there's even a spellcheck? I looked into the settings to change it and I'm so not looking forward to navigating these hundreds of lines of JSON shit.

I installed some equivalents of the extensions I use in Atom and it's pretty snazzy so far. I just need to figure out how to use the FTP and project manager plugin. Though this unfortunately goes back to my issue with using a JSON file for the settings. I mean, I understand why, but it'll just take some time to set it up to match my workflow.

Despite all that, I like it. Though it honestly takes about the same time to open as Atom (on an SSD), it's just that VS Code opens up faster to show a blank screen. Thanks, user. I look forward to shilling with you in future editor/IDE threads.

Not that loading times bother me anyway, once it's open, it's open for hours until I'm done working.

why is it not surprising to see a pedo on a mac?

You'll notice performance differences with larger projects/more files open at a time.

Also, the pop up terminal with ctrl+` is my favorite feature. I usually pop it open and do a quick "make" or git commit there and then use a separate terminal for running/testing.


>anime chile porn
reported to fbi




is that the new gnome-shell?

>that background color

JFC user, how do you tolerate that


is that emacs?

I work in a well lit office, so bright backgrounds don't bother me. White/grey is too plain.

it's vim

why is it every time i try to configure something like Openbox or i3 problems always pop up? even when i follow instructions to the letter?

be less retarded. i3 was like a 30 second install

MATE is damn comfy

>awoo in a box
post it
post it now

>MATE is damn comfy
GNOME 2 was comfy as fuck, they changed it for the sake of buzzwords.

do people unironically not have task bars

>loli porn is illegal in your country
>free country

Choose one. You are used to fake freedom in the form of false choice, aren't you, my fat friend?

theirs no porn

I used VS Code for a long time. I love it and I think it's the only good choice if you are not a vim or emacs fag.

I did go back to vim though. Don't ask me why, but it feels like home. I also love how easy it is from time to time to waste some time whipping up some custom command for automating something.


>frog poster posts rice thread
please go and stay go, you are making ricers look bad.

give me some criticism!

>retard comes into a thread and contributes nothing.

Please kill yourself, you are making humanity look bad.

Not a big fan of the vaporwave meme, but not bad otherwise.

it's low key adventure time, and thank you!

that just makes it even worse

I'll never change this rice, can't be arsed.

I actually have a script that cycles through backgrounds whenever the machine sleeps, but even still I like this background, no shame

You haven't even started yet.


? where is the rice isn't this just vanilla gnome with different icons?

>moko theme
2017 is the year of moko

My thoughts exactly. Looks like he might also have a transparent gnome shell theme. woweee

>degenerate tranny
Really makes you think

these autists have a total >you-over-time counter, don't make it go up

don't reply to her posts

don't bully her


>tfw I haven't booted into my arch install for months and now I have to fix the mess infinality apperently made


serves you right for using a memeOS

super sleek! what font is that?

Atleast I tried


what we're saying is that you didn't at all

rate me

No you didn't, that's the point.

props on clear i3bar, but transparent terminals are generally unpleasant looking, also please change the default zsh prompt

hey OP I know you're new here and all but you don't have to reply to every post

Also check out fontawesome and use glyphs for your workspaces instead of the numbers


its polybar
>transparent terminals
>changing zsh prompt
will look into

>glyphs instead of numbers
I don't assign windows to certain workspaces, they all move often, so i think glyphs is a bit of a bad decision. What glyphs would you recommend, with that in mind?


numbers are fine, not everyone has the same workflow.

really like this desktop


Openbox mustard race reporting

Code isn't an ide you moron

Not a fan of docks, especially not of the meme-icons
Get a Sup Forums CSS.
I like the rest though.

>openbox with a dock
some may call you a revolutionary, others may call you a retard

gtfo noob ass

Mate is like weaponized XFCE

Any tips on Gnome Shell themes? I have just vanilla but most of the themes I found were shitty.

how come no one ever uses cinnamon?

he's harvesting (you)s
he's a simple farmer tending to his (you)s

Because it's usually found with Mint, a fork of Ubuntu.

It's not very customizable desu.
It's great for Grandma and Grandpa though.

I like your css

comfy setup user, the colours are suspect though.

Like the bar

also rate

Last time I used it, you had to do a full relog after changing the location of the taskbar. Is it still less flexible than the default windows UI? If yes, then you have your answer.

you have a rason to upgrade your cpu from i5 to ryzen and hopefully reduce the type lag by 2 sec.

I don't like the colors personally, but if you're liking them it's pretty gud.

So.... bspwm, i3 or Awesome?

go back to Sup Forums or reddit, pedo.

depends on what you're looking for.

can't read shit

white terminal is pure cancer, especially when fonts are also very light color

Stop living in the past. GNOME is dead.

>absolutely disgusting terminal
>comfy and rice

anime website

not the anime board faggot

tech board on an anime website

however subjects are separated and organized in different boards, isn't it? or is it just one single board for technology and anime?

all boards are for anime fans to discuss other topics with other anime fans
if you don't like anime, you don't belong here

pls bully me

What top panel?

yet here I am, and for quite a while