If you've nothing to hide, why aren't you on Facebook?

If you've nothing to hide, why aren't you on Facebook?

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you can tell me you have nothing to hide but I won't believe you

I am and Instagram as well

All I have on facebook is a picture of myself. Made a profile when I started school but nobody actually uses facebook anymore

'cause mark hillenberg is a jew, lil goy

Who says I have nothing to hide? Everything about me which I don't want to be universally public information is automatically something to hide. There's nothing I want to be universally public infomation about me.

if I had friends I wouldn't be here

because facebook is literal cancer. had for a good while, then I saw all the shit people could learn in 5 minutes about me or anyone else (talking about retarded normies, not big companies). also big time waster and lots of triggering with politics, religion, feminism etc
I do have a fake account with 0 friends that I use to talk to 1 group of friends and 1 old friend.

gotta admit though, I do not look for the news, so I am basically alienated on whats happening without reading the posts retards used to share kek

Because I'm already on Twitter.

i have nothing to show for my life, either

I wouldn't care if facebook already had all my memories and my entire dna sequenced, I still wouldn't use that kike mess.

Non-free Javascript, or as I like to call it, "Obfuscript"

post your @

no friends

I had an account about 4 years ago and I deleted it because the comments are so stupid that you'd think they were made by a monkey with Down's syndrome.

Example (reacting to baby pictures):
>person one: aw lok at he face !
>person two: wat wong wit him fase??
>person one: no ting he id kute
>third retard: no need 4 violance b nice cuz karma i am pansexual fl0wer hippy

It was that exact level of cancer fucking everywhere. Browsing Sup Forums gives me less of a headache.

I was on Facebook then left.

It turned into a mass narcissistic circlejerk, with people going there to take their daily dose of self massage.

>Example (reacting to baby pictures)

Kinda reminded me of pic related.

Yeah, it was pretty much like that.

i'm on there but i don't actually log on and i've disabled all the notifications

basically my gf just tags me in pictures so my mother can see me going on hikes and vacations

other than that i use it to stalk people who i work with so that in itself is pretty shitty because i know i'm not the only one


I remember when the internet wasn't used by absolutely everyone who had a phone. I always thought I was socially akward because I didn't want to talk with anyone around me. I thought I was terrible at socializing. And then myspace and facebook rolls around and I realize it's not that I'm terrible at socializing, it's that I have nothing to gain by speaking to 95% of all the people that I meet. My life was not enriched in any way by their inane re-hashed celebrity TV bullshit they spewed from their mouths without caring or knowing that thousands were watching and judging them. They think they're smart because they sit on their ass and watch cnn on the jewtube with every minute of their free time instead of wasting their time sitting on their ass watching fox news. The internet used to be a universal safe haven from normies, where high discussion flourished. Then social media rolls around and all of the hungry zombie masses and what passes for thoughts or ideas among them were taken from their idle conversations not even they remembered were just dumped and shitted out onto the internet. And it's been that way ever since. I will always hate facebook for taking the high discussion and free market of ideas away and replacing it with baby pictures. Even socializing in meatspace isn't as good as what it once was, everybody's always staring at their fucking phones. I can avoid the stupidity of everyone easily, but now everyone's even more stupid, if that were even possible.

trudat user

Because I am afraid of Facebook, and don't want it to become an even more powerful company. it should die.
Other people do have anything to hide, and if privacy becomes socially unacceptable they are fucked. Privacy should be acceptable.

This also.

Facebook is cancer.

I remember communicating with people online, back in the day on IRC, BBS's, Usenet, etc. Most people thought it was weird and thought I was weird. How times have changed. I probably look back to the old days of the internet with nostalgia goggles, but holy shit it seemed so much better. It was driven by innovation and passion for tech instead of profit and attention.

Now I'm the weird one once again because I don't have any personal social media accounts.

I use messenger you jew fuck. Like hell I'm getting exposed to the inane drivel spouted by the average facebook user again.

>"Hey guys the referendum was announced so watch me become an objective bastion of politics truths and if you don't agree let me attack you as a person"
>*Passive aggressive post clearly aimed at someone over recent soap-tier drama but desn't include a name*
>"Aww message me hun, they're not worth it"
>"Here look at my 15th update this week of my baby sitting there being a boring little shit"

It's worse now because it can literally affect career opportunities if you don't have social media they can check.

I'll be your friend. Clearly a good taste in 2d chicks.

I too remember when the internet was for reserved for special geniuses like us, then all those morons came in and ruined it. It's so hard being smart. Eternal september, amirite fellow old fart?

because i have no friends and i can't assimilate into the shit that is modern culture.

Because I am not in College anymore.
FB was nothing than a global chatroom for me to discuss my projects with my study group. Now I don't need to be forced to be on that botnet anymore.

I used it in high school to masturbate to pictures of my classmates. I now have moved on to masturbating to different things.

>make a facebook account to try it
>don't use it for over a year
>decide to check it on a whim
>botch my password entry
>we think someone attempted to hack your account
>we need a drivers licence, library card, passport, thumbprint, blood and sperm sample to unlock your account.

Well that solved that.

thanks user!

I have no friends so no reason to use it.

> Instagram
How old are you ?

looool what's the story behind this picture

>"no reddit??"
>"get help 0/10"

I'm not willing to give away my information for free. At least pay me.

They didn't ask you to sign over your immortal soul, sacrifice your first born male child and receive the mark of the beast on your forehead and right hand? Hmmm... terms and conditions must have changed.



You're healthy, then.

Have an account and never log in. People with no social skills also stalk me on it and want to message and it's awful.