/v4/ + noone fucking else

Waito piggos go home

Also best girl edition

Looks like Klinika fags are back in their crack den

>Po několika drobných potyčkách policie přestala bránit vchody a opustila budovu Kliniky. Budovu prý zajistila a předala majiteli. Právě otevřel bar a autonomní sociální centrum se opět zaplnilo lidmi.


Bleach's Soul Society Arc is one of the best pieces of action shonen anime ever made and you can't prove me wrong


Never watched Bleach. Is that one of the endless anime with shitload of fillers like Naruto?

it was part of the big three of shonen with Naruto and One Piece, the anime ended at episode 366 which is a lot less than naruto or onepiece but there is some filler included in that as well, and the manga is still going
bleach was my first anime and manga, what was yours?

1. Hellsing
2. Elfen Lied
3. Cowboy Bebop

>1. Hellsing
seen, read
>2. Elfen Lied
>3. Cowboy Bebop
good taste

Fucking butcher is closed today
Fucking reeeeeee

cant they use tear gas or something ?

No because that would be oppression and police brutality

If its okay with the owner then its okay with me

but police is all about opression and brutality (when needed)

1st Elfen Lied
2nd Hellsing
3rd Sword Art Online

Is that the first one, where Ichigo goes to save Rukia?
Fucking Ishida owned that bitch. Bleach and Gintama are the only big animes i watched, couldn't stick with One Piece since every fight took over ten episodes and was all about yelling and crying.

Na ceste 540
človek si musí zakričať.
Že život má zrazu celkom iný zmysel,
na ceste 540.

Na ceste 511,
každý tam môže niečo nájsť.
To dobre vie každý kto tou cestou išiel,
tou cestou 511.

Dá sa to zniesť,
stratený v čiarach ciest.
Ooooh, zniesť sa to dá,
napriek pár nehodám.

Zvalený strom, prejdený pes,
stopárka hore hore bez.
Hory ňou, horia tiež,
ooooh, dá sa to zniesť, lebo vieš,
stále je dosť iných ciest.

Na ceste 517
akoby zastavil sa čas.
Človek tam rád stále niečo nové zbadá,
na ceste 517.

Na ceste 532
ten svet sa zrazu krajší zdá.
Dokonca aj vtedy keď hmla na zem sadá,
na ceste 532.

Dá sa to zniesť,
stratený v čiarach ciest.
Ooooh, zniesť sa to dá,
napriek pár nehodám.

Zvalený strom, prejdený pes,
stopárka hore hore bez.
Hory ňou, horia tiež,
ooooh, dá sa to zniesť, lebo vieš,
stále je dosť iných ciest.

Dá sa to zniesť,
stratený v čiarach ciest.
Ooooh, zniesť sa to dá,
napriek pár nehodám.

Zvalený strom, prejdený pes,
stopárka hore hore bez.
Hory ňou, horia tiež,
ooooh, dá sa to zniesť, lebo vieš,
stále je dosť iných ciest.

Tak veľa iných ciest.

what is it about hellsing and elfen lied that they are people's first anime?

>Is that the first one, where Ichigo goes to save Rukia?
yes, right now watching the execution part, shit's so fucking hype
>couldn't stick with One Piece since every fight took over ten episodes and was all about yelling and crying
same here, dropped it because of
>muh friendship

Zlodejov je také kvantum
že si kradnú navzájom.
Boh sa túla iba sám tu
a hľadá si podnájom.

V daždi šuštia vkladné knižky.
Na toto sa čakalo.
Dobrú noc nám dajú líšky,
dobrú noc nám šakalom.

Kašli drahá na slzy,
Odvlečiem ťa do herne.
Ľudia vôbec nie sú zlí,
len ľudstvo je príšerné.

Prváci si v kvetináčoch
nasadili marišku
Nik nečaká Niet už na čo
Koniec sveta nablízku.

Holohlaví pred kostolom
upálili anjela
Dobre že vraj už raz bolo
diabol vodku nalieva.

