
Hey there. This is EarthCode. It's a platform for programmers to share their creations with everybody else. We are currently trying to build a comunity and thought you guys might have interest :)

What do you think?

(Sorry if we annoyed you.)

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh, I forgott:

Sooo.. like codepen?

The site is more based on patreon, because people can donate for the code and honestly, I don't know that site.

I would give the denizens of Sup Forums a wide berth my good man/woman/trans-it.

Not that you won't find and decent programmers here, it's just you won't find any "decent" programmers here as they're all a bunch of basement dwelling, socially inadequate, loli liking, anime watching, unwashed bunch of paedorists.

Do you really want this type of scum on your team?


Codepen is essentially a code sharing/building site that supports html/css/js with a live preview.

Is there a reason you didn't use a framework for dev/design? If you want people to use your site it needs to look ok and not like Stallman's personal site.

Erm... No.
1. We have everything
2. is not for testing, but for giving Programs away.

I already hate it.

hey mate, just wanna say you're projecting a lot.

and you write like a massive twat

just a friendly reminder

people don't spend a dime on cheap software, I don't see how they'd give a programmer money

If you want to create some international community, then you could make sure that your users don't use German when creating their software descriptions.

It's pricks like you I was talking about.

And your unironic use of the phrase "spend a dime" made me throw my shit posting tablet across the room at the basement wall.

Now go fuck your clown shoes you Yank cunt.

Haha what's up with the autism-powered hate for "spend a dime"?

give me 132€ and I buy a second website . :P

Well, Sorry for that. But this might lead to the user leaving the site (Which - at this point - would be quite fatal), so I put a disclaimer infront of it.

What should they write it in, then? Chinese?

Well, at least more people would understand it then.

What about english? Read the Upload Contract :P

German is a more international language than English.

I would not agree on that.

English is a multinational language.
German is a language that transcends nationality.
Infinity is better than two.

Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Oh and don't forgett those countries in which germany is widely spread because of german tourists.

German is the one with infinity you idiot.


Thank you for writing down my thoughts.

Deutsch ist immer besser! Das steht doch nicht zur Diskussion!

La ferme le schleu. Même la langue de Moliere est plus internationale que ton patois.

Ääähhh. Wenn du weiter so sprichst, dass der Googleübersetzer es nicht übersetzen kann, werden wir wieder in euer Land einfallen! Blitzkrieg!

Bonjour Jean Piere Arschloch,
Tu es un putain



Das Leben ist wie Frankreich, da muss man durch.....
Jeder Stoß ein Franzos!

Werter Herr,

Sie haben einen vorzüglichen Humor! Reicht fast an den guten Graph ficken!

Ihr deutscher Deutsche,

Meine Mama und mein Papa, die meinen beide ich sei behinder, aber das ist Schwachsinn.... Ich bin cool, aber...

You wot mate?

Aber was?

Dumme Fotze alldah

Gib doch einfach zu, dass du deutsch bist! Allein schon der Fakt, dass du eine DEUTSCHE Domain hast, verrät dich. Sei stolz DEUTSCH zu sein!

Ja Hail du Deutscher Hitler

fuck off

go shill on reddit

wallah ich stech deine mutta ab!!!!11!

Ja genau du Mulluk hals maul sonst mach ich deine Muttah messa von hinten

Du solltest mehr und härter beleidigen...

Im Netze muss man härter sein!

Auf dem Bild ist mein Wohnzimmer zu sehen!

Ich bin ein Apfel

Heul nicht rum.

Nicht Penis von hinten?

Ich bin krass

Was ist denn hier los?

Ich habe keine Ahnung.

Wir versuchen die deutsche Sprache auch ins Netz zu bringen. Nur Englisch ist doch langweilig.

Man soll nicht lügen.

Not sure what this does.

- wants registration (immediately hate any site that wants registration)
- about page all in German
- something about 'giving away free' though I can just give away on Github/Gitlab
- ????
- profit

What are you doing to prevent Pajeets from infiltrating your site and begging for homework answers?

Dafür ist die Seite doch da!
Ich verstehe das Konzept auch nicht ganz. Diese Seite möchte nur irgendwie an Geld ran.

This is advanced autism. Bordering aspergers, maybe?
