What does Sup Forums use when designing electronics?

What does Sup Forums use when designing electronics?
You do design your own equipment, right?

Kicad for circuit design and Logisim for simulation, mostly because I'm too much of a poorfag to spend thousands of dollars on anything else

Eagle, Microcap and Memeduino Ide.

>Proprietary software.
But why?

some old ass eagle.

Sufficient for the crap I'm making.

Altium for PCB Design and Cadence PSpuce for simulation, because my Uni pays for those programs, otherwise eagle and LTSpice

Same here

Almost all programs are identical it's really just a matter of what people learned first. I use Eagle 7.7 for pcb design and Ltspice for testing. Want to learn kicad now that eagle shilled out.

foss alternatives are just not comparable

There is not a single Foss Application with the same functionality as Altium, Cadence, Mentor, and so on. Just look at KiCad you can't compare it to any of these KiCad is not even on par with eagle and eagle is already one of the worst programs because its fucking old. You can't design complex electronics with these.

Kicad, haven't had any issues with 4 layer boards and matched differential pairs.


>What does Sup Forums use when designing electronics?
EagleCAD free version.


Free Eagle for whatever, exports well for the shit boardhouses I use.

just eagle, but I don't do that much of it

I use Eagle. I want to learn Altium for PCB design.
For analog circuit simulation I use an online simulator.

For firmware programming I use Kinetis Design Studio for a couple of Freescale MCUs and ARM Mbed for a STM32 Nucleo I have.

As nigger cattle as it gets.

>analog circuit simulation

> Multisim

my nigga


Now what do you use when actually drawing PCBs?

Kicad works wonders and it has none of the bullshit DLC that Eagle has, plus its easy to create components or import them.

Can someone design ASIC cryptominers?

Altium Designer. Nothing beats it.

Nice variable HV converter.

>Now what do you use when actually drawing PCBs?
use the included schematic to pcb program.

Did they ever make an affordable version of Altium or does everyone just pirate it? Last I looked it was like $10k/year for the shittiest license.

>Nice variable HV converter.
its similar to the one all over the net using the 555 chip but wanted to use only discrete transistors since i've got lots of them.

I was wondering why didn't you use 555 timer.

Too bad about its efficiency thou.
Still, good enough for driving small nixies and what not.

Does eagle even have p&s routing?

Do you guys design toys and shit?
Could you guys make the next RaspPi competitor?

Kicad, can't afford Altium license or Eagle monthly subscription

Not worth it imo, it's more interesting to make your own version for personal use

Kicad. Doing a batch of boards right now.

Eagle. I've really got to learn Altium soon. The only hardware design job I've had was ten years ago when Eagle was still popular with professionals so I learned it and kept using it for personal projects. Now every professional PCB designer uses Altium and treats me like an infantile old man.

ltSPICE almost exclusively. If I can't build it there first, it isn't worth fabrication.

I don't, I just start doing it
designing is dumb

You must at least use pen and paper, right?