Zem pradávnych sĺnk
v chladnom tieni tajomstiev
na mapách jej dávno niet
Zem pradávnych sĺnk
nepoznáš jej žalospev
more nevydá viac ten svet
Pod hladinou spí kameň s tvárou naveky
v nehybnom tieni rias
a milenci sú si v tej hĺbke ďalekí
s rukou sa míňa vlas

Len more cez brány čias
ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
more cez brány čias von vynáša stĺpy vĺn

Zem stratených sĺnk v oknách blúdia oči rýb
tam hlboko niet kam ujsť
zem stratených sĺnk v oknách blúdia oči rýb
hľadajú klúč od úst
Pod hladinou spí kameň tvár a testament
v nehybnom tieni rias
čas zostal tu stáť očami hviezd sa díva svet
v tej hĺbke je niečo z nás

Len more cez brány čias
ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
more cez brány čias von vynáša stĺpy vĺn

Zem pradávnych sĺnk
v chladnom tieni tajomstiev
na mapách jej dávno niet
Zem pradávnych sĺnk
nepoznáš jej žalospev
more nevydá viac ten svet
Pod hladinou spí kameň s tvárou naveky
v nehybnom tieni rias
a milenci sú si v tej hĺbke ďalekí
s rukou sa míňa vlas

Len more cez brány čias
ženie na brehy stĺpy vĺn
more cez brány čias von vynáša stĺpy vĺn

Nepovie nám však viac
kde mŕtvi v ňom bývajú
nepovie nám však viac
čo mestá v ňom skrývajú

Nepovie nám však viac
čo mestá v ňom skrývajú

Na prestole sedel kráľ,
múdry Rastislav.
Pred ním biskup s kňazstvom stál
uklonených hláv.
„Richbalde! no, čo je zas?“
nevrle kráľ. „Či už raz
čujem na ľud môj i chválu?“
„Bohužiaľ, nie… pane kráľu!“
zúpel velekňaz.

„Čože? Vari poplatky
neodvádza rád?“
„Nejde zemské o statky
nám… (vhor zvrátil vzhľad):
meško[11] síc’, i tenčí ich;
často žobre kňaz ni mních…
Ľudu dušné o spasenie
reč včuľ!… a v tom chtivý nenie;
ba vzdor javí, pych!“

„Vzdor že? čoviac, pych!… a v čom?“
s podivom kráľ. „Rec
stručne — až som zvedavcom —
Krotký ľud to preds’…“
„Nielen ja, kňaz každý tu
vie mu výtku určitú —
Chrám obchádza, chrám… a v tom vše
tupí spev náš, kázne, omše…
Prosím — záštitu!“

„Obchádza chrám — obrady
tupí? — Žaloba
ťažká!…“ Kráľ sa zahľadí,
húta, lebo dbá,
ako dbal vždy, o svoj ľud.
Vyrkne: „Chvíľkový čajs’ zblud;
vlci do ovčinca radi…
Biskupe! — a vieš tu rady?“
„Viem, ráč stvrdiť v súd…

Do kostolov drábmi nech
poháňaný je —“
„Ach, iď! Pre cnosť páchať hriech?
Tož i na kyje
dôjsť má…?“ „Ak tra, dať mu zniesť…“
„Za zhrdu čo omše?“ „Trest…
smrti bár!“ „Z úst svätca čujem!?
Nedovolím!… Zakazujem!…
Iný spôsob jest —

Hladší spôsob musí byť
jeho nápravy!
Snažte sa s ním súcitiť;
slovom do hlavy
zasvitať mu z jasných strán,
jak, hľa! slnko svieti naň…
Tak do svätýň pôjde iste,
vidiac, že nie cudzinci ste —
Trýzniť? božechráň!“

„Darmo vľúdne pokusy,
pane kráľu, ver!“
biskup, ruky myjúc si —
„Bezbožná to zber…
V Devíne že zamýšľam
vybudovať velechrám:
lotri! — zdvihli ruku-nohu,
šij oproti… proti Bohu!
Kliatbu vyriecť mám —“

„Nuž, a akú príčinu
znáte protivne?“
„Nenávisť! tú jedinú —“
Kráľ zlkal: „Podivné…
Radcovia tu moji, vy —
Zemižízne[12] bedlivý,
znáte ju var’ skôr než títo,
ktorých slepí toto i to…
Zrieť chcem dnu i vne!“

