What's the best way to browse Sup Forums on mobile? the website through a browser? or is there an app that's better?

what's the best way to browse Sup Forums on mobile? the website through a browser? or is there an app that's better?

1. don't
2. fuck off mobileposter

stop shitposting

why does everyone assume it's inherently wrong to post from a mobile device?

1. This is a SFW board, that is clearly NSFW
2. The browser is pretty lackluster
3. Use clover/dashchan.

don't reply to my posts idiot
actually just get out of my thread ur not aloud

Can i be aquiet?

They assume that people with mobile phones must go outside instead of sitting in their mom's basement waiting for tendies

Don't browse the mobile site if you don't have an adblocker. The ads Hiro put up are intrusive as fuck. If you have to post from your phone, (assuming it's an Android and you download F-Droid), get Clover. Or find the latest pre-play stor takedown version (2.2.0) on an APK site.

Or use Mimi or something.

Because they are edgelords. If you seriously not consider the shit that gets written here, and just take it for granted, you should reconsider your life.


Because mobileposters are 100% garbage, like yourself.

you can just download the latest clover apk from the F-Droid website


Because XD my secret Sup Forums club. But really I post in bed on my phone all the time fuck the autismos

when are we getting a filter for this?

But we don't need to

yes we do, it's a huge problem

Clover is objectively the best
They say that if you report bugs by opening a Sup Forums thread with FLOOOOOOOOOOENS in it he will respond
Also mobileposting is great as it allows me to continue while on the shitter

The one valid complaint against phoneposters is they can quickly change their IPs to avoid bans.

Somehow I'm aware that it's an NSFW board. However, this happens so often that I'd never even think about opening Sup Forums at work.

What board are you from, you degenerate?

go back to Sup Forums moron

Sup Forums is kill

I have a tab of mlpol open right now, fucko
I'm in Sup Forums 90% of my Sup Forums time in the past 12 years though :^)

>browsing 4chen while on the go

literally why?
mobilefigs gtfo

good, maybe they'll delete the whole board next

For you.

If you could An hero that would be great.

Sup Forums dying is not a good thing though
It's a containment board for a reason

it obviously doesn't work as a containment board so what's the difference

pol is turning into old pol, not dying

>tfw no thicc Japanese gf


They're typically consumers instead of creators

as if people posting from desktops are any different
literally nothing but gpu wars and benchmark posting from gaymers

How do I use it? It says there are no extensions installed a just displays a white screen.

>This is a SFW board, that is clearly NSFW
no nip or cunt

After looking at the pics ITT I started wondering why is the whole "chibi loli" thing so popular in Japan recently. Are they getting fatter like Americans? Or is it just another random fetish that became popular?
And then it hit me - the only way for Japanese girls to have reasonable tits is to become fat.

Yeah I have that as my desktop background at work, my boss REALLY likes it and says "Thank you for choosing a work appropriate background good thiong there's no nips or cunt" yehaH hhahah IDIOT THATS NOT SAFE FOR THE WORKPLACE!

OPs girl isn't fat though?

she definitely could be classified as chubby, especially in japan

you can easily tell it's just her body type, it doesn't look like she has much fat on her at all

That applies to all women einstein, girls with big racks typically grew up chubby

I know a girl that's fat and flat at the same time

that's awful

nice chains


lmao do you seriously expect anyone to read all that

Gotta hand it to the Japs. There lewd photo shoots are a lot classier and more subtle then whatever overly photoshopped and airbrushed monstrosity we come up with.

>There lewd photo shoots are a lot classier and more subtle
They're repetitive to the degree where I want to puke.

tl;dr version for illiterate faggots like you:

Phoneposters are less likely to post quality content because of the limitations of a smartphone as opposed to a laptop/PC. Also phoneposters can evade bans more easily, thus attracting more faggots.

bad taste

>"bad taste"
>unironically likes Asians

Asians are literally the only attractive race

I use clover to look at /c/ in bed.

the irony :^)

For asians, yes. If you're exclusively into asians when you're not asian yourself, it means that you're actually just a social retard that never leaves his home to interact with people outside.

your dumb

so don't browse taiwanise sticking forum at work

do you work

Looks like a nip to me


( . Y . )

>lurking Sup Forums at work
What the fuck are you thinking?

No, they're not. The things being posted in this thread are dolled up to look cute. The average asian is some flat faced fuck with the personality and looks of a potato.

And this one looks like a chink

your dumb

I didn't realize yellow fever made people lose their grammatical skills. You poor gook loving bastard.

your still dumb

They're also addicted to plastic surgery over in the asias.

that's only worst korea

Go lick your nip idol's gooch you autist. Asians are fucking ugly on average and only the ones that are so obessed with Europeans that they spend their sweatshop earnings on plastic surgery to look more Caucasian can be even remotely considered "pretty" by some.

your still dumb

China and japan too. Mostly to remove the double eyelid and jaw line reconstruction. Reshaping the entire skull is a korean pastime.

what's her name or nickname?


Ching chong ling xing.

she doesn't look chinese

ah, i've found her, sorry mates

Plastic surgery makes any gook like the same kind of dolled up brick.

Just installed clover pretty comfy

what's her name?

It'd kill you to post it, wouldn't it?

your still dumb

Bololi 波萝社Vol.019 猫九酱Sakura小草莓猫九沙漠

Quick reverse image search got me 'Bololi'

Why does everyone always recommend Clover? I use Overchan, which is fast, has a dark theme and you can add other imageboards.

>other imageboards
>implying there are any others worth using

cause Sup Forums has shit taste, probly.

You're still attracted to androgynous looking, potato faced, suicidal slants. Have fun playing guessing games of whether the gook you're looking at is a guy or a girl. Assuming female infanticide in Asia is not still prevalent then there may be some girls left. Cheers faggot.

your still dumb

bololi is a tag for jav

The before pic looks more Caucasian though.


Depends on what you want, really.
I had more text, but I don't know what I was supposed to edit, since it wasn't spam...


I actually don't work or even browse Sup Forums, I trolled both of you so hard. LOL!