Does anyone really believe this guy? He jumps on the latest bandwagon...

Does anyone really believe this guy? He jumps on the latest bandwagon, gets investors and then jumps to another bandwagon, rinse & repeat. Musky is the biggest fraud.

He's an attention whore. Plain and simple. He knows how to ride the hype cycle and how to profit from it. He also plays press like the fiddle.

Press these days is dead, BTW.

I don't give a shit what he does as long as he puts a man on mars and finishes that hyperloop thing.

He's a conqueror, an explorer and a job creator, that's all I need to know.

>I don't give a shit what he does as long as he puts a man on mars and finishes that hyperloop thing.


Never trust a guy with hair implants and a nose job.

[Citation NEEDED] he's has held true to what he said, butt hurt fagboys upset

Now that Jobs is dead he is the new butthurt king of Sup Forums

Tesla may eventually become a success. All of his other endeavours will fail miserably especially Neuralink. He's read far too many science fiction books.

>Musky is the biggest fraud.
Often feels like it but there are electric cars and rockets and shit. Read somewhere that he's a giant asshole to employees though.

He's hardcore narcissistic and loves the spotlight so he comes up with those bullshit ideas like going to mars and shit(it also attracts gullible investors as well) even though he knows it's impossible and the press just eats it up cause they need a posterboy to sell to normies who need to idolize people like him and Jobs.

The business world is full frauds. Dot coms with no viable products to, Wall Street banksters selling worthless paper, the world is full of them. Musk is not one of them.

From PayPal to Teslas to Reusable Rockets everything he touched resulted in an awesome real product that are used everyday.

reminder that he wanted to run paypal on windows servers and the rest of the board told him he was a retard and kicked him out when he left on vacation

windows 2003 servers are not bad

>Read somewhere that he's a giant asshole to employees though.
Aside from the demanding hours, and this is becoming less true every year, at SpaceX at least, I'm not sure I'd put much stock in the view of him being an asshole. He's actually been pretty nice and decently receptive whenever I've interacted with him, albeit that isn't very often.

sure elon

No he's a con artist.

If SpaceX is so great, why can't they copy the Russian rd-180 open cycle engine?

Tell him he owes me a couple million dollarinos. I'll accept cheque, paypal or bankers draft.

>no viable products
>his two main ventures have their signature product in mass production
>SpaceX in particular has demonstrated brand new tech

Why would SpaceX want to copy the RD-180? That seems like something ULA/Rocketdyne would want since they use those existing engines currently. Also, I'm pretty sure RD-180 is staged combustion.

Those Paypal fees are a bitch. I've already done enough stupid shit here, I'd rather not completely ruin my rep by demanding monies on behalf of random anons.

I think you've failed at basic reading comprehension. You seem to be agreeing with the user you're replying to.

> Get in a tube inside a bullet that runs faster than an airline carrier, on ground level
You won't die at all from terrorist attacks, minor misalignments and earthquakes.

And you know him from where?

Actually it's quite safe. The tube itself can't be compromised because once someone opens it air gets in which is pretty noticeable.

SpaceX. But again, while I don't interact with him much he's always been cordial and quite knowledgable whenever I've met with him.

His endgame:
Solar powered tunnel boring machines building hyperloops on mars.
In mars.

>reusable tickets
>used everyday

There are technologies to resist earthquakes, and terreriost attacks are so rare, you don't stop technological process under the assumption a towel head/christian extremist will blow it up.

>SpaceX employees post on Sup Forums
Something new every day.

>>reusable tickets
>>used everyday

Why does Elon Musk get Sup Forums so angry? I wonder...

Well to be fair, I'm a brainlet so it shouldn't be too surprising. I do know a couple of programers in avionics and one legit genius computational physicist in the sim group who visits Sup Forums on occasion.

Shitposting can be pretty relaxing.


He's a Jewish pawn

Just like Ben Franklin and Thomas Edison.

He's being used by Jews to accomplish some task.

> conveniently failing to notice the misalignment argument
go try any engineering field before having fantasies

Yes he craves attention and may have some personality issues, but who at that level doesn't??

Not an argument.

>only in 0-60
>falls flat on its faster that because electric motors are only good on the low end

Ben Franklin had some pretty practical ideas though, like the Franklin stove and bifocals

It means you stupid memester that anyone with rudimentary engineering sense in the structural challenges of this, realizes that it's nearly impossible to make that remotely safe. Do you even realize what it means to run at speeds higher than 1,000 Km/h inside a fucking tube?

A fucking common Porsche at 300 Km/h is nearly impossible to be stopped from being lethal to anyone in a minor misalignment.

Here is how an even greater car looks like with a crash at 300km/h

The delusion that 1,000km/h in a tube can be safe is laughable.

>loves the spotlight
Doubt it. Every time he's on stage he starts stuttering like a true autist.

>The delusion that 1,000km/h in a tube can be safe is laughable.
I dunno how someone would go about making the hyperloop safe, but at one point people thought sending someone in a rocket to space was laughable as well.

It was laughable as a mass transport. It killed dozens of people in the 80s and it still does.

You really got him man i guess airplanes never will exist

hyperloop = highspeed train, so the reason trains can't go faster then 500kph is air resistance, so make a tunnel pump out the air and no speed limit, but in order to make sense you have travel a long way, can't have short hops pumping out air and speeding up and down, but making a vacuum tunnel costs a fucking lot of money,

Tesla is a tightly run ship, it's going somewhere. PayPal did well but it only survived because it kicked him out. SpaceX could be big but could also be a huge bust.

These days trains can literally go 600 kmph on the surface of the earth (in atmospheric pressure). You are dumb as a rock.

>some task
what task?

>SpaceX could be big but could also be a huge bust.

NASA would never let SpaceX die.

What kinda stupid shit

There's this tube in Japan that reaches 300km/h. I think it's called bullet something, I've heard it's pretty cool.

Looks like Musky spent all his PayPal money on hair restoration