Really what does this company do with someone's info when they have millions of customers

Really what does this company do with someone's info when they have millions of customers

Sell ads. Let anyone who wants to know the specifics of your life know all of them, for a fee. Tell politicians how best to pander and lie to you to deceive you into voting for them.

>Let anyone who wants to know the specifics of your life know all of them, for a fee

My ass

search for "data brokers"

you don't even need a source, It's basic data selling.

You give space for ads, ads ask you for a certain audience based on their target.
Now see how many people use all google products and you'll get billions in revenu

You aren't Google's customer, you are their product. The customers are everybody who pays to get at your user data.

>when they have millions of customers
HAHAHHAHAHAHA... shithead thinks he's a Google "customer"... hahahahah

Sell it to govt.
Sell it to companies
Helps them personalise ads

There was a time when websites had to choose between subscription based content or free content with ads.

Now I feel like it's Google who owe us money for our data

>google sells ads


it sells ad SPACE to marketers. Everyone can bid for an ad on Google. Even you for oyur shitty website.

It always amazes me how little most people on this board actually know about the "botnets" they hate so much.

Google is able to sell the ad space or marketers compete for the space because google has the information and lets you target specific users.

I'd say Facebook is even better and more precise and has more data. Im not happy with Google's products tbqh.

>it sells ad SPACE to marketers.
That's a distinction without a difference.

And how does being able to show an ad to someone give me access to the details of his personal life?

Because people who buy ads want to target them very precisely. So folks like Google collect very large quantities of very detailed information about you to cater to those advertisers.

Ok, how much money do you need to get the search history of [email protected]?

probably not expensive on a per-identity basis. You buy it in a big package of information on people in certain ad-targeting brackets.

Or you just buy an "anonymized" data set and de-anonymize the guy, which is pretty trivial most of the time.

Sure you can.

>Oh no, ad companies are very reputable! They aren't at all in the business of selling people out! They'd never just trade information on people for cash!

mmhmm. sure.

If this was true then why are the ads so poorly targeted? I never get personalized ads.

You mean people who use any free software is the product?

Their algorithm would probably filter your broke NEET ass.

NEET, yes. Broke, no. Instead of filtering me out, shouldn't they try to sell me cheap things?

kek... spoken like a true sheep. stay stupid kiddo.

you can't buy peoples data directly you fucking moron

you use Google AdWords ... and place your Ads and select the target demographic and all the other options google provides. KEYWORDS are the KEYWORD here. Dumbfuck

Choose both.

As if that's not creepy and unacceptable.

Alright Sup Forums i'm sick of you.

Bunch of fucking monkeys that don't know jack shit about computer.

i'm fucking done.


see you tomorrow!

They don't do anything with a specific persons info. They find out if they are part of a demographic and pass demographic information on to advertisers who want to target a demographic.
They are lawful neutral.

they blame trump for selling their data

I get more money than some people who work so no...

Making a shitload of $$$ with it

Kek, all those idiots thinking Google sells your personal life directly to companies. Like other anons already pointed out, you can only select a target audience for your ads which is interested in a certain product etc. for a high conversion rate.
There is not a single fucking source proving that Google ever sold private data of someone to anyone. Not a single fucking article, there is nothing. Everyone is pulling shit out of their asses while pressing buttons on their guessing box.
Yeah, it is creepy, but you need targetted ads these days to advertise niche products which are only made for a small demographic correctly.

Yeah, google still is botnet, internet privacy is nearly dead and you are always the product, stop wasting time complaining and make a profitable product yourself.