Zemižízeň predniesol:
„Veľký kráľu náš,
posol som či neposol,
ľudu stesk tuť máš
(a ja v tom mu uverím):
spevný národ! — svoj chce rým,
zvuk svoj slýchať, v omši, v piesni…
S pohankou preč! rovno pliesni —“
Biskup: „Nechce — Rím!“

„Nerozumie — tiež si, viem,
cnie — ni kázni vše:
Kristove, k nimž vzbudil zem,
pravdy najvyššie;
nie je — Nemec!“ Biskup: ,Sclav‘…[13]
to jest — otrok!“ „Lužeš! ,Sláv!
Slovák!‘…“ skríkli radní páni.
Hluk; no v búrku zvolal hany:
„Cit!“ kráľ Rastislav.

A hneď kľudne prevraví
k duchovenstvu: „Vám,
vidím, trebným úpravy,
radím — nakladám:
každý — bo, toť, priazne lúč —
našej reči lap sa, uč!…
Nač? — preláte, azda chápeš!
Spurnieš? — Bráni i v tom pápež?
Nedbám: mám už kľúč.

Stôl sem! písať, náčinie…
Biskupe, saď blíž…
Neboj! písmo nevinné;
napovieme, píš: —
,Slávny cáru Michale![14]
Ľud môj trpí zúfale,
hlad-smäd jak kto trpieť môže…
Rád by požil slovo božie;
žriedla — nekalé…

Národ ten tiež prijal krst,
Slávy syn to tiež;
blúdi však, v tmách musí bŕsť:
pre — cudziu reč! vieš —
Západ dvíha pomníky
ku cti Boha; jazyky
veriacich však zhrdnúc Západ,
v chrámoch dá im strádať, kapať…
Úrek veliký![15]

Slýcham, máš tam učených:
našských do písmen
preniesť vládnych knihu kníh…
To by svitol deň
národu! i — Bohu česť!
rozumená — blahovesť…[16]
S radostnou tou blahodaťou
pošli, ó! tých — svetlých bratov…
Dôjdu slávy hviezd!…‘

… Píšeš — správne? Uverím!
so cťou súvisí —:
príjemca bár nie je Rím,
jemuž verný si…
Jak my, bude ti i ľud
vďačný, z bludu trafiac v púť
pravdy; ba za žízne muku
pobozká ti, hej! i ruku…
… U konca list? — Ujď!

Podpísal som. Udrite
veľkú pečať naň…
Zemižízne! — na svite,
a kto ešte?… vstaň!
Leťte v zlatý Carihrad,
kde náš sídli jasný brat…
Posli prídu! temer zemci;
slnko vzíde!… Čo, vy, Nemci?
Do Nemiec! hoc — spať…“

reported for spam

what is going on this week ...

i report him all the time but jannies dont care, fucking niggers

I think they might even enjoy it

uncultured swine
im disapoint in you jozef

I know people who never watched Hellsing of EL, its just random, what you hear about first. Most people start at SA:O or Akame ga Kill

Yeah Ichigo's arrival there is badass as fuck. Just wait when he turns half-hollow though, don't want to spoiler anything more but holy fuck he gets like hundred times stronger

but hey, at least they report you for using "nigger", accidentally showing nipple in a picture, posting one post on /vg/ where you don't mention the game, asking for something related to the subject in a board dedicated to the subject instead of /adv/, asking for picture from an anime in general dedicated to the anime instead of /r/, being racist, talking about any other site than Sup Forums, saying hiroshima was rightful, saying jannies are faggots, or saying nipmoot is a fucking retard

>don't want to spoiler anything
i have seen the whole anime and am up to date with manga, just rewatching my favourite part desu
but yeah, when he goes hollow shit's so cash

>spamming song lyrics
hoď sa do Hrona

post fav cities that arent the capitals


why would you be so cruel to those nice and tolerant people

I love it even more since it also turns him mad. The "guy with a demon inside of him" concept is awesome and they handled it great. I still listen to soundtracks, the spanish fighting music with hollows is frigin awesome.

