Would you trade your ThinkPad for a surface pro 4? Straight trade

Would you trade your ThinkPad for a surface pro 4? Straight trade

Both have an i5, 8gb ram, 256gb ssd.

Surface products are literal shit.

no. i like to be able to change (basic) parts of my machine.

Yes, I can always buy another used cheap thinkpad.


>Both have an i5, 8gb ram, 256gb ssd.

That's like $350 for thinkpad and $1200 for Surface pro.

sp4 is an awesome laptop. During class I can type a storm at my desk or doodle, and during night I can go tablet mode and comfy myself by the fireplace :)

>2:1 aspect ratio
No thanks

Why does my Thinkpad suddenly have an i5, 8GB of RAM, and a 256GB SSD?

Do I get to format my thinkpad first?

It's 3:2 and it shits on 16:9

this is why we shouldn't allow women on Sup Forums

Hey ThinkPad users, we have a group on telegram called @thinkpadgeneral where people shill old keyboards and square screens.


I made the trade. My gf bought me the SP4 if I gave my ThinkPad to her her. It was a ThinkPad 13 that I bought on Black Friday for $503

I miss the keyboard but I'm happy overall. Taking notes is cool and it lowered my load weight in my backpack

shill thread

fuck no, I need my based af keyboard

>it lowered my load weight in my backpack
>cucked by girlfriend

Are you willing to trade my $150 thinkpad for sp4? Thanks mate.

I think you made a good trade. If you were even willing to consider the trade, chances are you didn't really care about the benefits of a thinkpad (decent construction and great linux support).

At least in terms of monetary value it was a big gain, and the surface pro 4 has a nice active stylus

>muh unsuccessful love life

I drive a bike to school. Any weight loss helps


One Note is alright to take notes but keyboard sucks

No, but I'd trade it for a macbook pro :^)

macbook pro & surface pro are only acceptable laptops

Yes because my Thinkpad is pretty fucking old. I'd immediately sell the Surface and pocket the profit.

Absolutely. Surface pro is infinitely more portable.

I'd never trade a laptop for a tablet

The i5 on the Surface will probably be less powerful.
All Surfaces have those low-voltage meme processors.

A desktop i3 is more powerful than a low-voltage i7.

I would. Then sell it and buy my thinkpad back

I'd trade it, sell it, then buy back my thinkpad with 500 dollars to spare.


If I couldn't sell it and buy back my Thinkpad, I wouldn't. I don't accept a laptop that can't lie on my laps.

Arguments please,

i'm thinking of upgrading myself from my stinkpad t420 but there's nothing attractive out there
pondering an asus zenbook

My W520 is better than that shit.

The best think about a surface is it has actual build quality and microsoft having developed and supported the series for years now

3:2 is great kys

zenbook pro?

According to NoteBook check they are fully powered and not throttled

you can thank vapor chambers