Shit that made you drop a language

>try out a basic lisp tutorial
>mfw this syntax

[çode](1 + 1)
ClassCastException java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn user/eval1256 (form-init539513176937568969.clj:1)
(+ 1 1)


Other urls found in this thread:

messed up the code tag

(1 + 1)
ClassCastException java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn user/eval1256 (form-init539513176937568969.clj:1)
(+ 1 1)


>caring about syntax this much
You are not prepared.

the function is +, not 1, dummy. really it should've'bn +[1 1]

That's a next level contraction

Hi, Frenchie!

You clearly don't understand the point of Lisp, OP.

Which is fine. It's not for everyone

So wait, are you complaining about the fact that the syntax is (function arg1 arg2)? That's just how lisp works.

You could argue that the compiler error message could be more helpful. But then, the only language I can think of that has decent error messages is Elm.

>x = x + 1


Common Lisp has much better error messages than Clojure.

>whitespace is anything other than a symbol delimiter
I laughed, I cried, I dropped

Is it to minimize the code's Huffman key compressed size? Because every other character is a fucking parenthesis

>prefix notation
Just kidding

>Dropped php
The language is just a huge cluster fuck.
> learning racket/lisp and Haskell
This is fucking make sense, some actual thought went into making this

Hey baguette. I hope you haven't forgotten to take a shower today. Anyway, you are a pleb, and aren't yet ready to be illuminated by the superiority of Lisp.

How does it feel knowing you are clinically retarded?

>a lisp


Off yourself.

you should'nt've'bn born

>>Dropped php
>The language is just a huge cluster fuck.
Pretty much this. It says a lot that PHP6 was so fucking horrible that it virtually doesn't exist anymore.

>0 = 1

it's ok if you don't understand, just let it go

someone pls post js copy pasta

>being so retarded that you can't separate the idea from the symbol

You probably had a meltdown in algebra when they used letters to represent variables instead of phonetics.

Wow, girls really do use Sup Forums.

>x = x + 1
ask me how I know about your mental illness

Once tried out Ruby. The shitty syntax made me never try it again.

If you can't into Ruby syntax, programming just isn't for you sweetie. That's alright though, the world will always need more glory hole attendants.

>grammatical gender

I see you failed reading comprehension, too.

this, dropped lisp

*you shuntabin born

got u senpai

just ask