>SA:O or Akame ga Kill

What are these

pécs looks pretty sexy
does hungary have sexy smaller cities?
we have kremnica
czechs have český krumlov

>The "guy with a demon inside of him" concept is awesome and they handled it great
yeah they managed to pull off some tropes really well
>the spanish fighting music with hollows is frigin awesome
the whole soundtrack is goat imo

Sword Art: Online is the main "people get stuck inside a videogame" anime. Main character is loner wearing all black who fights all the monsters alone to help others get out. That itself is a reason for me to never watch it again.

Akame ge Kill is kind of worth watching, the main "group of superpeople fighting bad empire" anime. Except for being generic as fuck, there isn't nothing really wrong with it.


sexy enough?

We don't have any other city worth mentioning though

liberec is sexy
krumlov is sexy
olomouc is sexy

All utter shit and puke compared to glorious Prague though


Can't they just turn off the water and electricity?

cheap bait, have a (You) for trying



No water and electricity bill is being paid by them

prague is cool but it is becoming more gay every month

why would they it seems some klinika guy bought it so its all legal now

I know like (lets say) 100 people in here and only 3 of them are sluníčkáří, rest is xenophobic islam-hating fucktards.

I know a lot hard core slunickari that are moving to prague from slovakia because its the most progressive city around here they especially love the vegan shops and restaurants

well prague IS the leftie central, but then again, so is every capital city everywhere

>slovakia exporting their lefties now

Capitals are always multikulti, thats literally their purpose. I'm just saying, don't throw us all into one bag, most of Prague is still normal, they just don't go in the streets yelling about it, so you don't hear about them

>We wuz capital.

But eez good no more capital.

I know m8, I live in Praha myself and you are right, it's always the idiots that scream the loudest
it still amazes me when I hear people crying about "dem prague lefties" when it's one of the few regions which regulary elects right wing parties

explain this

he literally just did you retard

do you have brain damage?
can you read?
I know you are obsessed with czechia, but you just come off as dumb shitposter m8

Ypu cant buy what is not for sale

look how many people are there

those are not just prazaci
whenever they make those type of events they get people from all around country and sometimes even from neighboring countries

I know its a lot for you, but there are over 1,6 billion people in Prague and peripheries

Point still stands. When you have a rally of 10 thousand people yelling "yay buttsex" from a country with 10 billion citizens, it doesn't fucking mean all the citizens want buttsex.

billion is miliarda
the second slovak is right tho, there is always shitload of foreigners attending these event
>mfw horde of drunk dutch faggots ride the same metro as I do

>go to /his/
>another >h>r>e thread
Holy fuck that joke is so fucking old, Sup Forums was making it literally ten years ago, can't they find another meme?

I thought there are shitload of foreigners here by default, never noticed them coming for any specific purpose

what’s up with all the chinks in prague?

So what are Steam items for? Is it just "good goy, keep playing our games" reward?


A cute.

>slovakian greatest national hero was a thief and murderer
you cant make this shit up

>national hero
nice meme, Štefánik is imo our national hero

>be polish
>"god i love the great hero of poland janosik, stole from the rich gave to the poor. he was such a chad"
>realize janosik is slovak
>"he was a murdering theif anyway"



Why do you speak English? I thought that east slavs could understand each other


magyars exist

węgrzy cant

hungarians aren't in slavic language group
>east slavs

but you don't really understand polish that much either do you


if it’s written i understand it pretty well i think

I haven't slept

They are tolerant toward their eastern imigrants

>I haven't slept
go sleep then

I don't think Slovakians, Poles and Czechs can understand it other very well if the differences between the languages are the same as Italian, Spanish, French, etc. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I miss times when those cards went for euro each. you could buy a games with money you made on them

poland seems like the best country

Also how hard is it to get a gun in Czechia? I heard they had pretty good gun laws.

>differences between the languages are the same as Italian, Spanish, French
not really

nyet u go sleep byldo

I can sort of understand written Italian though. Spanish is really close to Portuguese, French is a disaster. checked btw

okej, i go to bed nao

fuck u don't talk about the French language in that way cunt your an disaster

I still make some monies with them, like 10€ a month. Not much but enough to have some spare cash in my steam wallet

rude desu

*hides under your bed*