Choosing what components to install on Pajeet Studio 2017

Hi anons, I decided to install this beautiful piece of software on my laptop, but I have a 256 GB SSD and can't waste too much space since I already have the whole Gentoo partition and heavy software like Maya using a lot of space, so I need to carefully choose which workloads to install.
I need it to make games with Unity, compile stuff from GitHub, create C++ programs (which use Windows system calls) and maybe some Visual C#/C++ applications (not that I love that pajeet stuff but it's still a quicker way to make graphical interfaces than Javax.Swing), and who knows, even some Android development in the future? Not really interested in making web apps with this since I already use Visual Studio Code for HTML/CSS/JS, which is a lot quicker and less bloated. Please help me choose the minimal packages.

The whole thing is over 50 GB welp

Uncheck everything and press the cancel button.

only if you install everything, and even then I’m not sure it goes over 20GB.
With only tools like Git and the tools needed for C++ and C#, my installation is a bit less than 4GB. But I agree it’s still a lot.

Mine seems to reach over 7 GBs with only Desktop development with C++ and .NET desktop development... and I need at least Unity, if not even some of the mobile shit.

I mean, what packages do I need to make mobile games with Unity? And what if I wanted to do some mobile apps? It's also true that I could just download Android Studio and NDK then, but it seems VS's tools are more cross platform (like, I can do a project that gets then compiled for Android or iOS).

lol it seems Xamarin is like 27 GBs. Really?

You bought VS 2017 just for unity?

It's freeware, the community edition

Just use Rider.
I use .net for work and it's a treat. It's basically VS + resharper, faster and actually more stable.
The only problem I've come across is when doing code first, it's doesn't yet support EDMX updation.
You can also use C++ applications in it or use CLion.
All of the jetbrains stuff is top notch.

>Windows development
Fuck me

Wish there was a way to combine the ease and convenience of Unix/Linux development with the software compatibility you get on Windows

I want to make games, but I hate using Windows, it's always such a fucking chore

I only used Intellij Idea from them and I hated it, people claimed it as the greatest thing since sliced bread and after years being stuck on NetBeans I tried it out, only to find out that it was a kids IDE, shitty proprietary software, bloated with useless stuff which you couldn't remove. Then I moved to Eclipse and it's great, modular and customisable, my first choice for Java and C++ stuff on Linux.

People has Windows so we're kinda forced to use that for games. But yeah these papocchi make me go insane, used as I am to Linux's easy and simple approaches to development.


Eclipse was absolutely god awful back when I used to use it years ago.

>Installing it as University use it
The botnet is damn comfy

I did c#, c++, f#, git, github, unity, and I think all the ASP stuff yesterday, it came to 20gb

Prices range from "free as in beer" to "if you have to ask, you can't afford it"

Try it with the VS mappings.

Check all -> Install

It's awful if you're a pajeet. Than you learn how to make use of it's potential and can't get without. Heck it's worth it even just for UMLet and other tools.


For some reason they removed python support in 2017 so you might as well use the old one

JavaFX is pretty nice. C# is okay but I'm biased towards Java. IDEs are better (Don't like Visual Studio much).

I use Eclipse for Java and PHP based projects. It's probably my favorite IDE. Light on resources and solid to use.
I don't care much for the Jetbrains lineup either. I use Pycharm for small python projects. Trying out CLion for a project for class. Okay for small stuff but would not love for bigger projects.

AndroidStudio is a bitch that I'm stuck with and grown to tolerate.